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Minecraft Beta & Preview -
Minecraft 基岩版 Beta & Preview 发布
- Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
- Minecraft Preview现已在Xbox、Windows10/11及iOS设备上可用。要获取更多信息,请参阅 aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
- The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions.
- Minecraft Beta则在Android (Google Play)设备上可用。要获取加入或离开Beta计划的详细信息,请参阅 aka.ms/JoinMCBeta
Oh! I wasn’t expecting to see you here, I was trying to find my base! Instead I seem to have stumbled upon this Preview; which includes tweaks to help directionally-challenged explorers, as well as parity adjustments, gameplay fixes, and audio tweaks (stray cats now make a sound when begging for food!) Cartographers in villages will now sell seven new maps too, as experiments to rebalance villager trading continue, making it easier to find villages and other structures. This will come in handy when exploring, as certain Enchanted Books are also more likely to spawn in certain structures. Soon I everything I own will be Unbreakable! Just as soon as I re-find my base… As always, we really want to hear your thoughts on these experiments, so please send your feedback and ideas to aka.ms/MC120Feedback and report any bugs to bugs.mojang.com .
诶?你咋会在这?你看见我的基地了吗?我正在寻找它。但我倒是在这找到了这个预览版本,它包含了针对有目标的探险家所作出的的更改,还有特性同步、漏洞修复和音效方面的改动 (流浪猫在问你讨食物时会发出声音啦!) 。针对村民交易体系的平衡性实验性调整仍在继续,制图师村民现在将出售七张新的地图!这能让你更轻易找到村庄和其他结构!这些地图会在你的探索之路中发挥作用,因为某些附魔书将在某些特定结构中有更大概率生成!很快我就将变得永垂不朽!鹅,前提是我得先找到我丢失的基地…… 一如既往,我们希望就这些新改动听到您的声音。所以请一定要记得在 aka.ms/MC120Feedback 发送您的反馈并在 bugs.mojang.com 发送您的错误报告。
村民交易体系大改 第二部分
This pre-release updates the Villager Trade Rebalance experiment. This experiment has no effect on normal worlds. If you want to try these changes, you must turn on the Feature Toggle in the Experiments Menu when creating a new world.
Thank you to everyone that has sent in their suggestions and feedback regarding the experimental trade change! We are trying out these changes to rebalance the villager trade system and make it more fair and fun for everyone. However, these changes are not yet final, and they will stay as experimental features while we continue to work on them. We appreciate your feedback on these changes. Visit this link to share your thoughts! We have been following the discussions about the previous Librarian and Wandering Trader updates and look forward to seeing the conversation continue.
在此感谢所有对村民交易体系实验性更改提出建议与反馈的人!我们正尝试做出这些改动来重新平衡村民交易体系,并使其对每个人而言都更加公平、有趣。但是,这些改动仍非最终版本,在我们持续对其进行改进的同时其仍将作为实验性功能存在。我们在此对您的反馈与建议表达衷心的感谢。访问 此链接 来分享您的想法!我们一直在关注有关之前对图书管理员及流浪商人更新内容的讨论,我们希望这种对话能够持续进行!
Before now, Cartographers only sold maps to the Ocean Monument and Woodland Mansion. In this experiment Cartographers can sell seven new maps as well. These new maps each point to a different village or structure and can be used to find seven different biomes. This will help players who want to quickly find a specific location without waiting until they come across it by chance.
Cartographers from different biomes will sell a different selection of maps. Starting from one village, it will be possible to find every other village type by following maps from village to village.
Cartographers now sell 7 new maps: Desert Village Map, Jungle Explorer Map, Plains Village Map, Savanna Village Map, Snow Village Map, Swamp Explorer Map, and Taiga Village Map.
制图师现在将出售以下七张新地图: 沙漠村庄地图、丛林探索者地图、平原村庄地图、热带草原村庄地图、雪地村庄地图、沼泽探索者地图及针叶林村庄地图。
The Armorer's trades have been updated with many changes.
The biggest change is that buying diamond armor now requires paying a small amount of Diamonds as well as Emeralds. This is meant to make the Armorer's diamond armor trades less useful at the start of the game when players don't have any Diamonds, while still giving a powerful advantage to advanced players who have spent some time collecting Diamonds.
Early-game players will find Armorers useful as a great source of iron armor, Shields, and Emeralds.
Other changes include:
- Most master-level Armorers buy Iron Blocks (and pay very well for them)
- 绝大多数的大师级盔甲匠会高价收购铁块
- Chainmail armor is exclusively sold by the secret Jungle and Swamp Armorers
- 只有丛林和沼泽的盔甲匠才会出售锁链盔甲
- The Savanna Armorer sells cursed diamond armor at reduced prices
- 热带草原村民会低价出售带有诅咒附魔的钻石盔甲
- The Taiga Armorer can swap one piece of diamond armor for another
- 针叶林盔甲匠村民会用其它的钻石盔甲来跟你交换
Translated By BiliBili@邹陈云飞
Structure Loot
Certain Enchanted Books now have a high chance of generating in some structures:
- Ancient Cities: Mending
- 远古城市:经验修补
- Mineshafts: Efficiency (I to V)
- 废弃矿井:效率 I-V
- Pillager Outposts: Quick Charge (I to III)
- 掠夺者前哨站:快速装填 I-III
- Desert Temples: Unbreaking (I to III)
- 沙漠神殿:耐久 I-III
- Jungle Temples: Unbreaking (I to III)
- 丛林神殿:耐久 I-III
- Fixed an issue where text to speech did not say how to open chat or emotes
- 修复了文本转语音系统不会说明如何打开聊天或表情的问题
- Text-to-speech message for popup title/description is now played properly
- 弹出性标题/介绍的文本现已能被文本转语音系统正常播报
- Guardians and Elder Guardians make flopping sounds again when on land (MCPE-26929)
- 守卫者和远古守卫者又能在陆地上发出扑腾声了 (MCPE-26929)
- Wither Skeletons now have their own unique sounds
- 凋零骷髅有它自己的独有音效了
- Updated the sound that’s played when Wither Skeleton Skulls are placed on top of Note Blocks
- 更新了顶部有凋零骷髅头颅的音符盒的播放音效
- The sound for picking up items is now played when using the ‘/give’ command
- 当使用 “/give” 命令时会播放拾取物品的声音
- Stray Cats now play a sound when begging for food
- 流浪猫在向你讨吃的时会发出声音啦
- Changes to Bottles (MCPE-157918)
- 有关玻璃瓶的改动 (MCPE-157918)
- Bottles now emit sounds when filling from Water Blocks
- 用玻璃瓶盛水时会发出声音了
- Pouring water or potions from a Glass Bottle into a Cauldron emits the appropriate sound
- 将玻璃瓶中的水或药水倒入炼药锅时将正确播放音效
- Filling a Glass Bottle with Water or Potion from a Cauldron now emits the appropriate sound
- 用玻璃瓶在炼药锅中盛水或药水时将正确播放音效
- Drinking from a Glass Bottle now emits the appropriate sound
- 用玻璃瓶喝水时将正确播放音效
- Sculk Block no longer drops XP when mined with Silk Touch
- 使用带有精准采集附魔的镐子挖掘幽匿方块时将不再掉落经验球
- Zombie Villager curing time is now randomized between 3 and 5 minutes, to match Java Edition
- 为匹配Java版,治疗僵尸村民所需的时间已被改为在3-5分钟内随机分配
- Fixed an issue where moving slowly on Soul Sand would sometimes cause the player to not receive the Soul Speed movement speed (MCPE-173155)
- 修复了在灵魂沙上缓慢移动时会导致玩家无法收到灵魂疾行附魔速度加成的问题 (MCPE-173155)
- Players can no longer sometimes clip through blocks when flying in Creative Mode and spamming the sneak button (MCPE-172785)
- 修复了在创造模式飞行状态下狂按潜行键会导致异常穿墙的问题 (MCPE-172785)
- Players can no longer sometimes clip through blocks when gliding with Elytra into blocks (MCPE-73307)
- 修复了使用鞘翅滑入方块时会导致异常穿墙的问题 (MCPE-73307)
- Buckets can no longer pick up liquids for a few ticks after they've been placed (MCPE-100598)
- 现在,水桶在导出水后将进入一定时间的冷却,在此段时间内您无法收回水 (MCPE-100598)
- This should help make placing and retrieving liquid in a quick succession far more consistent as well as help players that are using a water bucket to quickly avoid fall damage
- 这将有助于使快速放置与收回水这一行为节奏更加一致并改善落地水玩家的体验
- Falling from a great height while in a Boat no longer deals fall damage (MCPE-152753)
- 坐在船上时从高空坠落将不再造成摔落伤害 (MCPE-152753)
- Fall damage is now absorbed by the entity that lands on the ground when mounted and passed on to passengers if the mount dies
- 摔落伤害将优先由坐骑承担,如果摔落伤害超过坐骑生命值并导致坐骑死亡,则剩余摔落伤害将被传递给玩家
- Diagonal Banner patterns no longer get inverted when applied to a Shield (MCPE-169577)
- 对角线旗帜图案在作为盾牌图案时将不再出现倒置问题 (MCPE-169577)
- Updated structure icons on Explorer Maps sold by Cartographers
- 由制图师出售的探险家地图上的结构标记图标已被更新
- Chest blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "facing_direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
- 箱子现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "facing_direction" 状态,此状态使用 ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] 字符串值而非 [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
- Trapped Chest blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "facing_direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
- 陷阱箱现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "facing_direction" 状态,此状态使用 ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] 字符串值而非 [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
- Ender Chest blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "facing_direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
- 末影箱现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "facing_direction" 状态,此状态使用 ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] 字符串值而非 [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
- Stonecutter blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "facing_direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
- 切石机现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "facing_direction" 状态,此状态使用 ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] 字符串值而非 [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
- Equipped enchanted armor now has an overall weaker glint, however its intensity more noticeably increases and decreases over time
- 装备在身上的附魔盔甲闪光幅度已被减弱,但随着时间推移,闪光幅度将被大幅升高或降低
- Mobs no longer receive fall damage when falling into a 1 block deep water pool (MCPE-173094)
- 当生物落入单格高的水池时将不会受到摔落伤害 (MCPE-173094)
- Rabbits can once again eat partially and fully grown Carrot crops (MCPE-131980)
- 兔子又能吃胡萝卜了 (MCPE-131980)
- Sheep that have been sheared previously and have since grown back wool will now drop wool on death (MCPE-99972)
- 被剪过毛并重新长毛的羊将在死亡时掉落羊毛 (MCPE-99972)
- Fox can now pick up items that can be equipped (MCPE-173898)
- 狐狸现在能拿起可装备物品了 (MCPE-173898)
- Closing the inventory of Boat, Raft, or Minecart with Chest now emits vibrations
- 关闭运输船/竹筏和运输矿车上的箱子时会发出振动
- Cartographers no longer offer exploration maps as a trade item when not in the overworld
- 处于其他维度的制图师将不再提供探索者地图的交易条目
- Zombified Villagers now have the correct biome overlays (MCPE-172377)
- 不同生物群系的僵尸村民将拥有不同的外观 (MCPE-172377)
- Changed the default value of the Respawn Radius in the Advanced Settings to 10
- 高级设置中重生半径的默认值已被更改为10
- Clicking off the game window will not unselect a friend. This will also not add a new invite for the currently selected friend when the game window is selected once more
- 单击游戏窗口时将不会取消选择邀请好友,而再次选择游戏窗口时也不会对选中的好友重复发送邀请
- Smithing Table no longer shows double overlapping tooltips for some slots (MCPE-168369)
- 锻造台的某些栏位将不再显示出现重叠的提示文本 (MCPE-168369)
- Item names no longer overlaps with the absorption health bar (MCPE-152131)
- 物品名称不再与伤害吸收效果栏重叠 (MCPE-152131)
- Item names no longer overlaps with the mount health bar (MCPE-152130)
- 物品名称不再与生命值栏重叠 (MCPE-152130)
- Item names no longer overlaps with the oxygen bar (MCPE-152129)
- 物品名称不再与氧气栏重叠 (MCPE-152129)
- Updated Brewing Stand interface to always stay within its background when scaled (MCPE-154385)
- 更新了酿造台界面,以使其在界面缩放时也能保持正确比例 (MCPE-154385)
- Fix a bug where the tooltip for the v-sync setting was showing without being hovered
- 修复了在鼠标指针未悬停在相关选项上时也会显示v-sync设置的提示的问题
ADD-ONS 与 脚本引擎
- Changed the names of the CameraSetOptions options to not include the word 'Script'
- 更改了 CameraSetOptions 名称,其将不再包含 'Script' 一词
- Re-entering a world no longer breaks command autocomplete after a command using "@e [type=item]" was used (MCPE-164734)
- 包含 “@e [type=item]” 目标选择器的命令将不再因重新进入存档而被中断 (MCPE-164734)
- The /damage command with the "override" cause now causes damage through post hit invulnerability (MCPE-160290)
- 使用 “override” 类型的 /damage 命令又能正常造成伤害了 (MCPE-160290)
- The recipe command color has been changed to white instead of blue (MCPE-173362)
- 配方类命令的突出显示颜色已被更改为白色而非蓝色 (MCPE-173362)
- Added a content error when attempting to load a damage sensor with an invalid "cause" value
- 为尝试加载具有无效cause值的伤害传感器这一行为添加了内容错误
- Allow single value parsing for "minecraft:icon" item component
- 现已允许对“minecraft:icon”物品组件进行单值解析
- The Camel mob Dash Component can now be applied to rideable mobs other than Horse, Donkey, and Mule using “minecraft:dash”
- 骆驼的冲刺组件现在可以被马、驴等可骑乘生物以使用“minecraft:dash”组件的方式进行使用
- Molang updated to version 1.20.40 which replaces "block_property" and "has_block_property" with "block_state" and "has_block_state"
- Molang 已更新至 1.20.40 版本,并将 "block_property" 与 "has_block_property" 替换为 "block_state" 与 "has_block_state"
- This is a Molang Versioned Change that only takes effect for Molang expressions in packs that use a min_engine_version of 1.20.40 or higher
- 这是一个Molang版本性更改,仅适用于min_engine_version为1.20.40或更高的包中的Molang表达式
- Trade items now have a "filters" property to determine if a trade should be considered
- 交易物品现在有一个“filter”属性来确定这一交易表是否应当被考虑使用
- Trade items no longer support the "biome" property to check villager biome types, the "is_mark_variant" filter can be used in the "filters" property instead to check the villager biome type
- 交易物品不再支持使用“biome”属性来检查村民来自何种生物群系,而“is_mark_variant”过滤器可以在“filter”属性中使用而不能查询村民来自何种生物群系
脚本 API
- Added the chat(message: string) method
- 添加了 chat(message: string) 方法
- Changed get to return ItemType | undefined
- 更改了 get 的返回值为 ItemType | undefined
- Changed source on ItemDefinitionTriggeredAfterEvent to be optional
- 将 ItemDefinitionTriggeredAfterEvent 上的 source 设为可选项目
- Added the following methods to Player
- 为玩家添加了下列方法
- above(steps?: number): Block | undefined;
- above(steps?: number): Block | undefined;
- below(steps?: number): Block | undefined;
- below(steps?: number): Block | undefined;
- north(steps?: number): Block | undefined;
- north(steps?: number): Block | undefined;
- east(steps?: number): Block | undefined;
- east(steps?: number): Block | undefined;
- south(steps?: number): Block | undefined;
- south(steps?: number): Block | undefined;
- west(steps?: number): Block | undefined;
- west(steps?: number): Block | undefined;
- offset(offset: Vector3): Block | undefined;
- offset(offset: Vector3): Block | undefined;
- center(): Vector3;
- center(): Vector3;
- bottomCenter(): Vector3;
- bottomCenter(): Vector3;
- Made getItemStack function return ItemStack or undefined
- Made getItemStack function return ItemStack or undefined
- BlockStates
- BlockStates
- Made get function return BlockStateType or undefined
- 让get函数返回 BlockStateType 或 undefined
- Updated ExplosionAfterEvent and ExplosionBeforeEvent
- 更新了 ExplosionAfterEvent 与 ExplosionBeforeEvent
- getUpdatedBlocks() will now return Block[]
- getUpdatedBlocks() 将返回 Block[]
- setUpdatesBlocks(blocks: Block[]) now takes in a Block[]
- setUpdatesBlocks(blocks: Block[]) 现在接受 Block[]
- Added the following methods to Player playMusic(trackId: string, musicOptions?: MusicOptions): void; queueMusic(trackId: string, musicOptions?: MusicOptions): void; stopMusic(): void;
- 为 Player playMusic(trackId: string, musicOptions?: MusicOptions): void; queueMusic(trackId: string, musicOptions?: MusicOptions): void; stopMusic(): void 添加了下列方法:
- Dynamic Properties
- Dynamic Properties
- Property registration is no longer required and propertyRegistry has been removed from the worldInitialize event
- 现在不再需要属性记录,且 propertyRegistry 已从 worldInitialize 事件中移除
- Removed limits on the count and size of properties that can set on an entity or the world
- 移除了对可以在实体或世界上设置的属性的数量与大小限制
- Default values have been removed. getProperty will now always return undefined for unset properties
- 默认值已被删除。对于未设置的属性,getProperty将始终返回undefined
- String dynamic property values are now restricted to a length of 32767 bytes
- 字符串动态属性值已被限制为32767字节
- Dynamic Properties
- Dynamic Properties
- Removed function removeDynamicProperty - Please use setDynamicProperty with a value of undefined to remove a property
- 移除了 removeDynamicProperty 函数 - 使用值为undefined的setDynamicProperty以删除属性
- Added function getDynamicPropertyIds - Returns an array of all dynamic property ids on an entity/world used by the behavior pack
- 添加了 getDynamicPropertyIds 函数- 用于返回行为包使用的实体/世界上所有使用动态属性ID的数组
- Added function getDynamicPropertyTotalByteCount - Returns the total number of bytes used by all dynamic properties on an entity/world by the behavior pack
- 添加了 getDynamicPropertyTotalByteCount 函数 - 用于返回行为包在实体/存档中使用的所有动态属性使用的数据总数(字节)
- Added function clearDynamicProperties - Removes all dynamic properties added by this behavior pack from an entity/world
- 添加了 clearDynamicProperties 函数 - 用于从实体/存档中删除此行为包添加的所有动态属性
- Dynamic Properties
- Dynamic Properties
- Dynamic property numbers are now stored with double precision (64 bits)
- 动态属性编号现在以64位双精度浮点数存储
- Adding PlayerInteractWithBlock + PlayerInteractWithEntity before & after events
- 添加了 PlayerInteractWithBlock + PlayerInteractWithEntity before & after 事件
- Adding PlayerDimensionChangeBeforeEvent and PlayerDimensionChangeAfterEvent in beta
- 添加了尚处于Beta阶段的 PlayerDimensionChangeBeforeEvent 与 PlayerDimensionChangeAfterEvent 事件
- Soul Torches are now treated as point lights in the Deferred Technical Preview
- 灵魂火把在延迟渲染技术性预览版本中将被视为点状光源
- Allow data-driving of point lights and their colors for any block via resource packs in the Deferred Technical Preview
- 现在可以通过延迟渲染技术性预览中的资源包来允许对任何块的点状光源及其颜色进行数据驱动
- Improved chunk rendering performance in Deferred Technical Preview
- 改善了延迟渲染技术性预览中的方块渲染性能
- Fixed a bug where "PBR" was not included in HUD while in level using Deferred Technical Preview
- 修复了延迟渲染技术性预览中的“PBR”未包含在HUD中的错误
【Bingkler 烂译自feedback.minecraft.net 2023 年 9 月 6 日发布的 Minecraft Beta & Preview -】
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