




[付费][1.8-1.20]LagAssist - 高级性能解决方案/服务器优化

像素搬运菌 2024-4-3 23:53:49 管理 阅读 865
英文名称: LagAssist
插件来源: 转载
适用服务端: CraftBukkit Spigot Paper 
插件类型: 管理
语言支持: 中文 英文 
适用版本: 1.8.x 1.9.x 1.10.x 1.11.x 1.12.x 1.13.x 1.14.x 1.15.x 1.16.x 1.17.x 1.18.x 1.19.x 1.20.x 
下载地址: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/lagassist-%E2%9A%A1-advanced-performance-solution-%E2%9A%A1-1-8-1-20-2-compatible.56399/
原贴地址: https://git.entryrise.com/stefatorus/LagAssist
主题封面: -


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LagAssist是一个插件,旨在手动/自动减少延迟。 它包括许多可用于定位卡顿源并删除卡顿源的工具。 它还包括各种基准测试功能,可帮助您提前规划基础架构。


LagAssist可用于替换各种游戏玩法和与延迟相关的插件,同时还可以降低成本。LagAssist 的功能通常更轻量级,而不会删除任何功能。

这些是 lagassist 可以替换其功能的插件:


[li]MergedMob - 18$[/li]

[li]React - 5.99$[/li]

[li]JetsSellChest - 5$~[/li]

[li]FPSHelper - 4.5$[/li]

[li]FarmLimiter - 4$[/li]

[li]Redstone Clock Detector -1.5$[/li]

[li]HLR (Crop hoppers) - 0$[/li]

[li]Best View Distance - 0$


[li]McCleaner - 0$[/li]

[李]CustomPayloadFixer - 0$[/li]

[li]FixCrashBook - 0$[/li]



总价(单独): 39$

LagAssist 价格: ~11$

节省的资金: ~28$

lagassist.use - 使用 LagAssist GUI & Commands
lagassist.reload - 能够重新加载插件。
lagassist.chunkanalyser - 允许使用 lagassist 的 chunkanalyser 功能(也需要 lagassist.use)
lagassist.hoppers.togglesell - 切换卖漏斗使用
lagassist.hoppers.customfilter - 块/卖漏斗过滤器

卡顿监视器分析服务器性能并根据服务器tps采取措施。 它是完全可配置的,允许客户端配置以显示各种内容,以及将根据服务器的tps执行什么措施。

区块分析器可帮助您基于预定义的得分表查找卡顿的块。 您可以为每个实体设置不同的得分等级。 运行该命令将列出得分最高的块。 您可以单击每个以进行传送。
区块分析器还允许您检查当前块的分数。 此功能非常有用,可用于检查tps过低,玩家过多的区域。

LagOverview是对系统信息简单而详细的介绍。 它可以帮助找出可能导致硬件级别的卡顿尖峰的原因。 帮助监控共享主机超额销售了多少(坑了你多少钱),以及更多。

红石终结者是LagAssist最高级的功能之一。 它是完全可配置的,您可以将其设置为执行任何操作,从简单地每次禁用红石机器到检查观察者tick并删除超过一定速率的观察者。
这对于防止红石卡顿非常有用,因为可以更改“ breaker”设置,以组织创建大型且效率低的农场,但同时保留简单高效的农场使用。

卡顿图是一种可视化服务器性能的简单方法。 它有助于监视卡顿峰值并查找服务器何时开始卡顿。


基准测试系统提供了有关您的机器的详细信息,以及您将能够承受的玩家数量的近似值。 它通过模拟浏览器从Passmark的CpuBenchmark站点获取CPU数据,并从进程中获取内存信息,并使用高级算法来查找您将能够承受多少玩家。
它还会向您显示有关从任何FTP服务器下载和上传速度的信息。 默认值是高度可靠且快速的,因此您可以确保基准测试正确无误。

注意:基准测试系统依赖于从系统获取CPU名称。 Java没有提供任何简单的方法来实现它,因此我必须创建自己的高效而紧凑的系统来获取CPU名称。 该系统取决于操作系统。 目前,仅实现Windows,Linux和macOS(如果您在另一种系统上运行,请私信我,我将在您的帮助下添加它)。

客户端优化器允许玩家在某些高负荷活动(例如TNT炮,堆积沙子等)中获得较高的FPS。它使用数据包拦截功能为玩家隐藏卡顿的功能,从而允许他们获得较高的FPS而不会过多改变游戏玩法 。 我已经看到客户端延迟的巨大改进。 不仅如此,玩家甚至可以使用非常简单易用的GUI来配置他们想要启用的功能以及哪些功能。(通过使用可以由您配置的自定义命令。)

Ping基准测试是查看客户端与服务器的连接信息的简单方法。 使用很简单,但是却提供了很多有用的信息。

将所有掉落物从区块直接捕获到料斗中。 如果服务器物品卡顿,这功能确实很有用,其可以大大提高性能。 它不会影响玩家掉落的物品,并且是派系服务器摆脱物品卡顿的好方法。
LagAssist不仅包括一个非常有效的区块漏斗功能,而且还允许玩家为其区块漏斗创建过滤器! 可以同时用于性能和游戏目的,并且应用到大型网络。
玩家可以通过按住Shift +右键单击漏斗来访问过滤器,并使用右键单击正常打开漏斗。

料斗是一个很好的获利者,也是一个可以替代目前市场上可用的箱子商店插件的惊人产品。 与其他自动售货系统的实现方式不同,LagAssist的销售漏斗是准确,高效且直接的实现。
Shift +左键单击以启用/禁用销售漏斗(需要权限)
Shift +右键单击可设置项目过滤器(与销售漏斗一起使用)

考虑性能的同时堆叠实体。 LagAssist使用的算法是为巨大的实体吞吐量而设计的。 这意味着成千上万个实体几乎可以立即堆叠,而不会影响性能。

通过启用反破解模块,防止外挂客户端使用非法数据包使服务器崩溃。 它通过主动分析数据包并丢弃所有可疑的连接来达成。

服务器卡顿时禁用物理行为。 可以将其配置为仅禁用某些功能,甚至在启动时将其禁用。

限制一个区块中允许的实体和块实体的数量,以限制生物生成的速率。 它在创造服务器上非常有效,在该服务器上,玩家可能会放置很多矿车以落后于服务器。 此功能仍处于测试阶段,但已经过很好的测试。

Dynamic View Distance:
动态计算最佳视距,以最大程度地提高玩家满意度并最小化服务器负载。 该系统非常先进且可配置,可以与任何小游戏一起使用。 该配置很容易解释,因此自己配置应该不难。

如果tps低,则将怪物剔除。 它可以帮助消除玩家稠密地区的生物。 其不会删除被命名的生物,以便获得类似原版的游戏玩法。

Spawner Improver:
刷怪笼可能是Minecraft服务器的一大卡顿源。 因此,我使修改刷怪笼的属性变得非常简单,以优化游戏玩法和性能。 您不仅可以修改刷怪笼的工作方式,而且还可以根据几率自动删除某些刷怪笼,以防玩家拥有大量刷怪笼。 此功能在gamster.org上产生了惊人的结果,该处的计算错误导致玩家拥有太多使服务器卡顿的刷怪笼。 该功能的实施将TPS提高了30%(从16 TPS提升到19 TPS)。

World Blacklist :
选择哪个世界不会被LagAssist影响。 如果您拥有即使在服务器卡顿的情况下都应始终照原样工作的世界,这将特别有用。


选择哪些世界滞后不会对哪些世界产生影响。如果您有一个 Redstone 应该始终工作的中心世界,即使服务器滞后,它也会特别有用。

<span style="color: rgb(44, 44, 44); font-family: Consolas, "courier new", Courier, monospace; font-size: 13.3333px; text-align: left; text-wrap: nowrap; background-color: rgb(251, 251, 251);">#  _                                  _     _</span>
<font _mstmutation="1" style="color: rgb(44, 44, 44); font-family: Consolas, "courier new", Courier, monospace; font-size: 13.3333px; text-align: left; text-wrap: nowrap;"># | |                   /\           (_)   | |
# | |     __ _  __ _   /  \   ___ ___ _ ___| |_
# | |    / _` |/ _` | / /\ \ / __/ __| / __| __|
# | |___| (_| | (_| |/ ____ \\__ \__ \ \__ \ |_
# |______\__,_|\__, /_/    \_\___/___/_|___/\__|
#               __/ |
#              |___/     By Stefatorus
# This is the default configuration. I suggest using it as it is.
# If you need help configuring it, please add me on discord.
# DISCORD: Stefatorus#9382
# Mobs that will be removed by the smart cleaner.
# TIP: This will not remove named mobs, even if they are in the list.
# This follows the vanilla rule - don't despawn named entities, which
# players are allready acustom to.
  # Do you want the system to be in whitelist or blacklist mode?
  # TIP: Whitelist - All except these get deleted ; Blacklist is the opposite
  whitelist: false
  # Automatic Physics disabler will occur if tps is under this value.
  # EG: If tps is under 16, lagassist will disable the physics that are
  # TIP: Set to 0.0 to disable it.
  maxtps-cull: 16.0
  # Automatically disable mob spawning if tps is under this value.
  # EG: If tps is under 14, lagassist will disable mob spawning.
  maxtps-disablespawn: 14.0
  # List of the mobs that will get removed by the smart-cleaner.
  # Mob names: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
  - "ZOMBIE"
  - "SQUID"
  - "SPIDER"
  - "GHAST"
  - "HUSK"
  - "EVOKER"
  - "BAT"
  - "BLAZE"
# For Creative Servers
# For Factions Servers

# This is a simple mob modifier. It changes how some mobs behave to improve the server
# performance.
  # Disable armorstand gravity. This might help with creative servers which have a lot of armorstands.
  no-armorstand-gravity: false
  # Disable slime splitting, approximating the drops and health of a vanilla confrontation. This is very
  # useful for larger than vanilla slimes.
  # NOTE: This also helps for vanilla slimes, but shouldn't (in my opinion) be used unless there is lag from
  # NOTE: slimes.
  simple-slime: false

# Laggy Chunk detection. You can fiddle around and find the best settings for your
# server.
# TIP: Find what kind of tiles or entities lag your server and set them a proper lag score
# here. The default values should be fine, but finding the best settings for yourself is allways
# the best way.
  # Teleport command that will be issued when you click the text.
  # PLACEHOLDERS: {x}, {y}, {z}, {chunkx}, {chunkz} {world}
  # TIP: Set it to a command that you like. This can be used to automatically clear lag in chunks, unload it, etc.
  tp-cmd: "lagassist tpchunk {world} {chunkx} {chunkz}"
  # Score at wich the server will consider the chunk laggy and make it appear in the list. You should fiddle around with it so it only shows
  # the chunks that you want it to find.
  # TIP: The amount of chunks /lagassist chunkanalyse will show.
  # (It will always show the top (amount value) laggiest chunks.)
  ammount: 10
  # Entity & Material names for laggy values.
  # materials: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
  # entities: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
  # tile entities: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Block_entity
  # TIP: Only detects Tile entities & entities. Normal blocks aren't ticked. This means that it would lag if i were to check the normal blocks.
  # At the same time, normal blocks don't lag the server.
    # -------------
    # -------------
    chest: 1
    trapped_chest: 2
    burning_furnace: 3
    sign: 1
    # Beacons don't really lag the server, but they usually appear in laggy chunks due to them being placed near grinders & automatic farms.
    # High score due to their rarity.
    beacon: 35
    hopper: 6
    note_block: 4
    piston_extension: 5
    dispenser: 10
    # Mob spawners really lag the server. I suggest setting a high score related to them.
    mob_spawner: 60
    # --------------
    # --------------
    # Players themselves. They have a decent score due to them being a lag cause (they create farms, afk at them, etc)
    player: 15
    # Normal mobs that are found in a chunk. Set the value to a moderate one. They don't lag the server so much.
    # Creeper score slightly higher due to the explosion that could lag the server a bit.
    zombie: 2
    spider: 2
    skeleton: 2
    creeper: 3
    # Passive mobs. Might signal some custom spawner farms. They are pretty optimised in AdvancedSpigotTweaks though.
    cow: 1
    pig: 1
    # Thrown items. Don't pose a huge issue due to them being optimised by AdvancedSpigotTweaks. The endereye (ender_signal) might
    # mean there is a end portal nearby, that might mean more activity (and thus, lag). Egg can spawn mobs and such has a higher score.
    ender_signal: 5
    egg: 3
    fishing_hook: 2
    ender_pearl: 2
    snowball: 2
    arrow: 1
    # Static entities might lag the server, but it all depends. They usually signal a big player city, and such is related to lag.
    painting: 2
    item_frame: 3
    armor_stand: 4
    # Stacked items & XP do not lag the server as much. If you use AdvancedSpigotTweaks, keep that in mind.
    # Fireworks might lag the server, especially if they have big explosions.
    dropped_item: 2
    experience_orb: 3
    firework: 8
    # Bosses have complex abilities that might lag your server. The ability entities can also offer additional proof the
    # bosses are actively fighting.
    ender_dragon: 85
    ender_crystal: 10
    wither: 55
    wither_skull: 20
    # Tnt is a severe lag issue. I recommend setting primed tnt (activated tnt) to a higher score. Remember that a tnt by
    # itself doesn't lag as much, but they are used in mass numbers in cannons, etc.
    # Minecart-TNTS are evem bigger of an issue due to their moving mechanics.
    primed_tnt: 7
    minecart_tnt: 15
    # Highly active entities. Includes entities that do many checks, and are used for mechanics.
    minecart_hopper: 20
    minecart_mob_spawner: 80
    endermite: 5

# Chunk-Manager System.
  # Should we enable the chunk-manager? It can highly help with memory issues if you have too many loaded chunks.
  # NOTE: You need to have the max view distance set in your server.properties file.
  # (!) This feature will only work on PaperSpigot servers.
  enabled: false
  # How many chunks should all players load at the same time.
  # TIP: The view distance is calculated using this formula:
  #      SQRT(MAX-CHUNKS / PLAYERS / 4).
  # EG: If the max chunks are at 6500, and you have 100 players online
  #     your view distance would be at 4.
  # (!) In order for this to work, please set your view distance in
  # both server.properties & spigot.yml to the minimum view distance you
  # want to set.
  max-chunks: 5000
  # (!) Try making it larger progressively. Sometimes it's safe to limit it
  #     at a smaller view distance.
  max-view: 12

#LagMeasures Config
  # Lag measures automatically runs anti-lag actions if the server has
  # under a set amount of TPS. To configure the tps values, look for
  # the maxtps setting in all lagassist systems.
  # Announce the lag cleaning in the console and chat.
    # Show players that the lag-cleaning has occured.
    enabled: false
    # Should we show the staff a different, more exact message of lag-measures?
    # Permission node: lagassist.notify
    staffmsg: true
    message: "&c&lLag&f&lAssist &e» &fRemoving server lag..."
  # Set the time between the lag-cleaning cycles.
  # I suggest keeping it on 6000 as the fact that it disables redstone
  # machines might annoy some players if it is done too often.
  # TIP: Time is measured in ticks. 1 second has a tick
  # (For 10 second interval, set to 200)
  timer: 6000

# RedstoneCuller Tweaks
  breaker: true
  # Chance from 1 to 100 for the redstone to break. If you don't think
  # redstone could lag your server, disable it.
  # The breaker system griefs some redstone from Players' contraptions in
  # order to prolongue the effect of the cull. If it is set to 0, it will
  # be harder to get rid of redsotne lag, because players can just start
  # their farms & Lag Machines back up in a matter of seconds.
  # TIP: The chance doesn't need to be too big in order for their farms to
  # break. The system triggers for all of the active redstone trails and will
  # break X percent of the track. Remember that even if you have chance 2, if
  # we have 100 redstone, you will still have an effect on them.
  chance: 3
  # How many ticks should the redstone be culled if the signal changes. A too small value
  # will not stop clocks, and a too large value will make destructive checks less effective.
  # TIP: The recommmended value for destructive checks is 10-30; and 50-70 without.
  ticks: 60
  # Destructive checks. Implemented to combat Observer lagmachines, which can bring
  # a I7-4770k machine to it's knees quite easily. It listens for singal changes and
  # removes all observers that go over a set value.
  # Lag-Machine example: http://stefatorus.go.ro/img/SpigotTweaks/ObserverFix.gif
  # (!) This should be safe, but at the same time, don't enable it without any reason.
  #     These lag machines are not found very often, and there is no reason to try fix them
  #     if everything works fine.
    # Should we enable destructive checks?
    enabled: false
    # How many updates should the observer do in order to remove it? I recommend the default value.
    value: 16
  # Automatic Redstone culling will occur if tps is under this value.
  # EG: If tps is under 19, lagassist will cull redstone each time the monitor runs.
  # TIP: Set to 0.0 to disable it.
  maxtps: 19.0

# Disable hopper crafting. Hoppers are one of the issues non-minigame server owners have to face. Enabling this
# check allows you to make hoppers more rare. This won't really affect farms, but will make them more efficient.
# Hoppers are easy to craft in vanilla minecraft, and this makes them to get overused (>100 HOPPERS/FARM)
  enabled: false
  reason: "&c&lLag&f&lAssist &e» &fHopper crafting has been disabled."
  # Sabotage hoppers in order to defer players from using them. This
  # will break huge farms in a while, and has a bigger chance of destroying
  # large hopper lines instead of single hoppers. (multyply by how many)
  # TIP: This is is not percent, it is per10mille (X in 10000 chance).
  # Don't set it too big. If you set it to 1 or 2, it will make sure
  # huge afk farms will break and won't lag your server for actually
  # active players, while also not annoying the less-extreme players.
  # Disable by setting it to 0.
  chance: 0

# The limiter allows you to limit the amount of mobs & tiles there are on a single chunk.
# This system can be used to deny abusing spawning mobs, minecarts, etc.
    # The maximum limit of mobs that can spawn per chunk. Set this to a larger number, and use
    # the per-limit system to set limits for certain types of mobs.
    # (!) Set to '-1' to disable the total limit.
    total-limit: -1
      entity1: -1
      entity2: -1
    # The maximum limit of tile entities that can be placed per chunk. Note that there are
    # very many types of tile entities, and they don't produce so much lag. This has limited
    # uses for lag prevention, but may be used for other tasks.
    # (!) Set to '-1' to disable it.
    total-limit: -1
      tileentity1: -1
      tileentity2: -1

# Anti Spawner-Lag implementation for large servers with a lot of spawners.
  # Should we enable the spawner check?
  enabled: true
  # Should we break spawners with a set chance (permille)? This highly helps
  # severs where spawners are very easily procured.
  breaker: false
  # What chance (permille) should we have.
  # EG: If you set it to 5, the chance will be 5/1000 which is 1/200;
  chance: 5
  # Custom spawner implementation. This should work with all spawner
  # plugins, like EpicSpawners or SilkSpawners.
    # Delay in ticks between mob spawner spawns.
    delay: 300
    # (!) 1.12 ONLY FEATURES
    # How many mobs should we spawn. This can greatly lower the mob lag
    # from mob-spawners.
      min: 1
      max: 2
    # How spread out we should spawn the entities. I recommend keeping it lower.
    spawnrange: 3
    # The maximum distance a player can be in order for the spawner to be active.
    player-range: 10
  # Automatic Spawner-Check activator. This will have no effect if the check is
  # disabled.
  # EG: If tps is under 19, lagassist will start modifying how the spawners work.
  # TIP: Set to 0.0 to disable it.
  maxtps: 16.0

# The Physics system disables laggy or ununsed game mechanics that might lag your server. The physics system can
# be set to be enabled on start or by using /lagassist.
# TIP: Disabling it here won't actually remove the checks when you use /lagassist. If you want some checks to
# work, please add them here.
  # Should we disable physics just as the server starts?
  # TIP: It can be used to modify gameplay features.
  # For example, you can disable decay, fire & melting for a build server.
  enabled: false
  # Automatic Physics disabler will occur if tps is under this value.
  # EG: If tps is under 16, lagassist will disable the physics that are
  # TIP: Set to 0.0 to disable it.
  maxtps: 17.0
  # What should we disable? Please make sure this fits your game perfectly. If you have a cannoning server,
  # disabling explosions would be useless. At the same time, you shouldn't enable them for a survival server.
    explosions: true
    grassspread: true
    melting: true
    pistons: true
    fire: true
    liquidspread: true
    decay: true
    redstone: true
    # Had reports of noteblock & observer machines to lag the server significantly
    noteblock: true

# Benchmarking can be used to approximate the max players your server will be able
# to sustain.
# TIP: If you want more accurate results (and don't mind waiting longer), change the
# ftp link under here.
# Placeholders: %RND% - Generate random name (useful for upload testing).
# (!) The size for upload is in bytes. A MB = 1.000.000 bytes. Default is 50MB
    link: "ftp://speedtest.tele2.net/50MB.zip"
    link: "ftp://speedtest.tele2.net/upload/%RND%.bin"
    size: 50000000

# Worlds where this plugin will have no effect. All lag-measures will simply be disabled.
# (!) Analysis features are not disabled. (LagMonitor, LagMap)
  enabled: false
  - blacklisted1name
  - blacklisted2name

# The Log-Cleaner cleans old logs from the directories that you select. You can use this feature to get rid of old
# logs.
# maxsize = Max size (in megabytes) that the log needs to have in order to be cleaned.
# maxage = Max time (in days) that the log needs to have in order to get removed.
# (!) Both of these settings are independent. If any of these conditions are met, the
# (!) file will get removed.
  enabled: true
  - "logs/"
    maxsize: 30
    maxage: 7

# The statsbar can be accessed using /lagassist statsbar. You can configure it to better show your server
# performance, or to better resemble your server's design choices.
  message: "&c&l⬛ &fTPS: &a{TPS} &7&m|&r &fMEM: &a{MEM}GB &7&m|&r &fCHKS: &a{CHKS} &7&m|&r &fENT: &a{ENT} &c&l⬛"
  # The interval in which the tps average is created. A lower value will be more acurrate but will fluctuate a lot.
  # I suggest setting it around 6-12 for it to be the most precise.
  tps-interval: 10
  # How often should we refresh the statsbar? A lower value will look nicer and is more accurate, but might take more
  # (yet a minuscule difference) processing power to show.
  show-delay: 5

# The system that creates the lagmap.
  # Do you want us to fully reserve filled_map:0? This will allow for placing lagmaps in spawns and giving them to players.
  fully-reserve: false

# This allows the system to update the config if the plugin is updated.
version: 16</font>



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