我建议使用 BetterAdvancements 来拥有更大的 Advancements 屏幕。
- 100%可定制的消息和其他值
- 自定义命令和子命令
- 与其他玩家
结婚 - 收养其他玩家
- 进入兄弟姐妹关系,在没有父母的情况下拥有兄弟姐妹
- 在进阶屏幕
中显示您的家谱 - 支持 MySQL 和 SQLite
- 支持 Paper、Bungeecoord 和 Velocity(在代理上,只需要配置代理服务器)
/family background - change the background of your family tree
/family list - show a list of your family
/family tree - update your family tree
/family marry - access marry command via family command
/family adopt - access adopt command via family command
/family sibling - access sibling command via family command
/family gender - access gender command via family command
/family reload - admin command to reload config
/family delete - admin command to delete a player from database
/family help - show help for family command
/marry propose <player> - propose to a player
/marry accept - accept marriage proposal
/marry deny - deny marriage proposal
/marry divorce - divorce from your partner
/marry gift - gift the item in your main hand to your partner
/marry heart - change the color of the heart of your marriage in marriage list
/marry list - show a list of all married players
/marry kiss - kiss your partner
/marry priest <player> <player> - marry two other players
/marry set - admin command to set a marriage
/marry unset - admin command to unset a marriage
/marry help - show help for marry command
/adopt propose <player> - propose to adopt a player
/adopt accept - accept adopt proposal
/adopt deny - deny adopt proposal
/adopt kickout <player> - cancel adoption as a parent
/adopt moveout - cancel adoption as a child
/adopt set - admin command to set adoption
/adopt unset - admin command to unset adoption
/adopt help - show help for adopt command
/gender set - set your gender
/gender info - show your gender
/gender info <player> - show players gender
/gender help - show help for gender command
lunaticfamily.adopt - Use /adopt
lunaticfamily.marry - Use /marry
lunaticfamily.sibling - Use /marry
lunaticfamily.gender - Use /gender - Use /family - Use /family background
lunaticfamily.marry.priest - Use /marry priest - Use /marry gift
lunaticfamily.marry.heart: - Use /marry heart
lunaticfamily.marry.heart.color.* - Use /marry heart <color>
lunaticfamily.marry.heart.hex - Use /marry heart <hex> - Use /family list - Use /family list <player>
lunaticfamily.admin.adopt - Use adopt admin commands
lunaticfamily.admin.marry - Use marry admin commands
lunaticfamily.admin.sibling - Use sibling admin commands
lunaticfamily.admin.gender - Use gender admin commands
lunaticfamily.admin.reload - Use reload command
(必填) LunaticLib
(可选) CrazyAdvancementAPI - 需要在进阶屏幕中显示家谱(如果您不使用最新的服务器版本,则需要使用适合您的服务器版本的旧版本)
(可选) Vault - 需要提取经济