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DEEP DIVESAround the Block: Beach
Sand Ho!
It’s a bit chilly in Sweden around this time of year. Snow is falling, the skies are dark, and the mind wanders to warmer times and places. Like our biome of the week – the beach.
每年这段时间的瑞典有点儿冷。雪花飘飘,黑云压城。而我的心,却飘向了那温暖的天地……就像我们本周介绍的群系 —— 沙滩。
Beaches were added to Minecraft very early on – in May 2009, as part of the snappily-named 0.0.14a update . It’s the same update that added sand, gravel, gold, iron and coal ore, trees, logs, leaves and clouds. These beaches generated near sea level, and were surprisingly large. So large, in fact, that they were removed again in mid-2011 in the Adventure Update, and didn’t appear again until Java Edition 1.1 landed in 2012.
沙滩很早很早就被加入了Minecraft——源自2009年,作为听起来就很快照的 0.0.14a更新 的一部分。这个更新也为我们带来了沙子、沙砾、金矿、铁矿和煤矿;还有树木、木头、树叶以及云朵。这些沙滩在海平面附近生成,并且大的吓人。事实上,正因为它太大了,这些沙滩在2011年中旬的冒险更新中被移除,然后直到2012年发布的Java Edition 1.1才重回人们的视线。
We’ve tweaked beaches a bit in the latest version of world generation, so it’s probably worth mentioning some changes. First, they’re a little wider again than they previously were. More space for sunbathing, which is nice. But to compensate, they no longer generate in some areas – they’re more common in flatter areas than hillier ones. Stony beaches are also a little less common than previously.
我们在最新版本的世界生成中对沙滩做了一些调整,所以这里有些变化值得留意一下。首先,沙滩比以前更加宽阔了些。有了更多能用于日光浴的空间,可算是一件妙事。但与之对应的,某些区域将不再生成它们 ——这意味着相比于崎岖的地方,沙滩更可能出现在平坦的地区。岩石海岸也没以前常见了。
So what should you expect to find on a beach? Well, sand is probably the obvious one. You’ll also find gravel on some beaches, as well as sandstone, dirt, and clay. Not much lives on beaches, though you will find sugarcane and turtles – as well as any other creatures that spawn nearby and wander onto the beach.
所以你能在沙滩上期待发现点啥呢?好吧,一大堆沙子肯定是没得说的。在某些沙滩上你还能找到沙砾,还有砂岩、泥土和粘土。沙滩上的生物并没多少,虽然你能发现一些海龟和甘蔗 —— 还有些其他的生物,它们在旁边被生成之后跑到沙滩上了。
Keep an eye out as you’re exploring, though, because it’s very possible to find buried treasure and shipwrecks which have been washed up on beaches. These often contain goodies that make them well worth seeking out.
In the real world, beaches are a common sight in many coastal regions – occupying about a third of global coastlines. They’re often made up of sand – but have you ever wondered what sand is? The answer is that it’s very different in different places – sometimes it’s rock, sometimes it’s ground-up shells, sometimes it’s even made of coralline algae.
在真实世界中,沙滩作为沿海地区的普遍景象 —— 它占据了全球海岸线的三分之一。它们一般都由沙子构成,但你想过他们是什么沙子吗?答案是:因地而异。有的是石头,有的是贝壳的碎片,有的甚至来源于珊瑚礁。
Here’s another cool thing about beaches – they’re constantly in motion. A single grain of sand gets moved gradually down the beach by waves and occasionally a storm will sweep it a long way. That means they need to be constantly replenished – from crumbling cliffs nearby, for example – and if you stop those cliffs crumbling then there’s a good chance that the beach will disappear too.
这里还有一件关于沙滩的趣事 —— 它们一刻不停的在运动。海浪会把一粒沙子逐渐的移下沙滩,有时一阵狂风暴雨还能将沙子带到更远的地方。这也代表着沙滩需要经常补充沙子,它们有可能来源于附近风化的峭壁。如果你尝试阻止峭壁的风化作用,沙滩便极有可能会最终消失。
Unfortunately, the natural forces that shape our beaches are getting more extreme due to climate change, and some researchers think that as much as 50% of the Earth’s sandy beaches will disappear by 2100 due to climate-change driven sea level rise. Best get out to your local beach while you still can. But maybe wait until summer rolls around again.

【cutemiku译自官网 2022 年 01 月 19 日发布的 Around the Block: Beach;原作者 Duncan Geere】