




[官网博文][Minecraft.net| DEEP DIVES] 本月方块:菌核

cutemiku 2022-11-5 23:35:22 官方文章 阅读 726


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本帖最后由 sky_tianle 于 2022-11-17 21:20 编辑


Why hello, Steve!

The Sun is a magical thing. It powers all of Minecraft’s plant life. But there’s no Sun in the Nether, and that means there are no plants either. Instead, you’ll find an array of fungal organisms like shroomlights, netherwarts, and huge fungi – which produce our block of the week: hyphae .
太阳可真是个神奇的玩意。它为 Minecraft 中所有的植物提供生命的活力。但是在下界中可没有太阳,这也意味着那儿并没有植物。然而,你将在这里发现各种各样的菌类,比如菌光体,地狱疣,以及一些巨型的真菌 —— 通过它们可以找到我们的本月方块:菌核[1]

Switch off your brain while I talk about terminology for a moment. Hyphae is actually a plural, and the singular is hypha, which refers to the long branching, filamentous structures that make up some fungi. Collectively, hyphae are usually called mycelium . But we already had mycelium in the game. So we called these blocks hyphae instead.

Hyphae appeared in Minecraft in the Nether Update in 2020 – which totally overhauled the nether, turning it from a wasteland into... slightly less of a wasteland.
菌核于2020年的下界更新登陆 Minecraft —— 这次更新把下界改了个底朝天,把它从一片废土改成了……不那么废的土。

There are two variants of hyphae – crimson and warped, which you’ll find in the crimson and warped forest biomes respectively. Chop down a huge mushroom and you’ll get stems – then you can convert that into hyphae by crafting four stems together, just like turning logs into wood. You’ll get three hyphae out.

Hyphae serve as an equivalent to wood – and can be used in place of it in most recipes, with the exception that it doesn’t catch fire. This means that you also can’t use it as fuel in furnaces. Like wood, you can turn it into planks by putting it into a crafting grid, and you can also use an axe on it to turn it into the “stripped” variant, removing the bark.

In the real world, hyphae grow as a part of a larger fungus too. Each hypha is about 10 micrometres in width, which is about the same as a strand of spider web silk, and about a tenth as wide as a human hair. They grow from the tip, and often form huge networks below the surface of forests, transferring water and nutrients, which are sometimes known as the “wood wide web”.
在真实世界中,菌丝也是大型真菌结构中的一部分。每一根菌丝的直径约为 10 微米,几乎和蜘蛛丝一样细,或者大概是人类头发丝直径的十分之一。它们从菌体的尖端开始生长,并往往在树林之下形成巨大的一张网,以便传输水份和营养物质,这有时也被称为“树联网”。

We’re only beginning to understand how important these networks are to the natural world. A forest with a strong network of hyphae grows faster and is more resilient to pests and other damage. There are even some species of plant that can’t get energy from the sun, and rely instead on hyphae to deliver the nutrients they need.

Some researchers even suggest that plants can communicate in a limited way between each other over these networks. They point to experiments showing plants releasing defensive chemicals when a nearby plant is under attack, or sharing water and other nutrients in drought conditions.

We need to do more research to figure out whether this is true “communication” or just a response to a signal. But that’ll take a while, so go play some Minecraft and then check in again on the science in a few years' time.
为了弄清这到底是真正意义上的“交流”还是对信号的简单反应,我们还有许多需要研究的地方。但那还得要等上好一阵子,所以不如去玩玩 Minecraft 然后过几年再去和那些科学的玩意打交道吧!


【cutemiku 译自官网 2022 年 10 月 07 日发布的 Block of the Month: Hyphae;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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