




[1.20-1.20.4]HardCoreSeasons —— 新一代uhc插件

ChanHoNam 2024-3-20 19:09:50 娱乐 阅读 446 来自 中国浙江
英文名称: HardCoreSeasons
插件来源: 转载
适用服务端: CraftBukkit Spigot Paper Purpur 
插件类型: 娱乐
语言支持: 英文 
适用版本: 1.20.x 
下载地址: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/%E2%9A%A1-hardcore-seasons-beta-%E2%9A%A1.115595/
原贴地址: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/%E2%9A%A1-hardcore-seasons-beta-%E2%9A%A1.115595/
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本帖最后由 PaulWong 于 2024-3-20 19:51 编辑





所有连接到这个服务器的玩家都可以通过这条简单的指令领取上一次的季节性奖励/season claim






Hardcore Seasons是为了增加刺激感和游戏体验而生的,此插件结合了刺激,竞技和有利可图的季节性奖励。
能提供一次又一次可吸引玩家的游戏体验,同时也前所未有的让玩家享受硬核玩法体验。准备好用Hardcore Seasons来领取季节性奖励吧!
# Do NOT modify this.
configVersion: 1.0.1

# Placeholders:
# {current_season} - The current season number.
# {next_season} - The next season number.
# {reward_select_current_page} - The current page number when selecting rewards.
# {reward_select_total_pages} - The total number of pages when selecting rewards.
# {season_select_current_page} - The current page number when selecting seasons.
# {season_select_total_pages} - The total number of pages when selecting seasons.
# {past_season_number} - The number of the past season.
# {resurrected_player_name} - The name of the player that was resurrected.
# {season_start_date} - The start date of the active season.
# {season_vote_start_date} - The date voting begins for the active season.
# {season_end_date} - The end date of the active season.
# {players_active_count} - The number of active players based on lastLoginThreshold.
# {players_alive_count} - The number of alive players for the active season.
# {players_dead_count} - The number of dead players for the active season.
# {inventories_count} - The number of inventories for the active season.
# {inventories_items_count} - The number of items in all inventories for the active season.
# {ender_chests_count} - The number of ender chests for the active season.
# {ender_chests_items_count} - The number of items in all ender chests for the active season.
# {containers_count} - The number of containers for the active season.
# {containers_items_count} - The number of items in all containers for the active season.

# System Messages
configReloaded: "&6Config reloaded."
mustBeAPlayer: "&6You must be a player to use this command."
noPermission: "&6You do not have permission to use this command."
invalidCommand: "Invalid command."

# Redeeming Rewards GUI
loadingRewards: "&6Loading rewards for season"
rewardGoBack: "&6Go Back"
rewardPrevious: "&6Previous"
rewardPage: "&6Page"
rewardNext: "&6Next"
rewardClose: "&4Close"
rewardPageCounter: "&6Page {reward_current_page}/{reward_total_pages}"
inventoryFull: "&6Your inventory is full. Please make room to claim the remaining rewards."

# Selecting Season GUI
loadingSeasons: "&6Loading seasonal rewards."
selectSeasonTitle: "&6Select Season"
seasonItemName: "&6Season {past_season_number}"
seasonPrevious: "&6Previous"
seasonNext: "&6Next"
seasonClose: "&6Close"
seasonPageCounter: "&6Page {season_select_current_page}/{season_select_total_pages}"

# Player Join Messages
haveDied: "&cYou have died and must wait until &bSeason {next_season}"

# Vote Messages
cannotVote: "&6You cannot vote at this time. The season is not ending."
requestingVoteTop: "&6The server is requesting a vote to end the season"
requestingVoteBottom: "&6Please type &b/season vote &6< &bend&6 or &bcontinue&6 > to vote."
voteContinueSuccess: "&6You have voted to continue the season."
voteEndSuccess: "&6You have voted to end the season."
voteFail: "&6There was an issue casting your vote, please try again."

# Player Death Messages
deathMessage: "&cYou have died and must wait until &bSeason {next_season}"

# Season End Messages
seasonEnding: "&6The season has ended. &c(Rejoin in 1 minute.)"
seasonGenerating: "&6A new season is generating. &c(Rejoin in 1 minute.)"

# Admin Messages
playerResurrected: "&b{resurrected_player_name} &6has been resurrected, for &bSeason {current_season}&6."

# Info Messages & Scoreboard
  - "&6●⏺ &bSeason {current_season} &6⏺●"
  - "&6Season Start: &b{season_start_date}"
  - "&6Voting Begins: &b{season_vote_start_date}"
  - "&6Season End: &b{season_end_date}"
  - "&6Players Active: &b{players_active_count}"
  - "&6Players Alive: &b{players_alive_count}"
  - "&6Players Dead: &b{players_dead_count}"
  - ""
  - "&6------- &bPotential Rewards &6-------"
  - "&6Inventories: &b{inventories_count} &6containing &b{inventories_items_count} &6items."
  - "&6Ender Chests: &b{ender_chests_count} &6containing &b{ender_chests_items_count} &6items."
  - "&6Containers: &b{containers_count} &6containing &b{containers_items_count} &6items."
# Do NOT modify this.
configVersion: 1.0.1

# Logging Level, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, OFF
loggingLevel: "OFF" # Default | OFF

# Enables /season claim command for this server.
# This command will allow players to claim rewards
# from previous seasons. If you're using MySQL, then
# the rewards can be claimed on any server running this
# plugin when this is enabled.
claimingEnabled: true # Default | true

# This enables the tracking of player actions and
# statistics. If you disable this, the plugin will
# not act as a seasonal server. It will only allow
# players to claim rewards from previous seasons
# if claimingEnabled is set to true. Otherwise,
# the plugin will not do anything.

# --------------------- WARNING ----------------------
# This setting is critical to the function of the plugin.
# ONLY enable it on a server that you want to be a seasonal server.
# For example, if you want your rewards to go to a survival server,
# from a hardcore server, then you should disable this setting on
# the survival server, and enable it on the hardcore server.
# This setting has destructive capabilities, and can delete
# player inventories, end-chests, and worlds while enabled.
trackingEnabled: true # Default | true

# Disabling this will delete previous worlds
# when the season ends. It will not delete the
# rewards or database entries. It's useful to
# save space on your server, as well as to
# enable the option to spectate the previous
# season's world, or convert to a non-seasonal
# world.
persistSeasonWorlds: true # Default | true

# This will unload the previous seasons' worlds
# when the season ends. It will not delete them.
# It's useful to disable if you want to allow
# players to spectate the previous season's world.
unloadPastSeasons: true # Default | true

# This is the minimum length for the season.
# Season cannot end before this length of time
# unless there are no players alive.
minSeasonLength: 14 #Default | 14

# This is the maximum length for the season.
# Season will end if it reaches this length of time.
# Rewards will be distributed among all players,
# based on maxSurvivorsRemaining and player activity.
maxSeasonLength: -1 # Default | -1 (Disabled)

# If the minSeasonLength is reached, and the player
# count is less than or equal to this value, it will
# trigger a vote to end the season. If the vote passes,
# the season will end and rewards will be distributed.
maxSurvivorsRemaining: 1 # Default | 1

# This is the minimum % of votes required to end the season.
# It will only apply if the maxSurvivorsRemaining condition is met.
minVotesToEndSeason: 50 # Default | 50 (%)

# The lastLoginThreshold is the number of days a player
# must be inactive before they are considered to have
# fallen off due to inactivity. If a player falls off,
# they will not be eligible for rewards, and their
# vote will not be counted.
lastLoginThreshold: 3 # Default | 3 (Days)

# Displays a message to vote to end the season
# when the maxSurvivorsRemaining condition is met,
# and when minSeasonLength is reached. Only
# the players who are still alive, and have not
# fallen off due to inactivity or not voted, will
# receive this message.
notificationInterval: 5 # Default | 5 (Minutes)

# This is the interval for which the plugin will
# reset a player's vote if they voted to continue
# the season. This is to prevent players from
# voting to continue the season, and then not
# logging in to vote again. This will reset their
# vote, and they will have to vote again.
voteResetInterval: 2 # Default | 1 (Days)

# These commands will be executed when the season ends.
# The commands will only be executed on the non-seasonal server.
  - "say Season has ended! The world will be reset and rewards will be split among all players."
  - "server [playerName] survival"

# The storageType can be either SQLite or MySQL.
# SQLite will ignore the seasonalServer setting.
# You can manually move the db file to another server
# if you want to share the rewards across multiple servers.
storageType: "SQLite" # Default | SQLite

# If you're using MySQL, you must set the storageType to MySQL.
# The plugin will create the tables for you.
# If you're using SQLite, you can ignore these settings.
  port: 3306
  database: 'HCSeasons'
  username: ''
  password: ''
  # Determines the frequency for which the plugin will update the database.
  # Setting this to a lower value will only impact server performance slightly.
  # Most operations that this adjusts, are done asynchronously, and are not
  # critical to the function of the plugin.
  updateInterval: 5 # Default | 5 (Minutes)

/season -主要指令,玩家默认拥有
/season vote end/continue -玩家默认拥有
/season info -玩家默认拥有
/season reload -管理人员指令
/season resurrect <玩家名字> -管理员指令

参与人数 1人气 +2 钻石 +1 收起 理由
Ti_Avanti + 2 + 1

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