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Minecraft Beta & Preview -
Minecraft 基岩版 Beta & Preview
- Please note: Due to unavoidable circumstances, the Android Beta will be delayed until early next week – we apologize for any inconvenience and will have the update out to you as soon as possible!
- 请注意: 由于不可抗力,安卓的 Beta 版将推迟到下周开始时发布 —— 我们为此带来的不便表示歉意,并承诺尽快发布更新!
Now that Minecraft 1.20 has officially been named the Trails & Tales Update, we are going to keep this train going at full speed with a whole slew of new, experimental features and bug fixes coming to Bedrock to this week! Are you ready to explore the cherry grove, a.k.a. the cherry blossom biome? There may be two names for this beautiful place floating around, and we are sorry if this is confusing. Just like the features, their names are also works in progress . Regardless of what you choose to call it, it’s lovely so I would advise you to find it as soon as possible. But that’s not all! While we are not quite ready to add armor trims, we do have changes to decorated pots, suspicious sand, the brush, and the camel. We even have a new “You Died!” screen. So get out there and fling yourself into some lava or stare down a creeper. Don’t forget to send us all your feedback and ideas at aka.ms/MC120Feedback and report any bugs to bugs.mojang.com .
Minecraft 1.20 名称已被正式确定为“足迹与故事” 更新(译名待确定,以实际为准),我们将于未来的一周里在基岩版全速更新崭新的、实验性的特性,并且修复遇到的一切 bug!准备好体验樱树林,或者说,樱花树林了吗?或许确实对这个美丽的树林有着两种称呼,我们很抱歉让它的名字有些歧义。就像游戏内玩法一样,它们的名字现在也在重新规划中。想想看你觉得叫它什么比较好,我们欢迎你告诉我们你做出的决定。但还没有结束!我们还没准备好在游戏内加入盔甲纹饰,但我们目前对饰纹陶罐、可疑的沙子、刷子和骆驼做出了更改。我们甚至推出了全新的 “你死了!” 屏幕。所以快快进入游戏,然后跳熔岩池,或是在苦力怕前找茬。别忘了把你的反馈和想法发送到 aka.ms/MC120Feedback,并且把你遇到的 bug 提交到 bugs.mojang.com。
- Introducing the Cherry Grove biome, with pretty Cherry Blossom trees. You can find it in the mountains, like Meadows
- 添加了樱花树林生物群系,有着漂亮的樱花树。你可以在山地发现它们,就像发现草甸一样
- It has a new flower, Pink Petals, as ground cover, which can be crafted into Pink Dye
- 这个群系的地面上覆有一种新的花,叫作粉红色花簇,它们可以被制成粉色染料
- Pigs, Rabbits, Sheep, and Bees spawn there
- 在这个群系可以自然生成猪、兔子、绵羊和蜜蜂
- Comes with a new wood set for the Cherry Blossom trees
- 在樱花树林里你可以发现并制作全新的木质套组
- Tweaked the Decorated Pot neck based on feedback (MCPE-167168)
- 根据社区反馈,我们调整了饰纹陶罐的颈部 (MCPE-167168)
- With the former pot, we decided that the pot's neck would clip with blocks so it would be extra flexible to build with. However, we've had some Z-fighting issues which means that 2 objects are in the same exact position and this causes flickering. With this new block model we prevent that and the pot looks a little bit more complex!
- 在先前的版本中,我们计划让陶罐的颈部可以嵌入方块,这样就可以更灵活的搭建内饰。然而我们接到了一些有关深度冲突的反馈,其中深度冲突是指 2 个物体在同一个特定的方位上重合,这会导致贴图闪烁。在使用了全新的方块模型后,我们避免了这个问题,并且让陶罐看起来更加精细了一点!
- Decorated Pot no longer provides support for blocks wanting to attach to its side faces (MCPE-167165)
- 饰纹陶罐不再能为放置于其侧面的方块提供支撑 (MCPE-167165)
- Decorated Pot is not stackable in Inventory (MCPE-167223)
- 饰纹陶罐无法在物品栏内堆叠 (MCPE-167223)
- Base recipe for the Decorated Pot now shows up in the Survival recipe book
- 饰纹陶罐的基础配方现在在生存模式的配方书里显示
- Decorated Pot particle is now based on the default Decorated Pot side texture
- 饰纹陶罐的粒子现在取决于饰纹陶罐默认侧边的纹理
- Updated archer Pottery Shard texture
- 更新了弓箭纹样陶片的纹理
- Changed the Brush recipe to use a Feather, Copper Ingot, and Stick (MCPE-167619)
- 刷子的配方现在更改为使用羽毛、铜锭、木棍各一个 (MCPE-167619)
- Breaking animations now work when holding a Brush in third person view (MCPE-167183)
- 在第三人称下手持刷子的破坏动画可以正常显示了 (MCPE-167183)
- Added a slight cooldown for particles and sounds when using the Brush item
- 为使用刷子刷扫物品过程中出现的粒子和音效添加了适量的冷却时间
- Suspicious Sand is no longer waterloggable (MCPE-167222)
- 可疑的沙子现在不再能含水 (MCPE-167222)
- Suspicious Sand now connects to Fence blocks
- 可疑的沙子现在可以与栅栏方块相连
- Suspicious Sand now turns into regular Sand after it's been destroyed with a Brush (MCPE-167166)
- 可疑的沙子在被玩家使用刷子破坏后,现在会变成正常的沙子 (MCPE-167166)
- Suspicious Sand now emits particles when broken by Pistons
- 可疑的沙子现在被活塞破坏时会产生粒子
- Fixed an issue that caused the item inside Suspicious Sand to flicker while brushing (MCPE-167180)
- 修复了一个问题,这个问题导致可疑的沙子被刷子刷扫时闪烁 (MCPE-167180)
- Additionally, blocks that were previously not emitting particles when destroyed by pistons now do! (MCPE-109293, MCPE-126257)
- 此外,之前被活塞破坏时不产生粒子的方块现在都会产生粒子了! (MCPE-109293, MCPE-126257)
- Camels now stop dashing when entering a rideable entity (MCPE-164065)
- 骆驼现在会在可骑乘实体(船、矿车)前停止冲刺 (MCPE-164065)
1.5 格潜行
- The ability to sneak under 1.5 block gaps is now behind the Short Sneak toggle. Enable the toggle to continue to test out the feature while we continue polishing it
- 1.5 格潜行的特性现在当“短暂潜行”启用时可用。 请打开此选项设置以帮助我们测试并完善它
Updated “You Died” experience
Starting today, we’re rolling out some changes to the screen you see when you die in Minecraft. This design is available to everyone in Preview/Beta, except if you have add-ons applied. We’d love to hear what you think! Please share your feedback with us here .
全新的 “你死了!” 游戏体验
从今天开始,我们将对你在 Minecraft 内看到的死亡屏幕做出更改。全新的设计将对 Preview/Beta 版本的所有玩家可用,只要你没有安装附加包。我们想要听听大家的想法!请把你的反馈投递到这里。
Image: Mobile version of the “You died” screen.
图片: 移动设备上的“你死了!”屏幕.
To use the old screen instead, go to Settings -> Video, and turn off ‘New “You Died” Screen (Experimental)’.
想要使用旧的死亡屏幕,请前往设置 -> 视频设置,然后关闭“新的 ‘你死了!’屏幕(实验性的)”。
- Text-to-speech no longer reads previously selected items after moving to new one
- 朗读所选项功能现在不会当移动到新选项时朗读前一个选定的选项
- Text-to-speech no longer gets stuck on reading accessibility tab while the user switches between different tabs
- 朗读所选项功能现在不会当用户切换不同选项卡时重复阅读辅助功能选项
- A glint strength slider that adjusts how transparent the visual glint is on enchanted items has been added to the Accessibility Settings
- 在辅助功能设置内添加了一个闪烁强度滑块,用来调整附魔物品光效的透明度
- A glint speed slider that adjusts how fast the visual glint shimmers across enchanted items has been added to the Accessibility Settings
- 在辅助功能设置内添加了一个闪烁速度滑块,用来调整附魔物品光效闪烁的速度
- Mangrove, Bamboo, and Polished Blackstone buttons are no longer visible on maps
- 红树木、竹和磨制黑石按钮现在于地图上不可见
- Flowers are once again displayed immediately when placed inside a Flower Pot
- 现在花又能在放入花盆的一瞬间就显示出来了
- Fixed the player moving in the wrong direction after exiting a container screen while using a gamepad (MCPE-121565)
- 修复玩家在平板设备上退出容器屏幕时移动方向错误的问题 (MCPE-121565)
- Players can no longer sneak while flying (MCPE-166834)
- 玩家飞行时不再能潜行 (MCPE-166834)
- Fixed an issue where unnecessary black boxes appeared in VR while around partial blocks
- 修复在 VR 设备内不完整方块周围不必要的黑色方框
- Fixed animation transition between swimming and walking (MCPE-166769)
- 修复了游泳与行走之间的动画过渡问题 (MCPE-166769)
- Fixed a bug where command blocks could cause actors within a level chunk to freeze (MCPE-162011)
- 修复了命令方块可能会导致存档区块内的活动对象卡住的问题 (MCPE-162011)
- The health boost effect will no longer fully replenish the player's health after the effect runs out (MCPE-165434)
- 生命提升效果在持续时间结束后不会回满玩家的生命值 (MCPE-165434)
- Fixed ambient cave sounds to no longer play when the player enters or loads into The End (MCPE-141493)
- 修复在玩家到达或加载末地的时候播放洞穴音效的问题,现在不再播放 (MCPE-141493)
- Cooking Chorus Fruit in a Furnace will now generate experience (MCPE-68127)
- 烹饪紫颂果现在会给与经验 (MCPE-68127)
- Nether Portals can now replace blocks other than just air when being generated. This includes blocks such as Grass and Snow layers (MCPE-162272)
- 下界传送门现在能够在生成时替换方块,包括草和雪层等,而不只是空气 (MCPE-162272)
- Light Blocks can no longer have their light levels changed in Survival or Adventure modes (MCPE-138868)
- 光源方块的亮度等级不再能被生存模式或冒险模式中的玩家更改。 (MCPE-138868)
- Campfire sounds are now louder and more clear (MCPE-122296)
- 营火的音效现在更响,更清晰 (MCPE-122296)
- Fixed the issue where multiple light sources (such as torches) were incorrectly emitting white light in RTX (MCPE-166947)
- 修复了在RTX渲染引擎下光源(例如火把)会错误地发出白光的问题 (MCPE-166947)
- Boots do not z-fight anymore when worn by Player
- 在穿着时,靴子不再会有深度冲突
- The "leg" and "belt" parts of Leggings do not z-fight anymore when worn by Player
- 在穿着时,护腿的"腿"和"腰带"部分不再与玩家有深度冲突
- Capes no longer flash red when getting damaged (MCPE-105347)
- 玩家受伤时,披风不再变成红色 (MCPE-105347)
- Fixed a visible gap in Hopper model (MCPE-55122)
- 修复漏斗模型内一个明显的间隙 (MCPE-55122)
- Fixed alignment of the output slot of Crafting Table (MCPE-143255)
- 修复了工作台输出槽位的对齐问题 (MCPE-143255)
- Halved the default visibility of the glint on enchanted items, which can now be modified in the Accessibility Settings (MCPE-167814)
- 将默认的附魔光效强度减半,且现在可以使用辅助功能中的选项调整附魔光效 (MCPE-167814)
- Fixed a bug where invalid Banner Patterns were causing players in render distance to crash (MCPE-164478)
- 修复无效的旗帜图案会导致所有处于渲染范围内的玩家游戏崩溃的问题 (MCPE-164478)
- Fixed an issue where items could get stuck in the Crafting Table when using touch input
- 修复了点击移动工作台中的物品时物品会卡住的问题
- If the player is underwater and Auto-Jump is enabled, as they approach a block that is 1 level higher than the current level, they will rise. This also allows auto-jumping out of water onto land
- 玩家在水下时,如果开启了自动跳跃,那么他们在接近高出 1 格方块时自动跳上去,并且它们也可以这样从水中跳上岸
- Added a header and title for the inventory tab in inventory screen while using Pocket UI
- 在使用携带版 UI 时,向物品栏屏幕添加了标题
- Increased the spacing between headers in the settings screen to increase readability
- 增加了设置屏幕中标题与内容之间的间隔
- Touchpad scrolling now matches the operating system's scroll direction
- 现在触摸板的滚动会与系统的滚动方向同步
- Renamed and enchanted weapons are now displayed in respawn and chat windows with color when a player is killed by an entity using it (MCPE-162679)
- 现在玩家被重命名后的物品或附魔物品杀死时,该物品的名称会在重生屏幕和聊天栏中带有颜色地显示 (MCPE-162679)
- Weighted Pressure Plates now produce the same sound as in Java Edition (MCPE-164912)
- 测重压力板现在的音效调整为与 Java 版相同 (MCPE-164912)
- Removed the character limit for scoreboard objective names and objective display names (MCPE-165064)
- 移除了记分项名称和记分项显示名称的字符限制 (MCPE-165064)
- Melons and Pumpkins can now grow onto Mud, Podzol, Rooted Dirt, and Muddy Mangrove Roots
- 西瓜和南瓜现在能够在泥巴、灰化土、缠根泥土和沾泥的红树根上生成
- Nylium blocks are now grouped with Netherrack in the Creative inventory (MCPE-163587)
- 菌岩现在位于创造模式物品栏中的下界岩物品组中 (MCPE-163587)
- Armor Stands now vanish with no sound effects when killed with the /kill command (MCPE-159136)
- 现在使用 /kill 命令杀死盔甲架时,盔甲架直接消失,并且不产生音效 (MCPE-159136)
- Mobs can now enter a Boat only if they are smaller than the Boat itself
- 现在只有比船小的生物才能乘船
- Villagers will now generate green particles when a successful trade is completed
- 现在村民交易成功时会产生绿色粒子效果
- Mobs no longer play the player eat sound when fed breeding materials
- 生物被喂养繁殖用食物时不再会发出玩家进食的音效
- Slightly decreased Panda collision box to match Java Edition
- 略微减小熊猫的碰撞箱,以匹配 Java 版
- Slightly increased Polar Bear collision box to match Java Edition
- 略微增大北极熊的碰撞箱,以匹配 Java 版
- Turtles can now enter Boats and Boats with Chest (MCPE-65719)
- 海龟现在能够乘坐船或运输船 (MCPE-65719)
- Hoglins, Polar Bears, and Spiders can no longer enter Boats and Boats with Chest (MCPE-161197)
- 疣猪兽、北极熊和蜘蛛不再能够乘坐船或运输船 (MCPE-161197)
- The /execute command will now display an appropriate error message when there is an error in the second or subsequent subcommand targetselector (MCPE-164332)
- 现在 /execute 在第二个及接下来的子命令中的目标选择器出现错误时能够正确报错。 (MCPE-164332)
- Provide auto-complete support for block states
- 现支持在命令中自动补全方块状态
- Added two new overloads to the summon command :
- 为 summon 命令添加两个新的语法:
- /summon [spawnPos : x y z] facing <position: x y z> [spawnEvent: string] [nametag: string]
- /summon [spawnPos : x y z] facing <lookAtEntity: target> [spawnEvent: string] [nametag: string]
- Fixed an issue where the paste button in the Command Block UI would remember extra presses from failed pastes (MCPE-163705)
- 修复了命令方块UI中的粘贴按钮会记住之前的无效粘贴的问题 (MCPE-163705)
The Editor is in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. It is an in-engine, multiblock editing experience focused on making it possible for creators of all skillsets to easily craft high-quality experiences in Bedrock! We're working to add more capabilities, and it will change significantly as we get feedback from creators like you.
基岩版编辑器目前处于早期测试中,供键鼠设备在 Windows PC 基岩版预览版中使用。这是一个内建引擎的,多方块编辑的,专注于使所有创造者都能够轻松地在基岩版创作高质量地图的工具!我们正在努力增加更多的功能,我们希望你们这样的创造者能够提供多多提供反馈,让它不断完善。
- Learn how to use the Editor
- 学习 如何使用 编辑器(链接待更新)
- Join our Discussion forum, post bugs, view more detailed release notes, and share your creations on GitHub
- 在 GitHub 上加入我们的讨论,反馈 bug ,关注最新 release 的通知,并分享你的创作
- Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor
- 在社交媒体上使用 #BedrockEditor tag来提醒我们
- item_interact_finish game event now has a vibration frequency of 2 instead of 14
- item_interact_finish 游戏事件的振动频率现由 14 更改为 2
- item_interact_start is no longer considered a detectable vibration
- item_interact_start 不再是可以检测的游戏事件
- Reeling a fishing rod now emits projectile_shoot vibration
- 现在抛出钓鱼竿浮漂时会触发 projectile_shoot 振动
数据驱动 组件
- Added "lose_target" field to projectile data to specify if an entity should unselect its target after shooting the projectile
- 添加 "lose_target" 字段到弹射物的数据,用来设定实体在弹射物射出后是否取消选择其目标
- Added a new Transformation component for blocks to support rotation, scaling and translation. The component can be added to the whole block, and/or to individual block permutations. Eg.
- 添加新的旋转组件(minecraft:transformation),可以设定方块的旋转、缩放和平移。这个组件可以添加到方块或方块组合中,例:
01. 02. 03. 04. 05.
- "minecraft:transformation": {
- "translation": [0.0,0.1,-0.1],
- "scale": [0.5,1,1.5],
- "rotation": [90,180,0]
- }
[color=rgb(51, 102, 153) !important]复制代码
- Transformed geometries still have the same restrictions that non-transformed geometries have, eg. a maximum size of 30/16 units
- 变换后的几何体仍然拥有与未变换的几何体相同的限制。 例如:一个最大尺寸的30/16单元
- Chance information types used in tree feature JSONs for some trunks and foliage now allow 0 as the chance (values like 0.0001 were allowed, but not 0)
- 现在 0 可以作为有效的树干和树叶的树木地物JSON文件中的概率相关值 (曾经也可以使用0.0001,但毕竟不是 0)
- Created new entity filter "is_raider" to determine if subject is part of a raid
- 增加新的实体过滤器 "is_raider" ,用来决定一个实体是否为袭击的一部分
- Deprecated minecraft:part_visibility block component.
- 移除 minecraft:part_visibility 方块组件
- Added bone_visibility behavior to minecraft:geometry block component
- 添加 bone_visibility 行为到 minecraft:geometry 方块组件
- In the map WDW Magic Kingdom, the carts on the Big Thunder Mountain, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, and Space Mountain rides now properly align with the invisible Minecart they are attached to
- 现在“WDW 魔法王国冒险”世界中的巨雷山、白雪公主与七个小矮人、太空山三个园区中的车厢会与其连接至的矿车正确对齐
- Blocks can now optionally (via a setting in StartGamePacket) use a hashed value for their network IDs. This hashed value is independent of all other blocks and remains stable across future releases
- 现在可以通过 StartGamePacket 中的设置来为方块的网络ID选择一个哈希值,该值与其他方块无关,并会在未来的更新中保持不变
- Feedback button on the pause menu will now prompt the user with a modal before redirecting to the browser
- 暂停菜单上的反馈按钮现在会在重定向到浏览器之前弹出弹窗
- Updated versions to add new APIs to stable:
- 更新了版本,让更多 API 加入稳定版:
- Added version 1.1.0 of @minecraft/server
- 添加了 1.1.0 版 @minecraft/server
- Added version 1.2.0-beta of @minecraft/server
- 添加了 1.2.0-beta 版 @minecraft/server
- Removed version 1.1.0-beta of @minecraft/server
- 移除了 1.1.0-beta 版 @minecraft/server
- Moved the following to @minecraft/server stable (1.1.0)
- 将以下 API 移动到稳定的 @minecraft/server (1.1.0)
- runTimeout
- runInterval
- clearRun
- currentTick
- Vector3
- BlockPermutation(only a subset of functionality)
- Block
- getBlock
- sendMessage
- Minecraft runtime errors are now fired as JavaScript Error objects instead of strings
- 现在运行时的错误会以 JavaScript 错误的形式抛出,而不是字符串
- Fixed a number of base class inheritance issues and added several new base classes to certain class types
- 修复了部分基类的继承问题,并为部分类加入了新的基类
- /reload works if a script pack references a client RP.
- /reload 现在可以对使用了客户端 RP 的脚本包使用
- Fixed a bug where the BeforeItemUseOnEvent function getBlockLocation would return undefined (MCPE-166945)
- 修复 BeforeItemUseOnEvent 函数内 getBlockLocation 返回未定义值的问题 (MCPE-166945)
- The BeforeItemUseOnEvent class now inherits from ItemUseOnEvent
- BeforeItemUseOnEvent 类现在会继承 ItemUseOnEvent
- Moved the following to @minecraft/serverstable (1.0)
- 将后面提到的内容移动到 @minecraft/serverstable (1.0)
- Fixed a bug where sendMessage would fail when the message contains Unicode quotation marks
- 修复使用 sendMessage 发送含有 Unicode 引号的消息时运行失败的问题
- Signs
- Signs
- Added setText to set the text on a sign with a regular string, a RawMessage, or a RawText
- 添加了 setText ,用来把告示牌文本设定为指定字符串、 RawMessage 或 RawText
- Added getText to get the string on a sign, will return undefined if setText was called with a RawMessage or a RawText
- 添加了 getText ,用来读取告示牌文本,若使用 setText w将文本设定为 RawMessage 或 RawText ,则返回未定义值
- Added getRawText to get the RawText on a sign, will return undefined if setText was called with a string
- 添加了 getRawText ,用来读取告示牌上的 RawText ,若使用 setText 将文本设定为字符串,则返回未定义值
- Added getTextDyeColor and setTextDyeColor to read/write the dye of the sign text
- 添加了 getTextDyeColor 和 setTextDyeColor 来读取/设定告示牌文本颜色
- Dyes
- Dyes
- Added DyeColor enum
- 添加了 DyeColor 枚举
- sendMessage
- sendMessage
- rawtext is now RawMessage[] instead of (string | RawMessage)[]
- rawtext 现在使用 RawMessage[] 类型而不是 (string | RawMessage)[]
- RawMessage
- RawMessage
- rawtext property on RawMessage is no longer (string | RawMessage)[] and is instead RawMessage[]
- rawtext 的 RawMessage 属性不再是 (string | RawMessage)[] 而是 RawMessage[]
- RawText
- RawText
- Added a RawText class for reading RawMessage like on Signs
- 添加 RawText 类用于读取 RawMessage ,例如告示牌(Signs)
- Riding
- Riding
- Added getRiders to EntityRideableComponent which returns an array of all the entities currently riding this entity
- 添加 getRiders 到 EntityRideableComponent 组件,返回所有骑乘指定实体的实体的数组
- Added EntityRidingComponent - this component is only on entities that are currently riding on another entity
- 添加 EntityRidingComponent —— 这个组件只适用于骑乘在另一实体上的实体
- Has an entityRidingOn property that returns the entity this entity is currently riding on
- 拥有 entityRidingOn 属性,可以返回该实体当前骑乘的实体
- Added function getEntity(id: string): Entity | undefined - Gets an entity. Returns undefined for entities that don't exist or aren't loaded
- 添加函数 getEntity(id: string): Entity | undefined —— 获取一个实体。若实体不存在或未被加载,则返回未定义值
- Dimension
- Dimension
- getEntities
- getEntities
- Modified return type to Entity[]
- 更改返回值的类型为 Entity[]
- Modified parameter name getEntities to options
- 参数 getEntities 更名为 options
- New signature: getEntities(options?: EntityQueryOptions): Entity[]
- 新的函数签名: getEntities(options?: EntityQueryOptions): Entity[]
- getPlayers
- getPlayers
- Modified return type to Player[]
- 更改返回值的类型为 Player[]
- Modified parameter name getPlayers to options
- 参数 getPlayers 更名为 options
- New signature: getPlayers(options?: EntityQueryOptions): Player[];
- 新的函数签名: getPlayers(options?: EntityQueryOptions): Player[];
- @minecraft/server-ui
- @minecraft/server-ui
- When building forms, all read-only user-facing strings (e.g., text labels, dropdown options etc.) now accept RawMessage This affects the following classes:
- 现在创建表单时,所有面向用户的只读字符串(例如:文本标签,下拉菜单选项 等)都可以接受 RawMessage ,这影响以下所列的类:
- ActionFormData
- ModalFormData
- MessageFormData
- BlockPermutation
- BlockPermutation
- Added function getItemStack(amount?: number): ItemStack– Creates an item stack of the block permutation. Returns undefined for blocks that don't have a corresponding item (e.g. air)
- 添加函数 getItemStack(amount?: number): ItemStack —— 创建指定方块对应的物品堆叠数量。当方块没有对应物品时返回未定义值(例如:空气)
- Removed data property
- 移除 property 数据
- BlockComponent
- BlockComponent
- Added read-only property block - Gets the block that the component is attached to
- 添加了只读的属性 block —— 获取拥有指定组件的方块
- Renamed IEntityComponent to EntityComponent
- 将 IEntityComponent 重命名为 EntityComponent
- Container
- Container
- Replaced classes
BlockInventoryComponentContainer, InventoryComponentContainer, and PlayerInventoryComponentContainer with Container - 替换类名
BlockInventoryComponentContainer, InventoryComponentContainer 和 PlayerInventoryComponentContainer 现替换为 Container - function addItem now returns the remainder of the added item stack if the container is full, else undefined
- 函数 addItem 现在当对应容器已满时会返回所添加的物品堆叠的剩余部分,否则返回 undefined
- function transferItem no longer takes a destination slot and will now place the given item in the first available slot. The function now returns the remainder of the item stack if the container is full, else undefined
- 函数 transferItem 不再需要指定目标槽位,而是会把物品放在第一个可用的槽位。在对应容器已满时函数会返回所添加的物品堆叠的剩余部分,否则返回 undefined
- Added function moveItem(fromSlot: number, toSlot: number, toContainer: Container): void - Moves an item from one container to another, replacing any item in the destination slot
- 添加了新函数 moveItem(fromSlot: number, toSlot: number, toContainer: Container): void - 可以把物品从一个容器替换到另一个,并且会替换目标槽位原本的物品
- Function swapItems can now swap empty slots
- 函数 swapItems 现在可用于交换空的物品槽位
- Removed function clearItem - Please use setItem(undefined) instead
- 移除 clearItem 函数 —— 现在请使用 use setItem(undefined)
【氘氚人 译自feedback.minecraft.net 2023 年 3 月 8 日发布的 Minecraft Beta & Preview -】 【本文来源于MCBBS,原文链接:https://www.mcbbs.net/thread-1432218-1-1.html】