




Minecraft Java版 22w46a 发布

sky_tianle 2022-11-17 01:18:44 版本资讯 阅读 659


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Minecraft 快照 22W46A

A Minecraft Java Snapshot
Minecraft Java版 快照

We are now releasing snapshot 22w46a for Minecraft 1.19.3 with playable mob sounds added as an experimental feature, changes to the spawning of Nether mobs, improvements for telemetry data and several technical improvements.
我们现已发布 Minecraft 1.19.3 的 22w46a 快照,加入了 可播放的生物音效 作为一项新的实验性特性,对下界生物的生成做出了一些修改,对遥测数据做出了一些改进,以及一些技术性改进。

Happy mining!

22W46A 中新的实验性特性

  • Books in Chiseled Bookshelf can be added or removed from any slot by targeting the specific slot
  • 通过指向特定槽位,现可将书放入到雕纹书架中的任意槽位,或从任意槽位中移除


  • When placing a Mob Head on a Note Block, that Note Block will now play one of the ambient sounds of that mob when played by a player or powered by Redstone
  • 将生物头颅放置在音符盒上方,若由玩家或红石信号驱动发声,音符盒将会播放这种生物的一种环境音效


  • Piglins will now drop their heads when killed by a charged Creeper
  • 被闪电苦力怕击杀时,猪灵将会掉落其头颅
  • Placing the Piglin head on a Noteblock will play one of the Piglin’s ambient sounds
  • 将猪灵头颅放置再音符盒上,将会播放猪灵的环境音效
  • The Piglin head will flap its ears when powered by redstone, or when worn by a player while walking
  • 被红石信号驱动或被玩家佩戴并行走时,猪灵头颅将会拍打耳朵

22W46A 的修改内容

  • In the Nether dimension Endermen, Skeletons and Wither Skeletons now only spawn at light level 7 and below (instead of 11 and below)
  • 在下界维度,末影人、骷髅和凋灵骷髅现在仅会在亮度 7 及以下生成 (而非亮度 11 及以下)
    • This is intended to nerf certain portal-based mob farms
    • 此项调整旨在削弱一些基于传送门的生物农场
    • We welcome feedback on this
    • 欢迎就此提出反馈

  • Added new top textures for Block of Bamboo and Block of Stripped Bamboo
  • 为竹块和去皮竹块添加了新的顶部纹理
  • Bamboo Plank texture has been tweaked to match the same tiling pattern as other plank variants
  • 对竹板纹理进行了一些调整,以与其他木板类变体保持类似的分块花纹


  • Reordered Redstone tab based on feedback
  • 根据反馈,将红石物品组下的物品进行了重新排序
  • Added Rails to the Tools & Utilities tab next to Minecarts
  • 将铁轨添加到了工具物品组中矿车的旁边

22W46A 的技术性修改

  • Blocks carried by Endermen now use loot tables to generate drops when killed
  • 末影人被击杀时,其持有的方块将使用战利品表来生成掉落物
  • Changes to texture loading and stitching
  • 对纹理加载和拼接做出了修改
  • Translation files and pack.mcmeta are now including non-ASCII characters (encoded as UTF-8) directly instead of using escape sequences
  • 翻译文件和 pack.mcmeta 现可直接包含以 UTF-8 编码的非 ASCII 字符,而非使用转义序列
  • Added new Telemetry Events
  • 添加了新的遥测事件


This release includes the WorldUnloaded event, a required event, as well as several opt-in events. Diagnostic tracking is a tool that helps us understand what you like about Minecraft, which allows us to make those things better.
此版本包含了 WorldUnloaded 事件,一项必要事件,以及一些可选择加入的事件。诊断工具可以帮助我们了解你喜欢 Minecraft 的哪些内容,这将会允许我们在未来做得更好。

The reason that WorldUnloaded, along with WorldLoaded, is a required event is that the information we’re looking at is, well, required. As a part of Xbox, we all need to follow a standard of practice, you can find a detailed description of it here . The parameters for what data we consider to be critical to our work are set by our team at Mojang Studios in alignment with Xbox.
WorldUnloaded 和 WorldLoaded 是必要事件的原因是,我们正关注的信息需要这些事件。作为 Xbox 的一部分,我们都需要遵循一项实践标准,你可以在 这里 找到一份详细的说明。这些我们认为对我们的工作至关重要的数据的参数由我们在 Mojang Studio 的团队和 Xbox 共同制定。

What we want to find out is how fun you think Minecraft is. There are lots of ways to figure that out, like feedback, playtests, experience, and magic. We want to add data to that mix, which is where WorldLoaded and WorldUnloaded come in. WorldLoaded measures when you boot a session up, and WorldUnloaded measures when you shut it down. Together, they will measure how fun Minecraft is, using metrics such as playtime and the game modes that players choose to play. That’s it. All the data we collect, whether it’s required or opt-in, follows GDPR and CCPA best practices to keep your information safe.
我们想要知道的是,你认为 Minecraft 究竟有多好玩。我们有很多办法来得到这一指标,例如用户反馈、游玩测试、亲身体验,甚至还有魔法。我们想要把数据也加进来,这就是 WorldLoaded 和 WorldUnloaded 所发挥的作用。WorldLoaded 将在会话启动时开始测量,而 WorldUnloaded 会在会话终止时开始测量。把这两项放在一起,就可以通过游玩时间、玩家选择的游戏模式等等测量出 Minecraft 究竟有多么有趣。就是这样了。无论是必要的还是可选的,我们收集到的数据都会遵循 GDPR 和 CCPA 的最佳实践,来保障您的信息安全。
The rest of the current telemetry events are opt-in, which means that you can choose whether or not you want to send us additional data. The only players that can’t opt-in are Microsoft child accounts, but everyone can still send in all of their feedback to feedback.minecraft.net .
目前其余的遥测事件均为可选,这意味着你可以选择是否向我们发送这些额外的数据。唯一不能选择是否发送可选择加入数据的玩家是微软儿童账户,但所有人依然可以将反馈发送到 feedback.minecraft.net

Just like all the thoughts and comments we get from you on our feedback site, this is something that greatly helps us improve Minecraft. We want to make a game that you want to play, so we want to know what that game needs. Even if it’s more lava.
正如我们从反馈站点得到你们的想法与评论那样,这将会极大地帮助我们改进 Minecraft。我们想要制作一款你想要游玩的游戏,所以我们想要知道这样的游戏究竟需要什么。就算是更多岩浆也好。


  • Added Telemetry Data Collection Screen
  • 添加了遥测数据收集界面
    • This screen displays information about the type of data that is sent
    • 此界面将展示与已发送的数据类型有关的信息
    • The level of data sent can be controlled between “Minimal” and “All”
    • 所发送数据的等级可在 “最小” 和 “全部” 间选择
      • “Minimal” sends only the required data
      • “最小” 仅发送必要数据
      • “All” sends the required data, as well as optional data
      • “所有” 将会发送必要数据和可选数据

    • The default data level is “Minimal” (only the required data)
    • 默认数据等级为 “最小” (仅必要数据)

  • Every telemetry event sent from the client is now logged to disk
  • 每项由客户端发送的遥测事件现在都会记录在磁盘中
    • Old log files are removed after 7 days
    • 旧的日志文件会在 7 天后移除
    • These can be found under the logs/telemetry directory
    • 这些文件可在 logs/telemetry 目录下找到
      • A shortcut to this directory is available via the “Open My Data” button on the Telemetry Data Collection screen
      • 访问此目录的快捷方式是遥测数据收集界面中的 “打开我的数据”


  • Added WorldUnloaded event
  • 添加了 WorldUnloaded 事件
  • Removed client Java version from the WorldLoaded event
  • WorldLoaded 事件中移除了客户端 java 版本


Understanding how Minecraft is played allows us to focus game updates and improvements on the areas that are most relevant to players.
The data that tells us this includes game mode, client or server modded status, and game version.

了解到玩家如何游玩 Minecraft 有助于我们关注与玩家最相关的游戏更新和改进。

WorldLoaded & WorldUnloaded are two paired events that calculate how long the world session has lasted (in seconds and ticks).
Data from WorldLoaded is sent when a world is launched, and data from WorldUnloaded is sent when a world is shut down (quitting to title, disconnecting from a server).

WorldLoadedWorldUnloaded 是一对 (以秒数和时间刻) 计算世界会话持续时长的事件。
来自 WorldLoaded 的数据会在游戏世界加载时发送,来自 WorldUnloaded 的数据会在游戏世界被关闭时发送 (退出到主界面,与服务器断开连接)。


  • Added PerformanceMetrics and WorldLoadTimes events
  • 添加了 PerformanceMetricsWorldLoadTimes 事件


Knowing the overall performance profile of Minecraft helps us tune and optimize the game for a wide range of machine specifications and operating systems.
通过了解 Minecraft 的整体性能,可以帮助我们针对不同的设备规格和操作系统,来对游戏做出调整和优化。

The periodic performance metrics includes data such as frame-rates, rendering performance, memory usage, operating system, and the modded status of the client and server.

Game version is included to help us compare the performance profile for new versions of Minecraft.
游戏版本也会包含在内,帮助我们比较与新版本 Minecraft 间的整体性能


It’s important for us to understand how long it takes to join a world, and how that changes over time. For example, when we add new features or do larger technical changes, we need to see what impact that had on load times.

This event includes the total time in milliseconds for the world to load, whether this was a new world, as well as game version and platform details.


  • Context: When the game loads all textures used by block and item models need to be stitched (merged) into a single image, called the “atlas”
  • 上下文背景:游戏加载时,所有用于方块和物品模型的纹理需要合并到单个图像中,称为 “atlas”
    • Individual textures that are stitched onto the atlas are called “sprites”
    • 合并到 atlas 中的单个纹理被称为 “sprites”

  • To improve loading performance, block and item textures are now loaded before they are processed by block and item models
  • 为改进加载性能,方块与物品的纹理会在被方块和物品模型处理前加载
    • By default, textures not in the textures/item and textures/block directories will no longer be automatically recognized and will fail to load
    • 默认地,不在 textures/itemtextures/block 目录中的纹理不会被自动识别,不会被加载

  • Resource packs can now have configuration files, located in the atlases directory, that control which images are included in the atlases
  • 资源包现在可以拥有配置文件,位于 atlases 目录,控制 atlas 中包含哪些图像

ATLAS 配置文件

  • New directory atlases is now present for resource packs
  • 为纹理包提供了新的目录 atlases
  • This directory contains JSON entries for configuring atlases:
  • 这个目录包含用于配置 atlases 的 json 文件:
    • blocks - textures used by block and item models
    • blocks - 用于方块和物品模型的纹理
    • banner_patterns, beds, chests, shield_patterns, shulker_boxes, signs - used to render some special-case models
    • banner_patterns, beds, chests, shield_patterns, shulker_boxes, signs - 用于渲染一些特殊的模型
    • mob_effects - textures used for effect icons in the UI
    • mob_effects - 用于 UI 里效果图标的纹理
    • paintings - textures used for paintings
    • paintings - 用于画的纹理
    • particles - textures used for particles (referenced by the textures field in files within the particles directory)
    • particles - 用于粒子效果的纹理 (被 particle 目录里的 texture 引用)

  • If multiple packs include those files, they are merged by their order within the pack (same as tags in data packs)
  • 若多个资源包中均包含这些配置文件,则根据其在纹理包中的顺序将其合并(与数据包中的标记一样)
  • Inside these files is a JSON object with a single list called sources
  • 这些文件内是一个 JSON 对象,包含一个名为 sources 的列表。
    • Every entry in sources runs in during load, in order of definition, adding or removing new files to the texture list; to be later referenced by block models, particles, etc
    • 按照预先定义的顺序, sources 中的每个条目都会在加载时运行,向纹理列表添加或删除新文件,之后会被方块模型、粒子等引用

  • Types of sources:
  • sources 类型:
    • directory - lists all files in a directory and its subdirectories, across all namespaces
    • directory -   跨越所有命名空间,列出所有目录及其子目录中的所有文件
      • source - directory in pack to be listed (relative to textures directory)
      • source - 被列出的包中的目录 (相对于 texture 目录)
      • prefix - string to be appended to the sprite name when loaded
      • prefix - 加载时附加到 sprite 名称前的字符串

    • single - adds a single file
    • single - 添加一个单独的文件
      • resource - location of a resource within the pack (relative to textures directory, implied .png extension)
      • resource - 资源包包中资源的位置(相对于 texture 目录,隐含 .png 扩展名)
      • sprite - sprite name (optional, defaults to resource)
      • sprite - sprite 的名字(可选, 默认是 resource)

    • filter - removes sprites matching the given pattern
    • filter - 移除与所给模式匹配的 sprites
      • namespace, path - patterns (regular expressions, regex) of ids to be removed (only works for entries already in the list)
      • namespace, path - 要删除 ID 的模式(正则表达式,只适用于列表中存在的条目)
        • If omitted, any value will be matched
        • 若省略,则匹配任意值

    • unstitch - copies rectangular regions from other images
    • unstitch - 从其他的图像复制矩形区域
      • resource - location of a resource within the pack (relative to textures directory, implied .png extension)
      • resource - 资源包中资源的位置(相对于 texture 目录,隐含 .png 扩展名)
      • divisor_x, divisor_y - used for determining the units used by regions
      • divisor_x, divisor_y - 用于确定 regions 所用的单位
      • regions - list of regions to copy from the source image
      • regions - 从 source 图片复制的区域的列表
        • sprite - sprite name
        • sprite - sprite 的名字
        • x, y - coordinates of the top-left corner of the region
        • x, y - 区域左上角的坐标
        • width, height - size of the region
        • width, height - 区域大小

      • Values such as x are transformed to real image coordinates via dividing by their divisor, and then multiplying by the real image size
      • x 这种值通过除以除数,然后再乘以真实的图像的大小,就可转换为真实的图像的坐标

  • Example: if a pack has a file named assets/test/textures/fancy/iridium.png and source is {"type": "directory", "source": "fancy", "prefix": "custom/"}, the texture will be available in models as test:custom/iridium
  • 例:若某资源包有一个文件命名为 assets/test/textures/fancy/iridium.png ,且其 source 是 {"type": "directory", "source": "fancy", "prefix": "custom/"},此纹理可在模型中通过 test:custom/iridium 的形式使用


  • New command: fillbiome
  • 新命令:fillbiome
  • New execute sub-command: execute if|unless biome
  • 为命令 execute 添加了新的子命令 execute if|unless biome


Changes biome entries for an area. Note that biomes are not stored per-block, so affected positions may not match input precisely.


fillbiome <from> <to> <biome>
fillbiome <from> <to> <biome>


  • from: One corner of the area to fill
  • from: 选择的要填充的区域第一个角落
  • to: The other corner of the area to fill
  • to: 此区域另一个角落
  • biome: The biome to set
  • biome: 要填充的生物群系


Execute commands can now be conditional on biomes.
命令 Execute 现在可以将生物群系用作条件

Syntax: execute if|unless biome <pos> <biome>
语法:execute if|unless biome <pos> <biome>

22W46A 修复的漏洞

  • MC-121865 - High potion effect durations being displayed as : is misleading
  • MC-121865 - 长效药水效果剩余时间显示为“**:**”易引起误导
  • MC-147605 - Text cursors can exist in multiple fields
  • MC-147605 - 文本光标可以同时出现在多个输入框里
  • MC-151412 - “Edit Server Info” window does not focus “Server Name” text field automatically
  • MC-151412 - 打开“编辑服务器信息”窗口时不会自动聚焦“服务器名称”文本框
  • MC-187539 - “tick” function tag runs before “load” instead of the other way around
  • MC-187539 - tick 函数标签总是先于 load 运行
  • MC-205563 - Endermen holding powder snow drop a powder snow bucket when killed
  • MC-205563 - 杀死手持细雪的末影人时掉落的是细雪桶
  • MC-209621 - Endermen holding potted plants do not drop the pot nor the plant
  • MC-209621 - 杀死手持盆栽植物的末影人时花盆和植物都不会掉落
  • MC-221722 - Squids use the new texture when using Programmer Art
  • MC-221722 - 使用“Programmer Art”纹理包时鱿鱼仍然采用新纹理
  • MC-222099 - Endermen holding candle cakes do not drop the candle or the cake upon being killed
  • MC-222099 - 杀死手持插上蜡烛的蛋糕的末影人时蜡烛和蛋糕都不会掉落
  • MC-233042 - Server Address field isn’t focused when Direct Connection menu is opened
  • MC-233042 - 打开“直接连接”菜单时不会自动聚焦“服务器地址”文本框
  • MC-234029 - You cannot hold any key to rapidly navigate between elements quickly after opening the inventory
  • MC-234029 - 打开物品栏过后就无法再通过任何按键来在界面元素间快速切换
  • MC-234161 - You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the “Optimize World” menu
  • MC-234161 - 在优化世界界面中按住 Tab 键无法快速切换选中按钮
  • MC-234240 - You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the “Superflat Customization” menu
  • MC-234240 - 在超平坦自定义界面中按住 Tab 键无法快速切换选中按钮
  • MC-234408 - You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the “Reset world” realms menu
  • MC-234408 - 在Realms的重置世界界面中按住 Tab 键无法快速切换选中按钮
  • MC-234409 - You cannot hold any key to rapidly execute the same function in the “World options” realms menu
  • MC-234409 - 无法在 Realms 的“世界选项”菜单中按任何按键来重复执行相同操作
  • MC-234572 - You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the “Delete Server” menu
  • MC-234572 - 在移除服务器确认界面中按住 Tab 键无法快速切换选中按钮
  • MC-234621 - You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the “remove player” realms menu
  • MC-234621 - 在Realms的移除玩家确认界面中按住 Tab 键无法快速切换选中按钮
  • MC-234782 - You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the “Close realm” realms menu
  • MC-234782 - 在Realms的关闭确认界面中按住 Tab 键无法快速切换选中按钮
  • MC-234846 - You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the “switch world” realms menu
  • MC-234846 - 在Realms切换世界的菜单中按住 Tab 键无法快速切换选中按钮
  • MC-234904 - You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the “Data Packs” menu
  • MC-234904 - 在数据包菜单中按住 Tab 键无法快速切换选中按钮
  • MC-248926 - Setting “spectatorsGenerateChunks” to false and relogging freezes the game on the Loading Terrain screen
  • MC-248926 - 禁用 spectatorsGenerateChunks 游戏规则并重新加载世界会使游戏卡在加载地形的界面
  • MC-249059 - Loading terrain screen cannot close before 2 seconds have passed
  • MC-249059 - 加载地形的界面不能在 2 秒内关闭
  • MC-250262 - Players sometimes get stuck on the “Loading terrain…” screen after switching dimensions whilst dead
  • MC-250262 - 玩家死亡时切换维度后有时候会卡在加载地形的界面
  • MC-256308 - “limit” selector parameter with “arbitrary” sorting does not stop searching early
  • MC-256308 - 带有“arbitrary”排序的“limit”选择器参数没有提前停止搜索
  • MC-256472 - Camels aren’t required for the “Two by Two” advancement
  • MC-256472 - 完成“成双成对”进度不需要繁殖骆驼
  • MC-256509 - Heads and Skulls are placed backwards
  • MC-256509 - 生物头颅会背向玩家放置
  • MC-256510 - Using a glow ink sac on a hanging sign does not grant the advancement “Glow and Behold!”
  • MC-256510 - 对悬挂式告示牌使用荧光墨囊不能达成“眼前一亮!”进度
  • MC-256669 - Crafting recipe for bamboo hanging signs is unlocked by having any stripped log
  • MC-256669 - 悬挂式竹告示牌的合成配方会在获得任意去皮原木时解锁
  • MC-256878 - You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the “Edit draft chat report” menu
  • MC-256878 - 在编辑聊天举报草稿界面中按住 Tab 键无法快速切换选中按钮
  • MC-256882 - Bats fly in the perched position and vertical movement is not smooth
  • MC-256882 - 蝙蝠只在栖息处飞行,并且其垂直运动不连贯
  • MC-256935 - Long player names within the “Select Chat Messages to Report” menu can extend past the scroll bar
  • MC-256935 - “选择要举报的聊天消息”界面中过长的玩家名称会越过滚动条的位置
  • MC-256993 - End crystal knockback bug
  • MC-256993 - 末地水晶在高于玩家足部的位置也会对其造成向上的击退
  • MC-257073 - You cannot hold the TAB key to navigate between buttons quickly in the “Experimental Features Warning” menu
  • MC-257073 - 在实验性功能警告界面中按住 Tab 键无法快速切换选中按钮
  • MC-257105 - The walking animation of frogs and camels doesn’t play when they are moving slowly
  • MC-257105 - 青蛙和骆驼缓慢移动时不会播放行走动画
  • MC-257113 - Ender dragon, wither, snow golem and iron golem spawn eggs from before 1.13 do not convert properly
  • MC-257113 - 1.13前的版本中的末影龙、凋灵、雪傀儡和铁傀儡刷怪蛋不能正确转换
  • MC-257114 - Incoherency: A random seed is already generated on the “Create New World” seed text field screen despite the “Leave blank for a random seed” label
  • MC-257114 - 不一致问题:尽管标签写着“留空以生成随机种子”,但“创建新的世界”的种子文本框已经生成了一个随机种子。
  • MC-257188 - You aren’t prompted that your draft reports will be discarded upon disconnecting from worlds by using the “Title Screen” button within the death screen
  • MC-257188 - 在死亡界面通过“返回标题画面”按钮断开连接不会提示举报草稿将被丢弃
  • MC-257266 - Entities sink or fall through snow when it accumulates while the “snowAccumulationHeight” gamerule is set to any value greater than 1
  • MC-257266 - 游戏规则 snowAccumulationHeight 的值大于1时,站在雪上的实体会在积雪时下陷
  • MC-257329 - Right-hand side tabs in the creative inventory are misaligned
  • MC-257329 - 创造模式物品栏右侧的标签页未正确对齐
  • MC-257334 - Stacked items do not show creative inventory tab label
  • MC-257334 - 堆叠的物品不会在悬浮提示中显示其所属的创造模式物品栏标签页
  • MC-257354 - Messages sent by the hosts of LAN worlds are now considered unverified and cannot be reported
  • MC-257354 - 由局域网世界主机发出的消息被视为“未验证”且无法举报
  • MC-257355 - The “Social Interactions” menu now falsely claims that there are no reportable messages for given players
  • MC-257355 - “社交”界面会错误显示对于特定的玩家没有可举报的消息
  • MC-257378 - Villagers and piglins can’t open or close doors
  • MC-257378 - 村民和猪灵不能开关门
  • MC-257386 - Inventory menu has broken textures with Programmer Art enabled
  • MC-257386 - 启用“Programmer Art”纹理包会导致创造模式物品栏菜单的纹理损坏
  • MC-257401 - Frog walk animation speeds up greatly when tempted by food or chasing slimes
  • MC-257401 - 青蛙被食物引诱或追逐史莱姆时,行走动画会大大加快
  • MC-257410 - “Game Menu” on the pause menu is clickable
  • MC-257410 - 点击暂停菜单上的“游戏菜单”标题会发出点击按钮的音效

【本文来源于MCBBS,原帖链接: www.mcbbs.net/thread-1397102-1-1.html
sky_tianle & 苦力怕553 译自官网 2022 年 11 月 16 日发布的 Minecraft Snapshot 22w46a;原作者 Adrian Östergård


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