# Minepacks Config文件
# PluginsCDTribe小组
# 汉化/搬运部 幻影汉化
# 语言设置
# 修改后将会重载: /plugins/Minepacks/lang/<你设置的语言文件>.yml
Language: zh_cn
# 如何处理过期的语言文件. 覆盖/更新
# 覆盖 = 旧语言文件将被替换为新的,仅当使用插件提供的语言文件时使用此文件
# 更新 = 旧的语言文件将用新的英文消息更新,文件的所有更改将在更新中保留
LanguageUpdateMode: Overwrite
# 标题是为每个人打开的背包显示,除了背包的主人。可以包含{OrnReName}(将用玩家名替换).
BackpackTitleOther: "&b{OwnerName}'s Backpack"
# 背包主人的物品显示
BackpackTitle: "&bBackpack"
# 设置玩家必须等待多久才能重新打开背包.
# 时间是几秒钟. 时间 < 1禁用冷却时间.
command_cooldown: -1
# 冷却时间将应用于加入服务器的每一个玩家. 时间 < 1禁用连接冷却.
command_cooldown_after_join: -1
# 设置背包物品是否在玩家死亡时掉落.
# 如果启用, 拥有"backpack.KeepOnDeath"权限可保留物品.
drop_on_death: true
# 设置是否已显示背包已关闭的消息.
show_close_message: false
# 设置背包最大栏数.
# 用户的背包的大小将由权限定义,对于较大的背包的权限将忽略此值.
# 可以设置为任何 > 0, 背包超过6列将有一个坏的的用户界面!
max_size: 6
# 设置玩家可以在哪些游戏模式下访问背包
# 选项: ADVENTURE(冒险模式), CREATIVE(创造模式), SPECTATOR(上帝模式), SURVIVAL(生存模式)
allowed_game_modes: [ "SURVIVAL" ]
# 自动清点在完整库存功能上的控制
# 如果玩家库存是满的, 物品将被收集到玩家背包.
collect_items: false
# 以秒为单位的时间间隔, 应该收集玩家背包的物品.
check_interval: 1
# Radius in which items get collected, in meter/blocks, allow decimals
collect_radius: 1.5
# 如果运行在 Bungeecord 请启用此选项!
BungeeCordMode: false
# 数据库设置
# 数据库类型. MySQL, SQLite or Files
Type: SQLite
# 如果您想使用其他插件创建的玩家ID, 请关闭. 使用数据库时,请检查是否完整
UpdatePlayer: true
# 设置自动数据库清理
# 定义存储背包的最大天数. -1禁用自动清除
MaxInactiveDays: -1
# 如果你想使用UUID, 建议不要改变这个设置, 除非你知道这是什么!
# true: 只能运行在联机模式, 且游戏背包必须是1.7.5及以上.
# false: 在离线模式中, 且版本低于 1.7.5
# Should be configured automatically based on your minecraft version and online mode settings
# If you are using BungeeCord please set this setting based on your BungeeCord's online mode!!!
UseUUIDs: true
# Defines the storage format for UUIDs for compatibility with other plugins (shared tables)
# true: format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
# false: format: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
UseUUIDSeparators: false
# Settings only for MySQL
Host: localhost:3306
Database: minecraft
User: minecraft
Password: minecraft
# The max amount of connections to the database the connection pool will open
MaxConnections: 2
# List of properties for your MySQL connection. Can be used to disable SSL
# Properties: ["useSSL=false"]
Properties: []
# Tables settings for shared tables when using MySQL - Advanced MySQL Settings
# Use these settings only if you know what you are doing!!!!
# Do only change this settings if you know what you are doing and have some basic MySQL knowledge!!!
# Changing settings down here after you have used this plugin may result in data inconsistency!!!
# Table names
# Don't change the players table if you have backpacks stored in your database already! Player id's might wont match anymore resulting data inconsistency.
User: backpack_players
Backpack: backpacks
# Field settings for the tables
# Do not change them after the tables have been generated!
# If you like to change them after the tables have been generated alter the tables manually or delete them (the system then will regenerate them).
Player_ID: player_id
Name: name
UUID: uuid
Owner_ID: owner
ItemStacks: itemstacks
Version: version
LastUpdate: lastupdate
# 启用/禁用插件的自动更新功能.
auto-update: true
# 禁用V2已发布并应下载的信息。如果您的MC版本与V2不兼容,则只应使用此选项V2.
DisableV2Info: false
# 配置文件版本, 不懂别乱动!
Version: 15
<span style="font-family: 微软雅黑;">语言文件</span>
Enabled: 个人背包已经启用!
Disabled: 个人背包已经停用.
NotFromConsole: 控制台无法使用命令.
LangUpdated: 语言文件已经更新.
UpdateUUIDs: 开始更新至UUIDs ...
UpdatedUUIDs: '对UUIDs账户%s accounts 更新.'
NoPermission: 你没有权限使用.
OwnBackPackClose: '背包关闭!'
PlayerBackPackClose: "%s's 的背包关闭!"
InvalidBackpack: 无效背包.
BackpackCleaned: 背包清理.
Cooldown: "请等待直到你再次打开背包."
WrongGameMode: "在当前游戏模式下,您无法打开背包."
Backpack: 打开你的背包.
Clean: 清理你的背包.
CleanOther: 清理其他玩家的背包.
View: 显示其他玩家的背包.
# 语言文件版本,不懂别乱动
Version: 5