




[官网博文][Minecraft.net|DEEP DIVES] 遇见猪灵

cutemiku 2022-11-5 23:51:00 官方文章 阅读 1904


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本帖最后由 sky_tianle 于 2022-11-17 21:25 编辑

Meet the Piglins

The gold-hoarding hogs of the Nether

Otherworldly biomes, rich alien wildlife, and never-before-seen blocks just waiting to be mined. The newly updated Nether is a realm of untold resources, but also a realm of troublesome mobs that will make your stay as frustrating as possible. We’re not talking about the Ghasts, Wither skeletons, or Blazes (you wish)! We’re talking about the new faction in town – your nefarious Nether neighbors: the Piglins .
异乎寻常的生物群落,丰富的外来野生动物,以及前所未有等待开采的新区块。全新更新的下界不只是一个充满未曾发现的资源的领域,同时也是一个充满着各种烦人生物,让你无心逗留的领域。今天我们要讨论的不是恶魂、凋灵骷髅或者烈焰人 (如你所愿)!我们来讨论一下游戏世界中的新门派 – 我们邪恶的地狱邻居: 猪灵

Who are these obnoxious oinkers, what are they doing in the Nether, and who thought it was a good idea to add competition for our precious resources?!

“The reason why we added Piglins was because we wanted to bring more life to the Nether, and also to add a bit of culture and humor,” explains Minecraft developer and esteemed Piglinotologist Henrik Kniberg. “As a new player going into the Nether, the Piglins probably kick your butt if you’re not careful!”
“我们添加猪灵的原因是为了给下界增加更多的生气,同时增加一点点的文化气息与幽默感,” 我的世界开发者以及受尊敬的猪灵设计者 Henrik Kniberg解释道,“当一个毫无防备的新玩家进入下界,猪灵们可能会把你打个落花流水!”

Piglins can be found all over the Nether, especially around bastion remnants where they gather in large numbers. While Piglins may look harmless, they’re extremely protective of what’s theirs and won’t hesitate to give explorers a good bonk on the noggin if they cross a certain line – something that many players have already learned the hard way in recent Snapshots.

“If you open a chest near a Piglin, they will assume you’re a thief and attack you, even if it’s technically your chest,” says Henrik. “That means you can never completely relax when you’re around them. It’s very easy to forget this, even for me as a developer who coded that feature! But that’s what we want – players not being 100% comfortable around Piglins.”
“如果你在猪灵附近打开箱子,它们将会认为你是窃贼并且攻击你,哪怕这个箱子理论上就是你的,” Henrik说道,“这代表着在它们身边,你将无法完全放松警惕 。这很容易忘记,就算是作为开发者编写这条特性的我!但这便是我们想要的——玩家们与猪灵并不能100%的和睦相处。”

"All these weird, random things can happen which makes it very interesting."



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cutemiku 楼主


本帖最后由 cutemiku 于 2022-11-9 18:49 编辑

Dealing with grumpy neighbors (the kind that arm themselves with golden swords and crossbows) is never easy, but don’t let their unpredictability and overprotective nature discourage you. Piglins may not be as well-mannered as the Overworld’s Villagers, nor will they appreciate you for your witty comments, but there’s one thing they’ll do just about anything for: gold.
对付这些脾气暴躁的邻居 (使用金剑与十字弩武装自己的那种) 可绝不简单,但是不要因为他们的不可预测性以及防卫过当的天性而垂头丧气。猪灵们可能没有主世界的村民们那么彬彬有礼,也不会欣赏你的花言巧语,但它们所做的一切都有一个共同的目标:黄金。

“As a player you want to wear gold to make sure they don’t attack you. You can also use gold ingots for bartering,” says Henrik. “But you should also keep in mind that they will get upset if they find you mining gold, because they think all the gold is theirs. So be careful when mining gold in the Nether.”
“作为一个玩家,你需要穿戴黄金装备从而避免被它们攻击。你也可以使用黄金与它们以物易物,” Henrik说,“当然你也得牢记,当它们发现你在挖掘金矿石的时候会感到伤心,因为他们认为这些理所应当是它们的。所以在下界采矿时请多加提防。”

A Piglin’s fascination with gold is just one of the many unique behaviors that they possess. They also hunt Hoglins, battle Wither skeletons, and have a peculiar fear of soul fire. When these behaviors are exposed to the other residents of the Nether, you get all sorts of weird and random encounters.

“I would sometimes almost fall off my chair laughing (confirmed by the team) when we prototyped the Piglin behaviors and experienced different scenarios. It could be things like running away from Piglins, throwing gold to distract them, only to see that there’s a Hoglin attacking you. Suddenly the Piglins start hunting the Hoglin and now you think you’re safe but then something happens and the Piglins are mad at you again. All these weird, random things can happen which makes it very interesting.”
“当我们设定猪灵行为的原稿并且在不同场景下体验它们,有时我甚至会从椅子上笑飞下来 (有小组成员为证) 。就比如逃离猪灵的时候,抛出黄金使它们分心,只见疣猪兽赶来补刀。突然猪灵们开始围攻疣猪兽,然后当你认为自己安全的时候,猪灵又调转矛头开始和你过不去……这些奇妙而又出乎意料的体验让我们乐在其中。”

Another important mechanic is bartering, a new trade system that allows the player to exchange gold for valuable items such as crying obsidian or soul speed boots. Bartering works differently than the Villager trade system and has a more straightforward approach: there’s no trade window –just throw a gold ingot at a nearby Piglin, and they will repay you with an item of their own.

Luckily, the loot that the Piglins offer can be quite substantial. When designing the trading mechanic, the developer team wanted bartering to have a bit of strategy to it with varied rewards. However, balancing it was a challenge. To figure this out, they reached out to the community to ask for feedback.

猪灵们不只围猎疣猪兽 – 它们战胜后竟然还会跳舞?!真是神经质!



“The number of responses was in the thousands,” Henrik recalls. “There were even dedicated YouTube videos discussing it, which had an avalanche of replies in their comment sections. A lot of them were quite interesting and useful. It made me feel that we were not alone in building this feature – we have thousands and thousands of co-designers in our player community.”
“我们收到了数以千计的反馈,” Henrik回忆道,“在Youtube上甚至有专门的视频讨论它们,评论区也如同雪崩般的活跃。其中的一大部分都有趣而又实用。这让我们感到创造这一特性的我们不再孤单——在我们的玩家社区中有成千上万的准设计师。”

Desperate to establish relations with these bartering boars? Good, because the wait is almost over! Whether you want to make the Piglins your allies or conquer their fortified homes, one thing is certain: once the update hits the Nether, bring gold… lots of gold.
等不及和这些喜欢以物易物的野猪建立羁绊了?很不错,因为等待的日子马上就到头了!不管你想让猪灵成为你的盟友还是攻克它们重兵把守的屋子,有一点是肯定的: 当更新降临下界时,带上黄金…… 很多很多的黄金。

【cutemiku译自官网 2020 年 06 月 17 日发布的 Meet the Piglins;原作者 Per Landin】

回复 · 2022-11-5 23:51:57