这是个很轻量级的插件 大小60kb左右 可为各个启用该插件的世界设置规则 比如你可以为某个世界开启保护(禁止破坏、建造、PVP、对生物造成伤害) 目前有的规则: break(破坏), build(建造), use(使用(工作台、铁砧等)), container(打开容器), move(移动), mob-damage(对生物造成伤害), mob-explode(生物爆炸), pvp(PVP), shoot(射击) tnt(TNT爆炸), tnt-damage(TNT爆炸伤害), frame(展示框保护), bed(床), voidtp(虚空传送), villager(右键村民), command(指令), chat(聊天), leaf-decay(树叶枯萎), melt(冰雪融化), fall-damage(摔落伤害), armorstand(盔甲架), farmbreak(农耕破坏), ride(右键能骑的实体), painting(画), bucket-place(桶放置), bucket-fill(桶填满), boat(船), button(按钮), door-interact(玩家与门互动), lever(拉杆), trapdoor-interact(活版门), fencegate-interact(栅栏门), drop-item(玩家丢弃物品), egg-throw(鸡蛋投掷), snowball-throw(雪球投掷), water-spread(水蔓延), lava-spread(岩浆蔓延), fly(飞行), teleport(玩家传送), mob-spawn(生物生成) 强烈建议在worlds.yml里更改flag的true/false, 而不是/nbp flag 支持 Residence 领地插件 (如果玩家在领地内将不会使用本插件任何检测) v1.0.9
/NoBuildPlus help 查看帮助 /NoBuildPlus list 查看启用该插件的世界列表 /NoBuildPlus add <世界名> 将世界加入启用该插件的列表 /NoBuildPlus remove <世界名> 从列表中移除世界 /NoBuildPlus clear 清除列表 /NoBuildPlus flag list 查看规则列表 /NoBuildPlus setspawn 设置世界的出生点 (给voidtp用的) /NoBuildPlus tp 传送到当前世界的出生点 /NoBuildPlus reload 重载配置文件
nobuildplus.use 使用指令
nobuildplus.bypass 绕过规则设置 默认op(1.0.3版本后可为各个世界设置,可自行设置权限节点)
1. 输入/nbp create <世界> 在worlds.yml中创建世界
2. (强烈建议)前往 worlds.yml 为每个规则更改true/false (true = 允许, false = 阻止)
2.1 如果你想要删除世界的消息提示,将worlds.yml中该世界的deny-message项删除即可
3. 注意! 请确保保存前已正确地完成编辑
4. 在WIKI中查看规则介绍能更好地助你完成插件配置
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## No Build Plus ##
## made by p1xEL_mc ##
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## How to use the plugin
## worlds.yml is the worlds data file. You can change each world's flag and deny message.
## You can change the flag for world with command. However, you have to change the deny message by yourself. (Or it will use the default settings')
## flags.yml is a flags manager file. You can enable or disable the flag here.
## There is a type for the flag. type: all (some flags are unavailable for type: all) type: list (select the objects from the list.)
## Sorry for my bad english.
## Thanks for using my plugin
## My name on SpigotMC is p1xEL_mc
# The version of the plugin.
Version: 1.2.8
type: Release
# The version of configuration.
Configuration: 1
# Language of the file.
# Languages list: en(English) zh_CN(Simplified Chinese) zh_TW(Traditional Chinese).
# It only changes the texts from language file if you change this.
Language: en
# Check update when the plugin loaded.
check-update: true
Residence: true
# Set to true if you want to enable deny-message
deny-message-enable: true