




Minecraft 基岩版 Beta & Preview发布

pixel 2023-8-9 19:44:14 版本资讯 阅读 618
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Minecraft Beta & Preview -
Minecraft 基岩版 Beta & Preview

  • Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
  • Minecraft Preview 现已在 Xbox、Windows10/11 及 iOS 设备上可用。要获取更多信息,请参阅 aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
  • The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions.
  • Minecraft Beta则在 Android (Google Play) 上可用。要了解关于加入或退出Beta计划的更多信息,请参阅 aka.ms/JoinMCBeta

To your minecarts! We hope you’re having a diamond of a summer, whether you’ve spent it mining, wandering, or curled up with an enchanted book! We’ve spent ours experimenting, and this week we want your feedback on our newest tweaks to diamond ore distribution and villager trading. Does that wandering trader suddenly have more items to sell? Are there more diamonds at the deepslate level? And what did I do during my summer holidays? Discover the answers to at least two of these questions (and a few more) by activating Experiments in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. We really want to hear your thoughts on these tweaks, so please send your feedback and ideas to aka.ms/MC120Feedback and report any bugs to bugs.mojang.com .
向你的矿车致意!我们祝您拥有一个如钻石般璀璨的夏季,无论你是在挖矿、乱晃还是在附魔之海中游荡!我们花了很多时间来测试这些新功能,因而本周我们想请您就我们对于 钻石矿石生成机制 和 村民交易体系 的更改留下您的宝贵意见!流浪商人是否会提供更多的物品以供出售?深板岩地区的钻石会不会变多?而暑假期间我又干了些什么?查看最新的基岩快照版,你能在其中找到上述(至少两个)问题的答案。我们渴望倾听你的意见,所以请一定要记得在 aka.ms/MC120Feedback 提交你的反馈与意见并在 bugs.mojang.com 提交您的错误报告。


  • We have a known issue in this Beta Preview which may cause a crash when using the search bar within the Marketplace. We are working on a fix for this and hope to have it addressed as soon as possible, thank you for your patience!
  • 在此测试版中存在一个已知问题,即在使用市场顶部搜索栏时可能导致崩溃问题。我们正在尽力着手于解决该问题,其将在不久后得到解决。感谢您的耐心等待!


  • This Preview includes experimental changes to the Wandering Trader and Librarian Villager trades. You must turn on this experiment in the Experiments Menu if you want to test the new trades. Please send us your feedback on these changes at aka.ms/VillagerTradingFeedback
  • 此预览版将包括对流浪商人与图书管理员这两个村民职业交易体系的实验性更改。如果你想要体验此项更改,则你必须要在实验性功能菜单中激活此选项。 请一定要记得在 aka.ms/VillagerTradingFeedback 提交你对这一改动的反馈!


  • Before these changes, players could get any Village enchantment from any Librarian. A novice Librarian could sell the best enchantment in the game! For some players, this felt too random and made trading feel overpowered when compared to using the Enchanting Table or searching for Enchanted Books in structures.
  • 在本次改动实装前,图书管理员将向玩家出售任何种类的附魔书,也就是说新手级的图书管理员就有可能出售游戏中最好的附魔书! 对于部分玩家来说,这显然很不公平。因为这一特性会使得在村民交易系统中获取附魔书相较于使用附魔台或在遗迹中搜寻附魔书来讲代价过小!
  • With the new rules, Librarians from different biomes sell different enchantments. Master Librarians are guaranteed to have a special enchantment which is different in each Village biome.
  • 在全新的交易规则体系下,不同生物群系的图书管理员将出售不同的附魔书,且每个生物群系中都会有一个仅会被大师级图书管理员出售的独特附魔书!
  • Players will have to work towards getting the best trades instead of relying on random chance. We hope this makes Librarian trading more interesting and skilful, while also revealing some clues about their history of each Village type through the enchantments that are sold there.
  • 现在,玩家们必须要靠自己的努力来获取最好的交易结果,而不是单纯的到处碰运气。我们希望这一改动将使得图书管理员交易体系变得更加有趣,同时,每个村庄中出售的独特附魔书也将提供关于该生物群系历史的有关线索。


  • Librarians from different biomes now sell different Enchanted Books
  • 不同生物群系的图书管理员现在会出售不同的附魔书
  • Master Librarians with full XP are guaranteed to sell a special enchantment, which is different in each Village biome
  • 现在,每个生物群系都有一个独特的附魔书,此附魔书只有满经验的大师级图书管理员才会出售
  • This means that players must visit all seven Village biomes to get the full set of Villager enchantments
  • 这意味着现在玩家需要走遍全部的七个生物群系中的村庄才能集齐村民交易体系中的所有附魔书
  • There are two secret Village biomes where Villages do not generate
  • 有两个生物群系中不会自然生成村庄(见上表)
    • A player must build these Villages to access their trades!
    • 也就是说玩家们需要在其中手动建立村庄才能获取这些交易!
  • Some enchantments have been removed from Village trading and must be found in other ways
  • 有些附魔书已经从村民交易体系中移除,玩家需要通过其他渠道来获取这些附魔书


  • Some players felt that the Wandering Trader had unfair prices and didn't sell many useful items. We have lowered their prices, added more trades, and increased the amounts available. The Wandering Trader will also now buy useful items from players, so it's possible to help them on their journey by giving them supplies even if you don't feel like buying anything.
  • 有些玩家觉得流浪商人出售的东西简直物不美价还不廉。因此我们降低了流浪商人的交易价格,并添加了更多交易内容。现在流浪商人也拥有了从玩家手中收购物品的能力,所以就算你啥也不想买,你也可以卖些东西来作为旅途中的补给
  • As this is an experiment, we would really appreciate your feedback as work continues and to help us decide on the future direction for Villager trades!
  • 由于此功能仍为实验性功能,而这远不是终点,因此我们希望听见您的反馈,这将有助于我们决定村民交易体系的未来!




  • Wandering Traders now have lower prices and have a higher amount of each item in stock
  • 流浪商人的交易价格现在变低了,而每样物品的可购买次数则提高了
  • Wandering Traders now sell Logs
  • 流浪商人现在会出售原木
  • Wandering Traders can now buy many items, instead of only selling
  • 流浪商人现在可以从玩家手中收购物品,而不是单单进行出售



  • In this Preview, we increased the amount of Diamond Ore found in the deepest parts of the world. Our goal is to make it more rewarding to mine for Diamonds in the Deepslate layers. We want your feedback on this! Please try out your favorite mining technique and let us know how it feels. Please send us your feedback on these changes at aka.ms/OreDistributionFeedback
  • 在该预览版中,我们增加了深板岩区域的钻石矿石生成数量。 我们的目标是让在深板岩区域开采钻石矿这一举动变得更有价值,因此我们需要您的反馈!请使用您最喜欢的挖矿方式来试试看,并告诉我们你的体验变化。请一定要记得在 aka.ms/OreDistributionFeedback 发送你对这一改动的反馈!


  • Strays now play the proper sound when firing bows (MCPE-172385)
  • 现在,流浪者将在发射弓箭时发出正确的音效 (MCPE-172385)
  • Equipment sound is now played when switching between otherwise identical armor pieces, which may have differing enchantments and/or trims applied (MCPE-171527)
  • 现在,在装备了不同附魔/盔甲纹饰的相同种类盔甲中切换时会播放装备装备音效 (MCPE-171527)
  • The Trails and Tales music tracks now play in the game menu (MCPE-171489)
  • 现在,足迹与故事 音乐将会在游戏菜单中播放 (MCPE-171489)
  • Shields now play a sound when equipped in the off-hand slot (MCPE-168039)
  • 现在,将盾牌装备在副手上时将播放音效 (MCPE-168039)


  • Third person camera no longer clips through Snow, Mud, and Soul Sand
  • 现在,第三人称视角将不会穿过雪、泥与灵魂沙
  • Stonecutter no longer drops as an item when using the wrong tool (MCPE-33950)
  • 现在,切石机只有在通过正确的工具采集时才会生成掉落物 (MCPE-33950)
  • Pickaxe can now quickly mine Pistons and Sticky Pistons (MCPE-62797)
  • 现在,镐类工具可以快速挖掘活塞/粘性活塞 (MCPE-62797)
  • Powering and unpowering a Redstone Repeater or Comparator no longer disrupts water flow (MCPE-157055)
  • 现在为红石比较器/中继器充能/停止充能将不会排开水流 (MCPE-157055)
  • "concrete_powder" block is now split into unique instances, namely "white_concrete_powder", "orange_concrete_powder", "magenta_concrete_powder", "light_blue_concrete_powder", "yellow_concrete_powder", "lime_concrete_powder", "pink_concrete_powder", "gray_concrete_powder", "light_gray_concrete_powder", "cyan_concrete_powder", "purple_concrete_powder", "blue_concrete_powder", "brown_concrete_powder", "green_concrete_powder", "red_concrete_powder", and "black_concrete_powder"
  • "concrete_powder" 的方块变种现在被拆分为了独立的方块,它们分别叫 "white_concrete_powder", "orange_concrete_powder", "magenta_concrete_powder", "light_blue_concrete_powder", "yellow_concrete_powder", "lime_concrete_powder", "pink_concrete_powder", "gray_concrete_powder", "light_gray_concrete_powder", "cyan_concrete_powder", "purple_concrete_powder", "blue_concrete_powder", "brown_concrete_powder", "green_concrete_powder", "red_concrete_powder", 以及 "black_concrete_powder"
  • Commands will still work with "concrete_powder", but "concrete_powder" won't be suggested in the command prompt, rather the new names will
  • 你仍然可以在命令中使用 "concrete_powder" ,但 "concrete_powder" 将不会再出现于命令快捷输入提示中


  • The underwater fog in Cherry Groves now uses a transition that increases visibility after a while (MCPE-171822)
  • 樱花树林生物群系中的水雾现在使用了新的过渡动画来使能见度随时间提高 (MCPE-171822)


  • The functionality of long-pressing a crafting output slot on touch input has been returned to rapidly crafting single instances of the item in the output slot (MCPE-169728)
  • 在触屏模式中长按快速合成现已被拆分为了快速合成物品的独立操作 (MCPE-169728)
  • The rate of item crafting when long-pressing a crafting output slot has been slowed to 4 items per second and the time needed to long-press before starting the rapid crafting functionality has been reduced to 700 ms
  • 长按快速合成的合成速度现已被降低为每秒4个物品,且触发所需的前摇时间被延长到了700毫秒
  • Updated the text when sleeping to better reflect the PlayersSleepingPercentage gamerule (MCPE-172917)
  • 为彰显 PlayersSleepingPercentage 游戏规则的作用而更改了睡眠时的显示文本 (MCPE-172917)
  • Setting the PlayersSleepingPercentage gamerule to 0 will no longer skip the sleep animation (MCPE-172910)
  • 现在,将 PlayersSleepingPercentage 游戏规则设置为 0 将不再会导致睡眠动画消失 (MCPE-172910)
  • Night will now be skipped properly if non-sleeping players leave while all other players are sleeping
  • 现在,当未处于睡眠状态的玩家离线时,若其他玩家处于睡眠状态,则夜晚将被正常跳过
  • Players will no longer enter End Portals when sleeping in a bed immediately below the portals (MCPE-165062)
  • 现在,玩家在末地传送门正下方的床上睡觉时将不会错误的进入末地 (MCPE-165062)


  • Added Vertical Sync toggle to Video menu (MCPE-98861)
  • 在 视频 菜单中添加了 垂直同步 切换选项 (MCPE-98861)


  • Players will now have a way to send a one-way message to Creators offering feedback on purchased items. This feedback could be used to improve future content and changes
  • 现在,玩家可以向创作者发送单向信息来就他们的组件提交反馈,这一功能将有助于创作者调整创作内容未来走向


  • Mobs can hold and pick up Illager Banner only in their main hand now (MCPE-151745)
  • 生物现在只能使用主手手持或捡起灾厄旗帜 (MCPE-151745)
  • Fixed an issue with Parrots facing a different position than the player when the player is in a Boat
  • 修复了当玩家乘船时鹦鹉朝向与玩家朝向不同的问题


  • Added optional game rule for limited crafting. The game rule is only relevant when recipe unlocking is enabled. When set to "true" it prevents players from crafting recipes they have not yet unlocked. It is off by default and can only be modified through the "/gamerule" command.
  • 添加了限制合成的可选游戏规则。此游戏规则仅在启用配方解锁机制时生效。当其被设置为"true"时,玩家将无法合成他们尚未解锁其配方的物品。此游戏规则默认设置为"false"且只能使用"/gamerule"命令开启


  • Fixed a bug where repeatedly pressing 'Esc' in Realms settings could remove UI or turn the screen black
  • 修复了在Realms设置中反复按Esc可能导致UI消失或屏幕变黑的问题
  • Fixed server becoming unresponsive when players were surrounded by Ghasts stuck in lava columns (MCPE-119093)
  • 修复了当玩家周围有被卡在岩浆柱中的恶魂时会导致服务端卡死的问题 (MCPE-119093)
  • Placing one item of an item stack into a full stack of the same item no longer causes the game to crash
  • 修复了将物品堆栈中的某物品放入拥有同一物品的完整堆栈中会导致游戏崩溃的问题


  • Fixed an issue where the sneak input while flying would not work correctly with interactable blocks (MCPE-167043)
  • 修复了在飞行中切换到潜行状态会导致无法正常与可交互方块交互的问题 (MCPE-167043)


  • Fixed textbox text sometimes not updating correctly when holding backspace on Android devices (MCPE-169840)
  • 修复了在 Android 设备上长按退格键会导致文本框内容无法正常更新的问题 (MCPE-169840)
  • Fixed 'Full Keyboard Gameplay' support on iOS and Android
  • 修复了 iOS 与 Android 设备上 '全键盘游戏模式' 的支持问题
  • New death screen no longer appears when immediate respawn is enabled
  • 现在,当启用立即重生选项后将不会显示死亡界面
  • Fixed an issue where names with parentheses in them did not display on the inventory/crafting menus in their title (MCPE-161134)
  • 修复了带括号的名称无法正常显示在容器标题栏的问题 (MCPE-161134)
  • Switching between Book and Quill pages with the gamepad now produces a sound (MCPE-162253)
  • 修复了使用手柄输入时在书与笔中翻页无法正常播放音效的问题 (MCPE-162253)
  • Added a button to empty the search bar with one click
  • 添加了一键清空搜索栏文本的按钮
  • Pressing Return on the virtual keyboard no longer deletes text after cursor on Xbox (MCPE-172835)
  • 修复了在Xbox上按虚拟键盘上的退格键将导致光标后的文本被错误删除的问题 (MCPE-172835)
  • Background now darkens while the Smithing Table UI is open and Pocket UI is enabled
  • 现在,当启用Pocket UI时打开锻造台会使背景正确的变暗


  • Villagers are now prevented from gaining a profession when sleeping (MCPE-81790)
  • 村民现在无法在睡觉时被赋予职业 (MCPE-81790)
  • Tweaked Shulker Box Redstone signals to match parity with Java Edition
  • 调整了潜影盒的红石信号以匹配Java版
  • Formation of ice and snow is now controlled by random tick
  • 冰与雪的生成体系现在将受到随机刻控制
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Raid boss bar to automatically deplete to zero when the Village was defeated (MCPE-161438)
  • 修复了当村庄袭击失败时袭击栏变空的问题 (MCPE-161438)


  • Third-person camera now passes through Glass, Glass Panes, and Iron Bars (MCPE-85429)
  • 现在,第三人称视角能够穿过玻璃、玻璃板与铁栏杆 (MCPE-85429)


  • Throwing an Eye of Ender now emits vibrations
  • 现在,投掷末影之眼会发出振动
  • Minecarts now consistently emit vibrations when moving on Rails while empty
  • 现在,空载的矿车在铁轨中移动将持续发出振动
  • Collecting Fish, Axolotls, and Tadpoles with Buckets now emits vibrations
  • 现在,用水桶收集鱼、美西螈与蝌蚪时会发出振动
  • Cleaning items in Cauldrons now emits vibrations
  • 现在,清除炼药锅盛装物现在将发出振动
  • Dying Leather Armor in Cauldrons now emits vibrations
  • 现在,在炼药锅中为盔甲染色将发出振动
  • Tipping Arrows in Cauldrons now emits vibrations
  • 现在,在炼药锅中为箭矢添加药水效果将发出振动
  • Using Dyes to change Cauldrons' water color now emits vibrations
  • 现在,为炼药锅中的水染色会发出振动
  • Non-player actors now emit a vibration event when equipping Shields in their off-hand slot
  • 现在,非玩家实体在将盾牌装备在副手中时会发出振动


  • Fixed an issue with the client failing to attempt connection to dedicated server in some situations
  • 修复了某些情况下客户端无法连接到服务端的问题


  • Fixed a bug that autocomplete suggestions for values coming after brackets are missing if there is no space between tilde (as Z coordinate) and block name in commands
  • 修复了若命令中作为Z坐标的"~"与方块名称间没有空格则剩余命令的快速输入建议会消失的问题
  • The unknown block is no longer available to be set or filled via commands (MCPE-165301)
  • 现在,"Unknown Block"不会在命令快速输入提示中显示且无法在填充类命令中被使用 (MCPE-165301)
  • The 'hasitem' command will now use the data value as damage when selecting damageable items (MCPE-159409)
  • "hasitem"现在在选中可破坏项目时可以使用数据值 (MCPE-159409)



  • Removed MinecraftItemTypes from @minecraft/server and replaced with version from @minecraft/vanilla-data
  • 在 @minecraft/server 中移除了 MinecraftItemTypes并将其替换为了 @minecraft/vanilla-data 中的版本

ADD-ONS 与 脚本引擎

  • Added Script Binding functions to get/set the CompoundBlockVolume origin
  • 添加了 Script Binding 函数以获取/设置 CompoundBlockVolume
  • Added additional params to some methods to query the children of CompoundBlockVolume for their positional relativity to the parent
  • 为部分方法添加了额**数来查询 CompoundBlockVolume 父项对子项的相对位置
  • Added additional params to some methods to freeze positional relativty when origin changes are submitted
  • 为部分方法添加了额**数以在源更改时暂时冻结相对位置
  • Big Dripleaf blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • 大型垂滴叶方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • Small Dripleaf blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • 小型垂滴叶方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • Pink Petals blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • 粉红色花簇方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • End Portal Frame blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • 末地传送门框架方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • Lectern blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • 讲台方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • Anvil blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • 铁砧方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • Campfire blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • 篝火现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • Soul Campfire blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • 灵魂篝火方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • Calibrated Sculk Sensor blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • 校频幽匿感测体方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • Powered Comparator blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • 激活的红石比较器方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • Unpowered Comparator blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • 未激活的红石比较器方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • Powered Repeater blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • 激活的红石中继器方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • Unpowered Repeater blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • 未激活的红石中继器方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3]
  • BlastFurnace blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "facing_direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
  • 高炉方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "facing_direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
  • Furnace blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "facing_direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
  • 熔炉方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "facing_direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
  • LitBlastFurnace blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "facing_direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
  • 点燃的高炉方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "facing_direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
  • LitFurnace blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "facing_direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
  • 点燃的熔炉方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "facing_direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
  • LitSmoker blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "facing_direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
  • 点燃的烟熏炉方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "facing_direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
  • Smoker blocks use state "minecraft:cardinal_direction" instead of "facing_direction", this state uses string values ["south", "west", "north", and "east"] instead of [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
  • 烟熏炉方块现在将使用 "minecraft:cardinal_direction" 状态而非 "facing_direction" 状态, 此状态使用字符串值 ["south", "west", "north", 及 "east"] 而非 [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]

AI 目标

  • "cooldown" field for target descriptors now properly work in "minecraft:behavior.nearest_prioritized_attackable_target" goal
  • 目标描述中的 "cooldown" 字段现在可以在 "minecraft:behavior.nearest_prioritized_attackable_target" 目标中正常工作


The Editor and its corresponding API are in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor.
基岩版编辑器及其API目前仍处于早期开发阶段,仅在使用键鼠输入的Windows PC版Minecraft Preview构建可用。你可以在社交媒体中使用 #BedrockEditor 标签来标记相关内容!

Learn how to use the Editor, join the GitHub Discussion discussion forum to engage with the team, and get started building extensions via the starter kit and samples .
这里 学习如何使用编辑器,加入我们的 GitHub 讨论社区 来与团队人员交谈,你也可以通过 快速开始工具包标准示例 来开始你的第一次构建!

Fixes this week:

  • Fixed a bug where the position of the selection cursor was not being recalculated upon block updates
  • 修复了方块更新时不会重新计算光标位置的问题
  • Vec3 component minimum limit will now default to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
  • 现在,Vec3 的默认最小限制变更为了 Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
  • Player count added to status bar
  • 玩家数量现已被添加至状态栏
  • Editor API updates - documentation to follow:
  • 基岩版编辑器API更新 - 遵循下列文档:
    • Fixed bugs caused by CompoundBlockVolume relativity
    • 修复了 CompoundBlockVolume 相对卷导致的问题
    • Normalize the use of CompoundBlockVolume instead of Selection
    • 初始化体系现在使用 CompoundBlockVolume 而不是 Selection
    • Updated CompoundBlockVolume to maintain internal volume list as relative
    • 更新了 CompoundBlockVolume 以确保内部卷列表始终为相对卷
      • Converted CompoundBlockVolume to be a list of relative volumes to an origin.
      • 将 CompoundBlockVolume 转换为了与源相对应的体积列表
      • Added a CompoundBlockVolumeRelativeType to signal volume push operations as relative or absolute
      • 添加了 CompoundBlockVolumeRelativeType 以将音量系操作变更为相对或绝对信号
      • Added set/get Origin functions and a translate function
      • 添加了一个被用于设置/获取源的函数与一个翻译用函数


  • Released the "minecraft:enchantable" item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.30 and higher
  • 在1.20.30及更高Json版本中将 "minecraft:enchantable" 组件进行了去实验化
  • Deprecated "minecraft:mining_speed" in json formats 1.20.30 and higher. Use "minecraft:digger" instead to achieve the same functionality
  • 在1.20.30及更高Json版本中停用了 "minecraft:mining_speed" 组件。 使用 "minecraft:digger" 来达到相同效果


  • Entity names beginning with a number will now result in a content error
  • 现在,实体名称不能以数字开头并将导致内容错误发生


  • The correct broken state of the Elytra is rendered in Item Frames (MCPE-19700)
  • 现在,鞘翅的损坏状态将正确在组件框架中显示 (MCPE-19700)

脚本 API

  • Converting the CompoundBlockVolume container to use relative coordinates to an internal origin
  • CompoundBlockVolume 容器转换为了使用内部源的相对位置
  • Normalize the use of CompoundBlockVolume instead of Selection across Editor API
  • 规范了 CompoundBlockVolume 的使用


  • Fixed localization of 'Detected lost connection' connection is lost from other player or server (MCPE-173028)
  • 修复了“检测到连接丢失”错误标语未翻译的问题 (MCPE-173028)


Render Dragon Features for Creators

Introducing new experimental cross-platform graphics features for creators. We are making these available early as a technical preview to get feedback as we develop. Performance and visual fidelity will improve over time.

Features included in this first technical preview include:

  • PBR materials – blocks and entities
  • PBR 材料 – 方块与实体
  • Primary lighting
  • 主要照明
  • Shadows (sun & moon)
  • 阴影 (太阳与月亮)
  • Bloom
  • 光华
  • Tone mapping
  • 色彩映射
  • Atmospheric Scattering
  • 大气散射

For now, these features are available in Preview/Beta on:
现在,这些功能已在以下平台上的Minecraft Preview/Beta版本中可用:

  • Windows PC
  • Windows PC
  • Xbox
  • Xbox
  • Android
  • Android

For more information and guides on how to get started using these features, check out our post here: aka.ms/deferredPreview
要获取更多信息及快速开始指南,请参阅 aka.ms/deferredPreview


  • Fixed a bug where setLore would incorrectly calculate the length of lore strings containing multi-byte characters (MCPE-173189)
  • 修复了 setLore 会错误计算包含多字节字符的 lore 字符串长度的问题 (MCPE-173189)
    • Added function remove - Removes the Entity. This cannot be called on Players but can be used on SimulatedPlayers in Gametest.
    • 添加了 remove 函数 - 用于删除实体. 这一函数不能作用于玩家,但可以在 GameTest 中的 SimulatedPlayers 上使用。
  • MolangVariableMap
  • MolangVariableMap
    • Added setFloat function
    • 添加了 setFloat 函数
    • Changed return type of setColorRBG, setColorRGBA, setSpeedAndDirection, and setVector3 to void
    • 将 setColorRBG, setColorRGBA, setSpeedAndDirection 和 setVector3 的返回值类型更改为了 void
    • Changed the MolangVariableMap property on spawnParticle to be optional: spawnParticle(effectName: string, location: Vector3, molangVariables?: MolangVariableMap): void
    • 将 spawnParticle 中的 MolangVariableMap 书写更改为可选: spawnParticle(effectName: string, location: Vector3, molangVariables?: MolangVariableMap): void
  • Renamed Color interface to RGBA
  • 将 Color 接口重命名为 RGBA
  • Added interface RGB
  • 添加了 RGB 接口


  • Custom blocks will now only transmit Redstone power if they are a unit cube and all materials are opaque (MCPE-168998)
  • 现在,自定义方块只有在作为单位立方体且所有材料均为不透明时才能传输红石信号 (MCPE-168998)


  • Fixed an issue where items with format version 1.20.20 and above using the 'menu_category' field in a world with the 'Holiday Creator Features' toggle enabled would not load
  • 修复了在1.20.20及更高版本中启用了“假日创建者功能”选项并使用“menu_category”字段的物品无法加载的问题
  • Removed "minecraft:requires_interact" component
  • 移除了 "minecraft:requires_interact" 组件

Minecraft Preview & Beta 版本相关信息:

  • Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
  • Minecraft Preview 现已在 Xbox、Windows10/11 及 iOS 设备上可用。要获取更多信息,请参阅 aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
  • The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions.
  • Minecraft Beta则在 Android (Google Play) 上可用。要了解关于加入或退出Beta计划的更多信息,请参阅 aka.ms/JoinMCBeta

As always, you can check out the latest full changelog at aka.ms/MinecraftBeta . Good luck and enjoy the Minecraft Preview update!
一如既往,你可以在 aka.ms/MinecraftBeta 查看最新的完整更新报告。祝您在本周的Minecraft Preview中玩的愉快!

【Bingkler 译自feedback.minecraft.net 2023 年 8 月 3 日发布的 Minecraft Beta & Preview -
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