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TL; DR 盔甲装饰是盔甲上的图案,起装饰作用。想要给盔甲添加装饰,需要先获得锻造模板,可在 Minecraft 世界各处找到,有些盔甲图案反映了你所寻获模板的地方。总共有 11 种图案,可以染成 10 种颜色。现已在 Java 版快照推出。
Minecraft 1.20 将加入盔甲装饰 (暂译)
Wear your adventures on your sleeve!
The latest Minecraft 1.20 addition is ready to be revealed, so without further ado let me present: armor trims! Armor has always been an important part of Minecraft, mainly because there are so many ways in which you can get hurt. Hostile mobs, steep cliffs, nighttime in general – the list goes on. Armor has protected you for years, and now it’s going from merely functional, to fashionable, too!
最新的 Minecraft 1.20 的内容即将出炉,我们开门见山:盔甲装饰!盔甲是 Minecraft 中很重要的组成部分,主要是因为受伤的方式实在是五花八门。可以被敌对生物打伤,可以从悬崖上摔下来摔伤,晚上出门遭遇意外伤,还有很多很多。盔甲保护了你这么多年,现在也要从单纯的实用走向时尚了!
Armor trims are patterns for your armor that allow you to personalize your armor, add flair, and show off your Overworld travels! They come in 11 different patterns that you can dye in 10 different colors. To trim your armor, you need to hunt down a smithing template - a new required ingredient for making upgrades at the smithing table. These can be found all over the worlds of Minecraft, so get ready for some inter-dimensional adventures if you want a complete set! Some of the armor trims reflect the place where you found the template, for example bastions contain a piglin-inspired trim. Craft your trims on the smithing table, and then dye them using gems and ingots like diamonds, copper, and netherite!
盔甲装饰就是盔甲上的图案,让你的盔甲更有个性、别具一格,还能炫耀你的主世界旅途!总共有 11 种图案,可以染成 10 种颜色。想要给盔甲添加装饰,你需要先获得锻造模板,一种新的可以给锻造台使用的升级材料。这种材料可在 Minecraft 世界的各处找到,所以如果你想集齐一整套的话,就做好跨维度旅行的准备吧!有些盔甲图案反映了你所寻获模板的地方,例如猪灵风格的图案就代表堡垒。在锻造台上打造图案,然后用钻石、铜、下界合金等宝石和铸锭来为其染色!
You’ll be able to try out armor trims in this week’s Java Snapshot. We are working hard to get them into Bedrock betas and previews as soon as possible, so stay tuned to our Twitter channel and Minecraft.net for more information! If you’re new to snaphots, betas, and previews, or you’re not sure how to get them on your game, then check out these instructions for walkthroughs on all platforms.
你可以在本周的 Java 版快照中试用盔甲装饰。我们会尽快将其带到基岩 beta 版和预览版中。请留意我们的推特以及 Minecraft.net 以获取更多信息!如果你刚刚开始尝试快照、beta 版预览版,或者不知道如何获取这些版本,请查看这些指引,里面有对各平台的介绍。

Let’s take a minute to admire the armor trims, but also the secret library that I am still camping out in. This place is awesome, and it has everything a bookworm could want, even a vintage, probably hand-printed magazine – Minecraft.net: The September Issue. This glamorous magazine is filled with Minecraft fashion tips and tricks, including a trendy tell-all with supermodel of the Overworld, Steve.
我们来欣赏一下这些盔甲装饰,还有我们依然身处的秘密图书馆吧。书呆子喜欢的一切都能在里面找到,甚至还有一本古老,甚至是手抄的杂志:《Minecraft.net:九月刊》。这本迷人的杂志满载 Minecraft 的时尚搭配指南,还有主世界超模 Steve 的有关潮流的自述。
I also had no idea that Minecraft.net was once available in print. “Once” might actually be the key word here, which makes it that much more exclusive. Whoever this editor was, they were clearly a fashion genius. Creepers modelling the garments? Couture . Croquis drawn in crayon? Inspired . Lava burns on half the pages? Trés avant-garde.
我都不知道 Minecraft.net 居然曾经出过印刷品。“曾经”这词很关键,使其显得更加独特。不管编辑是谁,他都绝对是时尚界的杰出人物。苦力怕做模特展示服饰?太优雅了!用蜡笔绘成的草图?太精美了!熔岩烧掉了半张纸?太前卫了!
I am going to create an appendix that details the fabulous flair that armor trims are bringing to Minecraft. Have fun creating new fits for yourselves in this week’s Java snapshot and the upcoming Bedrock beta and preview!
我还要写一个附录,细细讲述盔甲装饰给 Minecraft 带来的精彩。在本周的 Java 版快照和即将到来的基岩 beta 版和测试版中,随心打造合乎心意的华衣吧!
【橄榄Chan(aka Olvcpr423) 译自官网 2023 年 01 月 24 日发布的 Armor Trims Coming to Minecraft 1.20;原作者 Sofia Dankis】