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Hardcore Seasons Minecraft 插件
- 当前版本: 1.2.3b (Beta)
- 需要 Spigot、Paper 或 Bukkit 1.20.X(其他版本“可能”工作,但尚未经过测试。
欢迎来到 Hardcore Seasons!这个成功的插件采用了 Minecraft 中的生存服务器,并将激动人心的体验提升了一个档次。该插件具有令人兴奋的新自动化季节性奖励层,其灵感来自 PubG、Warzone 或 Fortnite 等大逃杀游戏的身临其境的游戏风格,但具有典型的异步 Minecraft 风格。
Hardcore Seasons 使您的服务器能够管理引人入胜的生存游戏。在整个游戏过程中,参与者将以典型的方式积累充满手工制作和拾荒商品的库存。其中包括所有库存块,例如箱子、潜影箱、末影箱、桶等。 但乐趣从这里开始:参与者保存的每一个库存,直到最后一颗钻石或泥土碎片,都会自动保存在一个专用数据库中。你没听错——所有的战利品、宝藏和材料都会成为潜在的季节性奖励。 一旦生存游戏结束,留下预定数量的胜利者,世界就会自动重置。所有节省的库存?然后,它们可以作为季节性奖励领取。任何连接服务器的玩家都可以通过简单的“/season claim”命令解锁上一个游戏赛季的丰富赛季奖励。
为了让事情更加激动人心,该插件具有公平平衡的物品分配系统。可以在pluginConfig.yml文件中配置已堆叠的 DIAMONDS 或 DIRT 等战利品,以在参与者之间平均分配。 但是,当战利品数量没有平均分配时该怎么办?不用担心,在这些情况下,剩余的物品将根据生存时间和活动分配给顶级参与者。它确实为参与者增加了额外的激励,让他们努力比其他人活得更久。
Hardcore Seasons 专为刺激和增强硬核游戏体验而量身定制。竞争、刺激和丰厚的季节性奖励的混合体——这个插件平衡了挑战和可访问性,承诺提供迷人的体验,一次又一次地吸引参与者回来。以前所未有的方式拥抱硬核体验!所以,准备好在Hardcore Seasons中领取你的季节性奖励吧!
默认配置# Enables /season claim command for this server.
# This command will allow players to claim rewards
# from previous seasons. If you're using MySQL, then
# the rewards can be claimed on any server running this
# plugin when this is enabled.
claimingEnabled: true # Default | true
# This enables the tracking of player actions and
# statistics. If you disable this, the plugin will
# not act as a seasonal server. It will only allow
# players to claim rewards from previous seasons
# if claimingEnabled is set to true. Otherwise,
# the plugin will not do anything.
# --------------------- WARNING ----------------------
# This setting is critical to the function of the plugin.
# ONLY enable it on a server that you want to be a seasonal server.
# For example, if you want your rewards to go to a survival server,
# from a hardcore server, then you should disable this setting on
# the survival server, and enable it on the hardcore server.
# This setting has destructive capabilities, and can delete
# player inventories, end-chests, and worlds while enabled.
trackingEnabled: true # Default | true
# Disabling this will delete previous worlds
# when the season ends. It will not delete the
# rewards or database entries. It's useful to
# save space on your server, as well as to
# enable the option to spectate the previous
# season's world, or convert to a non-seasonal
# world.
persistSeasonWorlds: true # Default | true
# This will unload the previous seasons' worlds
# when the season ends. It will not delete them.
# It's useful to disable if you want to allow
# players to spectate the previous season's world.
unloadPastSeasons: true # Default | true
# This is the minimum length for the season.
# Season cannot end before this length of time
# unless there are no players alive.
minSeasonLength: 14 #Default | 14
# This is the maximum length for the season.
# Season will end if it reaches this length of time.
# Rewards will be distributed among all players,
# based on maxSurvivorsRemaining and player activity.
maxSeasonLength: -1 # Default | -1 (Disabled)
# If the minSeasonLength is reached, and the player
# count is less than or equal to this value, it will
# trigger a vote to end the season. If the vote passes,
# the season will end and rewards will be distributed.
maxSurvivorsRemaining: 1 # Default | 1
# This is the minimum % of votes required to end the season.
# It will only apply if the maxSurvivorsRemaining condition is met.
minVotesToEndSeason: 50 # Default | 50 (%)
# The lastLoginThreshold is the number of days a player
# must be inactive before they are considered to have
# fallen off due to inactivity. If a player falls off,
# they will not be eligible for rewards, and their
# vote will not be counted.
lastLoginThreshold: 3 # Default | 3 (Days)
# Displays a message to vote to end the season
# when the maxSurvivorsRemaining condition is met,
# and when minSeasonLength is reached. Only
# the players who are still alive, and have not
# fallen off due to inactivity or not voted, will
# receive this message.
notificationInterval: 5 # Default | 5 (Minutes)
# This is the interval for which the plugin will
# reset a player's vote if they voted to continue
# the season. This is to prevent players from
# voting to continue the season, and then not
# logging in to vote again. This will reset their
# vote, and they will have to vote again.
voteResetInterval: 2 # Default | 1 (Days)
# These commands will be executed when the season ends.
# The commands will only be executed on the non-seasonal server.
- "say Season has ended! The world will be reset and rewards will be split among all players."
- "server [playerName] survival"
# The storageType can be either SQLite or MySQL.
# SQLite will ignore the seasonalServer setting.
# You can manually move the db file to another server
# if you want to share the rewards across multiple servers.
storageType: "SQLite" # Default | SQLite
# If you're using MySQL, you must set the storageType to MySQL.
# The plugin will create the tables for you.
# If you're using SQLite, you can ignore these settings.
port: 3306
database: 'HCSeasons'
username: ''
password: ''
# Determines the frequency for which the plugin will update the database.
# Setting this to a lower value will only impact server performance slightly.
# Most operations that this adjusts, are done asynchronously, and are not
# critical to the function of the plugin.
updateInterval: 5 # Default | 5 (Minutes)
/season - Primary command, default
/season vote end|continue - default
/season info - default
/season reload - hardcoreseasons.admin
/season resurrect <playerName> - hardcoreseasons.admin
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