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cutemiku 2022-11-9 18:00:08 官方文章 阅读 645


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本帖最后由 cutemiku 于 2022-11-9 19:17 编辑

Taking Inventory: Sugar

Cane you find it?

We’ve been publishing this Taking Inventory column for literally years now, and I’ve just discovered that we’ve never written about sugar. How could this have happened? I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

But today we are righting this historic wrong. Today Minecraft’s tastiest pile of crystals is being restored to its rightful place in the pantheon of items. Today, our block of the week is **, the only, sugar. Sweet!

Sugar was added to Minecraft because cake was added to Minecraft. In Beta version 1.2, which was released in early 2011, we added loads of good stuff to the game – note blocks, charcoal, squid, bonemeal, and yes – cake. But cake without sugar doesn’t taste very good, so we had to add sugar too.
由于蛋糕被加入Minecraft,糖也随之而来。在2011年初发布的Beta version 1.2中,我们为游戏带来了一大堆好东西 – 音符盒、木炭、鱿鱼、骨粉还有……蛋糕。但是无糖蛋糕可并不好吃,所以我们得加点儿糖。

There are two ways to get your hands on it. You can either kill witches, which have a chance of dropping it on death, or you can craft it from sugarcane or honey. Once acquired it can be turned into cake, pumpkin pie, or fermented spider eyes. Or, of course, you can use it to brew mundane potions or potions of swiftness. Oh, and horses love sugar – it’ll heal them, speed the growth of lil foals, and increase taming probability.
获得它们有两种途径。你既可以击败女巫,它们在被击败时有概率掉落糖,或者你可以使用甘蔗或者蜂蜜合成。一旦我们获得了它,便可以制作蛋糕,南瓜派,或发酵蛛眼。当然了,你可以用它酿造平凡的药水或者迅捷药水。哦,马儿们也喜欢吃糖 —— 这可以治疗它们,加快小马驹的生长,还有提升驯服的可能性。

Image credit: Dietmar Rabich / CC BY-SA 4.0
图片来源: Dietmar Rabich / CC BY-SA 4.0

In the real world, there are lots of different kinds of sugars. There are simple ones, like glucose and fructose. But there are also more complex sugars made out of several of the simple ones stuck together, like lactose, maltose, and sucrose. Of all the sugars, lactose is the only one that can’t be extracted from plants – it can only be found in the milk of some mammals.
在真实世界中,糖的种类五花八门。有相对简单的,比如葡萄糖和果糖。同时也存在由多个单糖组合而来的更加复杂的糖类,就像乳糖、麦芽糖以及蔗糖。在所有的糖类中,只有乳糖是无法从植物中获取的 —— 它仅存在于部分哺乳动物的乳汁中。

Humans eat too much sugar – an average of about 24 kg per year, with people in North and South America consuming an annual average of more than twice that. It’s tasty stuff, but eating too much of it leads to obesity, diabetes, heart attack, and tooth decay. So hold yourself back if you can – the World Health Organisation says that sugar should only make up about 5% of the total diet of adults and children.
人们吃的糖真的很多 —— 平均每年约摄入24公斤,而北美和南美地区的人平均每年摄入的糖是这个数字的两倍多。糖固然美味,但是吃得太多会导致肥胖、糖尿病、心脑血管疾病和蛀牙。所以,如果可以的话,请控制好自己的嘴——世界卫生组织建议,糖类应该只占成人和儿童饮食总量的5%左右。

Luckily, the calories you consume in Minecraft are exempt from that recommendation, so go wild! Grow yourself a whole plantation of sugarcane, harvest it all, and cake it up every day for a week! A month! A year! Just don’t come crying to us when your in-game teeth fall out.

【cutemiku 译自官网 2022 年 01 月 27 日发布的 Taking Inventory: Sugar;原作者 Duncan Geere】




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