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Back 插件能够将玩家传送到他死后的最后一个位置。 指令和权限
/back - 返回上一个死亡地点 /back help - 插件帮助 /back reload - 重启插件
back.back :访问 Back 命令 back.bypass :访问 Back 命令而不冷却 back.admin:访问管理员帮助页面 back.update:作为新版本 接收有关插件的通知的访问 back.reload :访问重新加载插件
这很简单。当玩家死亡时,如果他有“back.back”权限,他的死亡位置将被保存。 如果他有“back.bypass”权限,如果启用,他将能够在没有冷却时间的情况下传送到他的最后一个位置。 冷却时间以秒为单位,可以在config.yml中自定义 当玩家执行“/back”命令时,他将被传送到他的最后一个位置。
该插件具有 %back_delaytime% 占位符。它不需要有任何插件依赖性。 %back_delaytime% : 如果启用了冷却时间,则获取使用后退命令的剩余时间。
配置文件<div style="text-align: left;">
<div># Plugin developed by GFelberg
# Config.yml
# language: en
# Thanks for downloading my plugin. For more plugins, dont forget to look my updates!
# If you find any bugs or ideas to the plugin, pm me at spigot.
# language: br/pt
# Obrigado por baixar meu plugin. Para mais plugins, não esqueça de olhar as atualizações!
# Se você encontrar algum problema ou ter alguma ideia para o plugin, pm no spigot.
# Permissions
# back.back : Access to the Back command
# back.bypass : Access to the Back command without cooldown
# back.admin : Access to the Admin Help Page
# back.update : Access to recieve notifications about the plugin, as new versions
# back.reload : Access to Reload the Plugin
# Placeholders
# %back_delaytime% : Gets the remaining time for use the Back Command, if cooldown is enabled.
# Update-Check Option - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/back.94702/
# If true, a permission will be required to recieve the notifications if the player doesnt have the OP enabled
update-check: true
# Configuration 1.0
# This configuration will display the Back Messages
Prefix: '&b[&eBack&b]&r'
Message: '&eYou have been teleported to your last location'
Failed: '&cYour teleport has been failed. No location found!'
BlockedWorld: '&cYou died in a world which this command is blocked by an Admin!'
NoPermission: '&cYou dont have permission to perform this command!'
# Configuration 1.1
# This configuration will display the Help Page Messages
Page: '&eShows this page'
Back: '&eTeleports to your last location'
Reload: '&eReloads the Plugin'
# Configuration 1.2
# This configuration will display the Cooldown System
# If "true", the player will have to wait 'x' seconds to use the command after his death.
# If "false", the player can use the command immediately after his death.
# If the player has "back.bypass" permission, the player will be able to use the command even with the cooldown enabled.
# By default, the cooldown is disabled.
# The Delay message is "You must wait 'x' seconds to use the command!", which 'x' is the %back_delaytime% placeholder.
Enable: false
Message: '&cYou must wait &b%back_delaytime% &cseconds to use the command!'
Time: 10
# Configuration 1.3
# This configuration will display the ClickOption System
# By default, you can see there's a space above and under the "&c[Click here to Death Location] here in config.yml.
# However, in game, it's 2 spaces above and under (1 space above and under by default in game (can't be changed) + spaces in config.yml).
# If you believe is a lot, you can't just remove the spaces here in the config.yml, so only 1 space will be visible above and under in game.
# If you want add more information, you can change or add more lines.
# For a better explanation, please check the Back Overview Page at spigot: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/back.94702/
ClickOptionEnable: false
# Messages displayed in game
- ''
- '&c[Click here to Death Location]'
- ''[
# Configuration 1.4
# This configuration will display the WorldBlacklist System
# WorldBlacklist is a method created to block the /back command to be executed. If you put a world that exists in your server in the list, if a player dies and execute the command
# the player will be blocked. The command will only works if the he dies inside of an allowed world.
# By default, this option will be disabled.
Enable: false
# Blocked Worlds
- 'world1'
- 'world2'
- 'world3'</div></div>