




Minecraft Java版 23w33a 发布

pixel 2023-8-18 01:53:54 版本资讯 阅读 437
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Minecraft 快照 23W33A

A Minecraft Java Snapshot
Minecraft Java版 快照

We are making some important updates to our Player Reporting Tool in this Snapshot to better protect the online safety of our players.

Playing Minecraft should be an inclusive and safe experience for everyone, which is why alongside in-game chat messages, you will now be able to report player skins and usernames that violate our Community Standards in Java Edition.
对所有人来说,游玩 Minecraft 的体验都应当是包容且安全的,这就是 Java 版中玩家在可以举报聊天消息的基础上,现在还可以举报违反我们社区标准的玩家皮肤或用户名的原因。

Just like with chat reports, nothing is automated. Any reported skin or username will be reviewed manually by a team of trained Minecraft moderators, who will use the submitted evidence to decide whether the skin and/or username is in breach of our Community Standards. Skins that are in violation of these standards will be removed from Minecraft and will no longer be accessible for use by any player. Usernames that are in violation of these standards will need to be changed before that player can play online via a shared server or Realm; though single player mode will still be accessible. To find out more about this and other safety policies, including more detail on the suspension procedure, appeals process, and how we handle malicious or repeat reporting, please visit our dedicated FAQ page .
就像聊天举报一样,该系统也并不是自动化进行。任何被举报的皮肤或用户名将会由一支训练有素的 Minecraft 管理员团队手动审查,他们将根据提交的证据来决定皮肤、用户名或这二者是否违反了我们的社区标准。违规皮肤将从 Minecraft 移除,且无法被任意玩家再次使用。违规的用户名则需要玩家修改。而在修改前,玩家将不能在服务器或 Realm 上进行在线游戏,尽管单人游戏仍然可以游玩。要了解更多有关这一条或其它安全*策的详细信息,包括更多关于暂停服务、上诉流程以及我们如何处理恶意或重复举报的具体细节,请访问我们专门的 FAQ 页面



  • Player Skins and Names can now be reported in the Social Interactions Screen
  • 现在可通过社交屏幕举报玩家的皮肤及用户名
  • If a skin or name is reported, and found to be violating the Community Standards, our team of human moderators can action in a few ways:
  • 若被举报的皮肤或用户名确实违反了社区标准,我们的人工管理员会采取下列行动之一:
    • Ban the skin from being used by any player
    • 封禁该皮肤,后续任何玩家都无法使用
    • Ban the name from being used by any player
    • 封禁该用户名,后续任何玩家都无法使用
    • Suspend the player from online play in the case of repeated offences
    • 若出现反复恶意行为,则停用该玩家的在线游戏功能
  • When a skin is banned, players with that skin:
  • 皮肤被封禁后,拥有该皮肤的玩家将会看到:
    • Will have their skin removed
    • 该皮肤被移除
    • Will be notified when they launch the game
    • 在启动游戏后有消息提醒
    • Will be automatically assigned one of the default skins
    • 自动换上默认皮肤中的一个
    • Can still play multiplayer and singleplayer
    • 仍然可以游玩多人游戏或单人游戏
    • Can select a new custom skin at any time
    • 随时可以重新选择一个自定义皮肤
  • When a player's name is banned, that player:
  • 用户名被封禁后,该玩家将会看到:
    • Will need to choose a new name
    • 需要选择一个新用户名
    • Will be notified when they launch the game
    • 在启动游戏后有消息提醒
    • Will not be able to play online until they change their name
    • 在更改用户名前无法游玩多人游戏
    • Can still play singleplayer
    • 仍然可以游玩单人游戏
  • A skin or name that has been banned cannot be used by any player in the future
  • 被封禁的皮肤或用户名将无法被任何玩家再次使用。


  • Sponges and Wet Sponges now have their own custom sounds
  • 海绵和湿海绵现在有独特的音效
  • The calculations to determine whether a mob can attack a player or other mobs have been changed
  • 更改了生物对玩家及其它生物的攻击距离判定
  • Added the "Narrator Hotkey" accessibility option
  • 添加了“复述功能快捷键”相关选项
    • Allows the narrator to be toggled on and off with Ctrl+B
    • 使用 Ctrl+B 开启或关闭复述功能
  • Added "I want to report them" Player Reporting category
  • 添加了玩家举报类型“我想举报该玩家 ”(译名待定)
  • A change has been reverted where armor trim patterns would be masked by the underlying armor texture
  • 回退了盔甲纹饰图案被底层盔甲纹理遮盖的更改


The calculations to determine whether a mob can attack a player or other mobs have been changed. Previously a mob's horizontal width was used to determine their attack reach and their height had no effect. The area where a mob can attack is now their bounding box extended in horizontal directions.

Here are some situations where the new rules will affect the reach of mobs:

  • If a mob is entirely below you, or entirely above you, it will not be able to reach you
  • 如果一个生物完全低于或高于玩家,那么该生物将无法攻击玩家
  • While riding on a medium-sized mob, like a Horse, you will be protected from small mobs, like Baby Zombies
  • 当玩家骑乘中等体型生物,例如马时,较矮的生物将无法攻击玩家,例如小僵尸
  • While riding on a tall mob, like a Camel, you will be protected from standard size mobs, like Zombies
  • 当玩家骑乘较高体型生物,例如骆驼时,正常大小的生物也将无法攻击玩家,例如僵尸
  • Also, Ravagers won't be able to attack you through a few block thick walls anymore
  • 此外,劫掠兽现在无法透过一些较薄的墙壁攻击玩家
  • However, to escape from an Enderman, you need to be at least 3 blocks above the ground, not 1.5 as before
  • 然而,要避开末影人的攻击,玩家现在需要离地面有 3 格高,而非先前的 1.5 格高
  • Mobs will be able to attack you with the bottom of their hitbox, assuming your head is in range
  • 生物现在可以使用碰撞箱底部对玩家进行攻击,如果玩家的头部在攻击范围内
  • Builds that trap hostile mobs might need to be adjusted to be safe
  • 安全起见,围困敌对生物的陷阱需要进行调整

This change does not affect the reach of players, and mobs still need to see their target to attack it. We believe this new system will be more intuitive and will result in a more consistent behavior, and we welcome all feedback on this change.


  • The charts on the debug screen can now be toggled with F3+1 (pie chart), F3+2 (FPS and TPS) and F3+3 (bandwidth and ping) instead of holding Shift, Alt or Ctrl while opening the screen
  • 调试屏幕的图表现在可以使用 F3+1 、F3+2 和 F3+3 在性能评测图表、帧生成时间图表和网络性能图表之间切换,而无需在打开调试屏幕时同时按下 Shift、Alt 或 Ctrl


  • Added decal field to armor trim patterns (default: false)
  • 向盔甲纹饰图案添加了 decal 字段(默认值为 false
    • If true, the pattern texture will be masked based on the underlying armor
    • 若设置为 true,则纹饰图案将被底层盔甲纹理覆盖

23W33A 修复的漏洞

  • MC-2310 - Wrong attack radius calculation damages/kills entities through blocks and corners
  • MC-2310 - 攻击半径的计算有误,可以隔着方块、角落伤害实体
  • MC-112133 - Eating chorus fruit does not reset fall distance
  • MC-112133 - 食用紫颂果不会重置摔落高度
  • MC-118616 - The sounds of magma cubes and slimes aren't controlled by the "Hostile Creatures" sound slider
  • MC-118616 - 岩浆怪和史莱姆的声音不受 “敌对生物” 声音滑块控制
  • MC-122645 - Narrator hotkey cannot be customized or disabled
  • MC-122645 - 无法自定义及禁用复述功能快捷键
  • MC-125046 - "RepairCost" NBT tag is created on any renamed item using anvils which can cause items to not stack properly
  • MC-125046 - 用铁砧重命名过的物品均会带上 RepairCost NBT 标签,导致物品无法正常堆叠
  • MC-181109 - Grindstone adds RepairCost: 0
  • MC-181109 - 砂轮会为物品添加 RepairCost:0 NBT 标签
  • MC-182820 - Repeaters and comparators use wood sounds for placing/breaking despite being made mostly of stone
  • MC-182820 - 红石中继器与比较器主要由石头制成,却使用了木头的音效
  • MC-197473 - Renamed block entities don't stack properly
  • MC-197473 - 重命名后的方块实体无法正常堆叠
  • MC-200484 - Jukeboxes use stone sounds despite being composed predominantly of wood
  • MC-200484 - 唱片机主要由木头制成,却使用了石头的音效
  • MC-214126 - Bees don't pollinate themselves with spore blossoms or chorus flowers
  • MC-214126 - 蜜蜂不会用孢子花和紫颂花授粉
  • MC-217628 - Levers use wood sounds rather than stone
  • MC-217628 - 拉杆使用了木头的音效,而非石头的
  • MC-217629 - Tripwire hooks use stone sounds, rather than wood
  • MC-217629 - 绊线钩使用了石头的音效,而非木头的
  • MC-257909 - Zoglins, hoglins, and pandas can still attack players riding camels
  • MC-257909 - 僵尸疣猪兽、疣猪兽、熊猫仍可以攻击骑着骆驼的玩家
  • MC-264741 - Unequip vibration only works in creative mode
  • MC-264741 - 卸下装备的振动只在创造模式有效
  • MC-264743 - The "Debug" line on the debug screen that shows which debug graphs are enabled doesn't mention the ping and network traffic chart
  • MC-264743 - 调试屏幕上,显示已启用的调试图种类的“Debug”行中没有提及延迟与网络流量图表
  • MC-264746 - Armor trims no longer render their second layer
  • MC-264746 - 盔甲纹饰不再渲染第二层
  • MC-264753 - Eye armor trim on chainmail helmets now has absolutely no effect
  • MC-264753 - 眼眸盔甲纹饰现在对锁链头盔完全失效
  • MC-264773 - There's a misplaced label in the network traffic graph, overlapping minimum B/s rate text
  • MC-264773 - 网络流量图中有个标签放错位置,遮住了最低 B/s 速率的文本

氘氚人 译自官网 2023 年 08 月 17 日发布的 Minecraft Snapshot 23w33a;原作者 Java Team】
【本文排版借助了:SPXX v2.4.14】



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