本帖最后由 像素搬运菌 于 2024-3-19 21:39 编辑
Infinite Parkour 是MC史上功能最丰富的随机生成跑酷插件。
跑酷有 6 种不同的跳跃类型:
提供许多自定义功能 完全可
定制的 MySQL 支持
向下滚动查看完整列表!此插件支持 1.16 - 1.20。
加入服务器时,使用 /parkour 获取更多信息。
- 易于使用且美观
- 轻
- 改变一切 - 添加你自己的物品、语言、跑酷风格,改变特定类型跳跃的机会,添加你自己的原理图,自定义记分牌等等。
- 奖励 - 选择玩家在每次达到特定分数时或仅在特定分数时获得的奖励。
- 跳跃种类 - 有 6 种跳跃类型,永远不会感到无聊。
- 风格 - 玩家可以使用自定义样式更改跑酷的外观
- 玩家设置 - 玩家可以通过更改菜单中的内容来自定义他们的游戏体验,例如方块引线、原理图难度等。
- 观看其他玩家
- 排行榜 - 轻松查看所有玩家分数的排行榜或创建自己的排行榜
- 超过 15 个 PlaceholderAPI 占位符
- 全息显示器支持
- Multiverse 支持
- 保险柜支持
- 基岩支撑
- MySQL/本地支持 - 选择存储类型
- 命令块支持
- 无延迟记分牌
- 清单恢复 - 在服务器崩溃时使用 /ip recoverinventory 恢复清单。
- 具有开发人员 API
- 定期更新
- 快速支持 - 通常<1 小时
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# (c) Efnilite 2020-2022 #
# #
# -= Auto updater =-
# The auto updater will automatically download updates if they are available.
# It's highly recommended to keep this on!
auto-updater: true
# -= Enable joining =-
# Whether players can join the parkour.
# True = players can join, false = players can't join.
joining: true
# -= Join-leave messages =-
# Whether players should receive a message when a player joins the parkour.
# True = players will receive a message when a new player joins, false = players won't get a message.
join-leave-messages: true
# -= BungeeCord options =-
# Change the BungeeCord settings.
# This also applies to servers who only want to run this plugin.
# -= BungeeCord enabled =-
# Enabling this will make players who join the server automatically join the parkour.
# You can enable this even without BungeeCord to make this a parkour-only server.
# True = players will automatically join the parkour on join, false = players have to use the menu/parkour command.
enabled: false
# -= BungeeCord return server =-
# The server the players will be returned to after they leave.
return_server: 'Lobby'
# -= Go back enabled =-
# Whether players should be teleported to a specific location after leaving.
# True = players get teleported to a specific location when they leave, false = they go to their location when they joined.
go-back-enabled: false
# -= Go back location =-
# The place players will go back to when they leave
# Only applies if BungeeCord mode is disabled and the go-back-enabled option is true.
# Syntax: '(x,y,z,worldName)'
go-back: '(0,100,0,world)'
# -= MySQL =-
# The options for using MySQL as storage.
# -= MySQL enabled =-
# Using databases makes you able to sync player data across multiple servers.
# True = data will be stored in a database, false = data will be stored locally.
enabled: false
# -= MySQL settings =-
url: 'localhost'
port: 3306
username: 'efnilite'
password: 'super secret password'
database: 'ip'
# -= MySQL prefix =-
# The prefix given to any table names
# The default is ''. Example: 'ip-' -> this would make the table 'ip-players'
prefix: ''
# -= World options =-
# -= World name =-
# The world in which parkour will take place
name: 'witp'
# -= Delete world on reload =-
# Deletes the world on reload/restart of the server.
# This makes sure there are no ghost blocks left when a server crash occurs.
# Disable this if you want to have a custom map.
delete-on-reload: true
# -= World fall back =-
# The world players will be teleported to if they accidentally join the Parkour world without joining
fall-back: 'world'
# -= General options =-
# -= Options menu enabled =-
# If the options menu is enabled.
# This is the menu you can open on join of parkour.
# True = players get access to the menu by the compass, false = players can't customize anything
enabled: true
# -= Leads options =-
# -= Leads amounts =-
# The lead amounts a player can select in their options menu.
# Values also need to be above 1 and below 64.
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
# -= Time options =-
# -= Time format =-
# Choose between:
# 24 - 24 hour clock. (00:00, 12:00, 23:59)
# 12 - 12 hour clock. (12:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 11:59 PM)
format: 24
# -= Inventory handling =-
# Toggles the inventory handling system.
# True = players' inventories get saved and cleared when they join the parkour and when they leave they get their items back
# False = players keep their inventories when they join the parkour
inventory-handling: true
# -= Inventory saving =-
# Logs inventories of the players that join to the inventories/ folder.
# It is highly recommended to keep this enabled. Server crashes or errors while leaving might cause
# inventories of players to be lost if this is set to false!
# Use /witp recoverinventory to recover inventories of players who joined the parkour and who lost their inventories in a crash, etc.
inventory-saving: true
# -= Alternate inventory saving command =-
# If you don't trust this plugin to save inventories, you can select another plugin to execute a command
# to save players' inventories.
# Example: /inventory save %player%
# This command will be executed by console.
alt-inventory-saving-command: ''
# -= Health handling =-
# Enables/disables the health handling system. This will reset (max) health to default values on join of the parkour.
# Disable this if you're experiencing errors with max health, etc.
health-handling: true
# -= Stats saving =-
# Saves things like (max) health, clears effects, etc. for when a player joins the parkour.
save-stats: true
# -= Hotbar quit item =-
# If enabled, puts quit item in slot 8 of players' inventories.
hotbar-quit-item: false
# -= Permissions options =-
# These permissions are used to determine which things the player can change.
# Find them at at https://efnilite.github.io/efnilite.dev/wiki/witp
# -= Permissions enabled =-
# If permission handling is enabled.
# True = players need a permission to join, view the leaderboard, etc, false = players can do and view anything
# from this plugin besides admin commands.
enabled: false
# -= Per style permissions =-
# Gives every style a permission. The permission is the name of the style.
# Syntax: witp.option.styles.<style> - example: witp.option.styles.red
# Useful for servers with ranks.
per-style: false
# -= Focus mode options =-
# -= Focus mode enabled =-
# If focus mode is enabled players can't use commands while in parkour.
# Note: this might not work on all commands because Minecraft.
enabled: false
# -=
# A whitelist for commands which ARE allowed during focus mode (if focus mode is enabled).
# If you want to disable the default whitelisted commands you can remove every item in the list below.
- 'witp'
- 'parkour'
- 'msg'
- 'r'
- 'w'
- 'whisper'
- 'reply'
- 'message'
# -= Styles options =-
# -= Styles default =-
# The default style
default: 'red'
# -= Styles list =-
# The list of all available styles, which you can add to if you want.
# For changes, you have to restart or reload your server.
red: [red_wool, red_stained_glass, red_concrete, red_terracotta]
blue: [blue_wool, blue_stained_glass, blue_concrete, blue_terracotta]
light blue: [light_blue_wool, light_blue_stained_glass, light_blue_concrete, light_blue_terracotta]
green: [green_wool, green_stained_glass, green_concrete, green_terracotta]
lime: [lime_wool, lime_stained_glass, lime_concrete, lime_terracotta]
cyan: [cyan_wool, cyan_stained_glass, cyan_concrete, cyan_terracotta]
purple: [purple_wool, purple_stained_glass, purple_concrete, purple_terracotta]
yellow: [yellow_wool, yellow_stained_glass, yellow_concrete, yellow_terracotta]
gray: [gray_wool, gray_stained_glass, gray_concrete, gray_terracotta]
end: [end_stone, end_stone_bricks, purpur_block, purpur_pillar]
nether: [netherrack, nether_bricks, red_nether_bricks, chiseled_nether_bricks, nether_wart_block, nether_gold_ore, netherite_block, basalt]
quartz: [smooth_quartz, chiseled_quartz_block, quartz_block, quartz_bricks, quartz_pillar]
ocean: [prismarine, prismarine_bricks, dark_prismarine, sea_lantern]
redstone: [observer, dispenser, redstone_block, piston, sticky_piston, redstone_lamp, target]
overworld: [grass_block, stone, cobblestone, oak_log]
ores: [diamond_ore, gold_ore, iron_ore, coal_ore, nether_gold_ore, lapis_ore, redstone_ore, emerald_ore, nether_quartz_ore]
wood: [oak_planks, spruce_planks, jungle_planks, acacia_planks, birch_planks, dark_oak_planks, oak_log, spruce_log, jungle_log, birch_log, acacia_log, dark_oak_log]
rainbow: [red_wool, blue_wool, orange_wool, magenta_wool, lime_wool, purple_wool, yellow_concrete, orange_concrete, lime_concrete, light_blue_concrete, yellow_stained_glass, white_stained_glass, magenta_stained_glass, light_blue_stained_glass]
glow: [glowstone, jack_o_lantern, beacon, sea_lantern, crying_obsidian, shroomlight]
# -= Scoring options =-
# -= All points =-
# This will give the player all possible points.
# If a player skips a block jump, it will still give the points for that block.
all-points: false
# -= Rewards use total score =-
# Whether interval rewards should use the total score of a session or not.
# The total score doesn't reset when a player falls.
rewards-use-total-score: false
# -= Particle options =-
# -= Particle shape =-
# The shape of the particle that will appear when a new block generates.
# Possible options: dot, box, circle
particle-shape: 'box'
# -= Particle type =-
# The type of particle that will appear when a new block generates.
# You can find all types at https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Particle.html
particle-type: 'SPELL_INSTANT'
# -= Sound type =-
# The sound that will play when a new block generates.
# You can find all sounds at https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html
# -= Sound pitch =-
# The pitch of the sound that will play when a new block generates.
sound-pitch: 3
# -= Parkour Generation Settings =-
# Settings for parkour generation
# -= Normal jump settings =-
# The settings for normal jumps
# -= Normal jump chance =-
# The chance for normal jumps to appear (in %). This means a block jump that isn't ice, slab or a schematic.
# When compared to structures.chance and special.chance this should be 100%, but it can be more.
chance: 85
# -= Distance chances =-
# The chances of the different distances in %. Can be above 100%.
1-block: 5
2-block: 30
3-block: 55
4-block: 10
# -= Height chances =-
# The chances of the different heights a jump can have in %. Can be above 100%.
up: 15
level: 70
down: 10
down2: 5 # Goes down 2 blocks
# -= Special blocks settings =-
# Settings for special block jumps.
# Note: these jumps use the chances for normal jumps for distance.
# -= Special jump chance =-
# The chance for special jumps to appear (in %).
chance: 10
# -= Special jump types chance =-
# The type of block
ice: 50
slab: 30 # for bottom-side half slabs
pane: 10 # for glass panes
fence: 10
# -= Schematic settings =-
# The settings for schematic chances. This used to be called structures, hence the name.
# -= Schematic appear chance =-
# The chance for structures to appear (in %)
chance: 5
# -= Jump settings =-
# -= Min jump y value =-
# The minimal y value for parkour to be generated at.
# If you are using a custom world, you should set this to a value where the parkour won't intersect with the world.
min-y: 100
# -= Max jump y value =-
# The maximum y value for parkour to be generated at.
# If you are using a custom world, you should set this to a value where the parkour won't intersect with the world.
max-y: 200
# -= Advanced settings =-
# Don't modify these if you don't know what you're doing!
# -= Spawn island options =-
# Options for the spawn island
# -= Player block =-
# The material of the block that the player will spawn on.
# This block will be set to air once the schematic has been pasted.
player-block: diamond_block
# -= Spawn yaw/pitch =-
yaw: -90
pitch: 0
# -= Begin block =-
# The block from which the parkour begins
# This block will be set to air once the schematic has been pasted
begin-block: emerald_block
# -= Directional heading =-
# The directional heading of the parkour
# Possible options: north, south, west and east.
heading: east
# -= Border size =-
# The diameter of the playing area of a person in the singleplayer mode.
border-size: 10000
# -= Generator check interval =-
# The amount of ticks between checks of the player's location and score.
# Lowering this is not recommended. Raising this may cause additional lag.
generator-check: 2
# -= Height gap =-
# The height gap used for determining the max distance between 2 blocks.
height-gap: 4.5
# From which score the difficulty multiplier is maxed (so from e.g.
# 750 score you get more 4 block jumps than at 200 score)
maxed-multiplier: 500
# -= Score difficulty maxes =-
# The chances of all jumps when the distance multiplier is maxed out.
# This is only if a player has the Score difficulty option enabled.
1-block: 5
2-block: 15
3-block: 25
4-block: 55
# ----------- Rewards v2 -----------
# Each command needs a separate line, as you can see below.
# You can copy the format below and change the score/commands to add a reward.
# Reward commands are executed by the console.
# Scores of 0 do not work.
# Custom reward syntaxes:
# %player% - the player's name
# leave:test - executes a command on leave
# send:<bold>test - sends a message
# vault:-87 - deposits a specific amount of money (Vault required)
# Learn more about colouring: https://github.com/Efnilite/fyCore/wiki/Colouring
# -= Rewards enabled =-
# Are rewards enabled?
enabled: false
# -= Score rewards =-
# Rewards when a player reaches a specific score
- "send:gj"
# -= Interval rewards =-
# Rewards which will be given at certain intervals.
# An interval of 10 means a player will get a reward at 10, 20, 30, etc.
- "/witpreward10"
- "send:<green>Good job!"
# -= One time rewards =-
# Rewards which players will receive just once.
# These are based on the score required.
# Changing the commands when a player already has achieved this score will not give it to them again.
- "leave:send:You made your first jump!"
- "/currentyear"
- "vault:100"
- "send:&r"
- "send:<red><bold>Time travelling is illegal!"
- "send:&r"
- "vault:-100"
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的玩家提供金钱奖励 还有更多...
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