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Minecraft 快照 23W05A
A Minecraft Java Snapshot
Minecraft Java版 快照
In this snapshot we've tweaked the armor trim feature and redefined the Create New World user experience flow.
Happy world creating!
- Updated the Create New World screen
- 更新了创建新世界屏幕
- Interacting with armor or elytra items in-hand will now swap them with equipped gear
- 现在与手中的盔甲或鞘翅物品交互会使它们与当前装备的装备更换
- Changed how tooltips in the menu UI are positioned so buttons are still readable
- 更改了菜单用户界面中提示的位置,使得按钮文字可读
- Added two new options in the Accessibility menu for adjusting the speed and transparency of enchantment glints
- 为无障碍菜单加入了两个新的项目,分别控制附魔闪光的速度和透明度
- The screen is now organized into three tabs
- 该屏幕现在分为三个栏
- The Game-Tab allows to set the world name, Gamemode, Difficultly and whether to allow cheats
- 在「游戏」栏可以设置世界名称、游戏模式、游戏难度以及是否允许作弊
- The World-Tab allows to set the World-Type and Seed, and to toggle the generation of structures and the bonus chest
- 在「世界」栏可以设置世界类别、世界种子以及配置结构、奖励箱的生成
- The More-Tab provides access to the Game Rules and DataPack Selection Screen
- 在「更多」栏可以访问游戏规则以及数据包选择屏幕
- Removed the Import Settings button and the corresponding Export Settings button in the Edit World Screen
- 移除了编辑世界屏幕中的导入配置按钮以及对应的导出配置按钮
- The following data is now also defined by a trim material:
- 以下数据现在也可被纹饰材料定义:
- override_armor_materials which is an optional map of armor material to overriden color palette
- override_armor_materials 是对于被覆写的调色板的盔甲材料的可选映射
- Map key is the armor material that this trim material wants to override with a different color palette
- 映射键是这个纹饰材料希望以不同的调色板覆写的盔甲材料
- Map value is the name of the color palette that will be used when this trim material is applied to an armor piece with the corresponding armor material
- 映射值是当这个纹饰材料以对应的盔甲材料被应用到一件盔甲上时使用的调色板名称
- The following data is no longer defined by a trim material:
- 以下数据不再可被纹饰材料定义:
- incompatible_armor_material
- incompatible_armor_material
- infinite is now a valid option for effect durations
- infinite 现在可被用于效果持续时长
- Infinite effect durations show up as "∞" in the player inventory view
- 无限的效果持续时长在玩家的物品栏视图中展示为“∞”
- Armor trims can now be applied to leather armor
- 盔甲纹饰现在可用于皮革盔甲
- Armor can now have trims of the same material it is made out of
- 盔甲纹饰的材料现在可以与盔甲的材料相同
- For example, a Golden Chestplate with a Golden Armor Trim is now possible
- 例如,金质盔甲纹饰现在可用于金胸甲
- The texture of the Dune armor trim has been tweaked so that the symbol on the chestplate is moved up a few pixels
- 沙丘盔甲纹饰的纹理现已经过微调,胸甲上的符号向上移动了几个像素
- Loot tables for smithing templates have been adjusted
- 锻造模板的战利品表现已调整
- The following common armor trims now always generate 2 templates in a chest when found:
- 以下几种常见盔甲纹饰在箱子中生成时会总是生成两个模板:
- Dune
- 沙丘
- Coast
- 海岸
- Wild
- 荒野
- Sentry
- 哨兵
- This is to give new players a chance to understand that smithing templates are consumed when used
- 此改动是为了使新玩家有一次机会了解锻造模板使用后会被消耗
- Netherite Upgrade smithing templates have been made twice as common
- 下界合金升级锻造模板现在生成数量是之前的两倍
- While we do want Netherite upgrading to be more challenging, we felt the previous rates did not encourage further exploration after finding the first Netherite Upgrade template
- 我们希望下界合金升级能够更具挑战性,但我们认为先前的生成概率无法在玩家找到第一个下界合金升级模板之后推动玩家进行更进一步的探索
- 1 Eye Armor Trim is now guaranteed in every Stronghold library chest
- 现在每个要塞图书馆箱子中必定会生成一个眼眸盔甲纹饰
- This is so even in the most unlucky worlds, this armor trim can still be found
- 因此即使在最不幸的世界中,这个盔甲纹饰仍然可以获得
- Woodland Mansions now have a greatly increased chance of generating the Vex Armor Trim smithing template
- 林地府邸中生成恼鬼盔甲纹饰锻造模板的概率大幅提升
- Woodland Mansions already have very few chests that utilize loot tables - in unlucky generations, none at all. It was too rare to find one of these trims, and we want the challenge of getting the Vex Armor Trim to be more about finding a Woodland Mansion to begin with
- 林地府邸中的箱子有时非常少,战利品表也并不经常使用 - 在不幸的世界中如此,并不总是这样。这种情况下找到这种纹饰的概率很低,我们希望获得恼鬼盔甲纹饰的挑战主要集中在寻找林地府邸的部分
- Across the board, smithing templates have been made slightly more common
- 锻造模板的生成概率全局略微上调了一些
- Due to the method of crafting copies of templates, we want the process of discovering another template in a structure to feel like the player has just saved 7 diamonds. If the templates are too rare, this situation does not happen as much, meaning players will not be encouraged to explore more structures
- 通过合成复制模板需要消耗七个钻石,所以我们希望玩家找到另一个模板时会感觉自己省下了七个钻石。如果模板太稀有,这种情况就不会经常发生,玩家也就不会被鼓励探索更多结构
快照 23W05A 修复的漏洞
- MC-127749 - Cape is jittering; movement way sharper than in snapshot 18w03b
- MC-127749 - 披风抖动且移动动画生硬
- MC-147711 - Drowned no longer have a different swimming animation
- MC-147711 - 溺尸未使用其特有的游泳动画
- MC-216270 - It's not possible to replace armor by right clicking while holding the armor item
- MC-216270 - 在手持盔甲时无法通过单击右键替换盔甲槽中的盔甲
- MC-252625 - Frogs play a running animation after the NoAI NBT is applied
- MC-252625 - 应用了 NoAI 标签的青蛙会播放跑步动画
- MC-254074 - Frogs don't play their walking animation when they take damage
- MC-254074 - 青蛙受伤时不会播放行走动画
- MC-256479 - Camels don't play their walking animations when they are damaged
- MC-256479 - 骆驼受伤时不播放行走动画
- MC-256493 - Camels don't have smooth transitions to their idle states when they stop moving
- MC-256493 - 骆驼从停止移动到进入空闲状态的衔接不连贯
- MC-256650 - Frogs don't have smooth transitions to their idle states when they stop moving
- MC-256650 - 青蛙从停止移动到进入空闲状态的衔接不连贯
- MC-256664 - Camels play their walking animations after the "NoAI" NBT tag is applied to them
- MC-256664 - 应用了 NoAI 标签的骆驼会播放行走动画
- MC-257464 - Axolotl walking animation stutters when moving slowly
- MC-257464 - 美西螈慢速移动时行走动画不连贯
- MC-259206 - The accessibility onboarding screen can not display any language other than English (US)
- MC-259206 - 辅助功能引导屏幕无法显示英语(美国)以外的语言
- MC-259357 - Text inside the smithing table GUI renders behind the armor stand model in some languages
- MC-259357 - 部分语言的锻造台 GUI 文本被渲染到了盔甲架模型的后面
- MC-259362 - The "item.minecraft.smithing_template.net herite_upgrade.additions_slot_description" string is missing an article before the word "Netherite"
- MC-259362 - 字符串 item.minecraft.smithing_template.netherite_upgrade.additions_slot_description 中 “Netherite” 一词前缺少冠词
- MC-259370 - Stronghold library loot table has been replaced by stronghold altar loot table
- MC-259370 - 要塞图书馆的箱子战利品表被替换成了要塞祭坛箱子的战利品表
- MC-259389 - Incompatible crafting arrow overlay in the new smithing GUI uses the position of the legacy smithing GUI
- MC-259389 - 新锻造台 GUI 中的不兼容指示箭头出现在了旧 GUI 使用的位置上
- MC-259399 - The armor stand model within the smithing table GUI doesn't render the output item after resizing the game window
- MC-259399 - 调整游戏窗口大小后,锻造台 GUI 中的盔甲架模型上不会渲染出输出物品
- MC-259418 - Camels with large "LastPoseTick" NBT values still behave strangely and cause a variety of issues
- MC-259418 - LastPoseTick NBT 值较大的骆驼仍行为怪异、存在种种问题
- MC-259420 - Pixels not present in the palettes get erased, not kept
- MC-259420 - 调色板中不存在的像素在生成后的纹理中会被擦除,而不是被保留
【希铁石z 译自官网 2023 年 02 月 01 日发布的 Minecraft Snapshot 23w05a;原作者 Mikael Hedberg】