




[1.20]Better Totem of Undying-更好的不死图腾

随便 2023-7-4 09:42:13 实用 阅读 1750 来自 中国福建厦门
中文名称: 更好的不死图腾
英文名称: Better Totem of Undying
来源: 转载
MOD版本: 1.20
MOD类型: 实用
下载地址: 本帖
最后更新: 2023-07-04
语言支持: 英文
联机兼容: 未知
安装方法: 拖入游戏核心jar文件


图腾 一个高度可配置的模组,通过添加新功能来改进《我的世界》不死图腾。您可以将不希望图腾工作的尺寸甚至结构列入黑名单。该模组还与Curios API兼容。


  • [size=0.875]击退暴民。
  • [size=0.875]拯救实体免于在虚空中死亡。
  • [size=0.875]可以选择使用库存中的图腾(默认禁用)。
  • [size=0.875]如果安装了古玩模组,您可以使用魅力插槽中的图腾。
  • [size=0.875]可以选择向图腾添加冷却时间(默认禁用)。
  • [size=0.875]如果你窒息图腾会破坏你所在的方块(如果你想让一些方块不被图腾打破,你可以在标签“totem_cant_break”中添加方块)。
  • [size=0.875]您可以将不希望图腾起作用的维度列入黑名单。
  • [size=0.875]您可以将不希望图腾起作用的结构列入黑名单。
  • [size=0.875]如果您的食物水平为 <= 8(当您无法跑步时),将您的食物水平提高到 6。请注意,饥饿条的范围从 0 到 20。
  • [size=0.875]应用水呼吸效果。
  • [size=0.875]仅在需要时使用耐火和水呼吸效果,这意味着只有当您分别着火或在水中时,您才会收到效果。

  • [size=0.875]我的世界默认图腾功能:在这里,您可以配置《我的世界》默认使用图腾执行的操作,例如为您提供再生和吸收效果。
  • [size=0.875]新的图腾功能:在这里,您可以配置模组添加的所有新图腾功能。
  • [size=0.875]古玩:在这里,您可以配置与古玩集成相关的内容。
  • [size=0.875]黑名单:您可以在此处将维度或结构列入黑名单。
["Minecraft Default Totem Features"]
        #This value sets the health Totem of Undying will give to the entity upon use. DEFAULT: 1
        #Range: 0 ~ 20
        "Set Health" = 1
        #When Totem of Undying is used it removes all previous effects you had. If set to false, it will keep all the effects you had before using the totem. DEFAULT: TRUE
        "Remove All Effects" = true

        ["Minecraft Default Totem Features".Effects]
                #If false Totem of Undying will not give you fire resistance effect. DEFAULT: TRUE
                "Enable Fire Resistance" = true
                #Sets the duration of the fire resistance effect in ticks. DEFAULT: 800
                "Fire Resistance Duration" = 800
                #If false Totem of Undying will not give you regeneration effect. DEFAULT: TRUE
                "Enable Regeneration" = true
                #Sets the duration of the regeneration effect in ticks. DEFAULT: 900
                "Regeneration Duration" = 900
                #Sets the amplifier of the regeneration effect. DEFAULT: 1
                #Range: 0 ~ 255
                "Regeneration Amplifier" = 1
                #If false Totem of Undying will not give you absorption effect. DEFAULT: TRUE
                "Enable Absorption" = true
                #Sets the duration of the absorption effect in ticks. DEFAULT: 100
                "Absorption Duration" = 100
                #Sets the amplifier of the absorption effect. DEFAULT: 1
                #Range: 0 ~ 255
                "Absorption Amplifier" = 1

["New Totem Features"]
        #If true you will be able to use the Totem of Undying from your inventory. DEFAULT: FALSE
        "Use Totem From Inventory" = false

        ["New Totem Features".Effects]
                #Apply fire resistance and water breathing effects only when needed, meaning you are going to receive the effects only if you are on fire or in water respectively. DEFAULT: TRUE
                "Apply Effects Only When Needed" = true
                #If false Totem of Undying will not give you water breathing effect. DEFAULT: TRUE
                "Enable Water Breathing" = true
                #Sets the duration of the water breathing effect in ticks. DEFAULT: 800
                "Water Breathing Duration" = 800
                #If false Totem of Undying will not give you slow falling effect. DEFAULT: TRUE
                "Enable Slow Falling" = true
                #Sets the duration of the slow falling effect in ticks. DEFAULT: 600
                "Slow Falling Duration" = 600

        ["New Totem Features"."Increase Food Level"]
                #If false Totem of Undying will not increase your food level. DEFAULT: TRUE
                "Increase Food Level" = true
                #Sets the minimum food level needed to Totem of Undying increase food level. DEFAULT: <= 6
                #Range: 0 ~ 20
                "Minimum Food Level" = 6
                #Sets the food level that Totem of Undying will give upon use. DEFAULT: 8
                #Range: 0 ~ 20
                "Set Food Level" = 8

        ["New Totem Features"."Destroy Blocks When Suffocating or Fully Frozen"]
                #If false Totem of Undying will not break blocks when you are suffocating. DEFAULT: TRUE
                "Destroy Blocks When Suffocating" = true
                #If false Totem of Undying will not break the powder snow when you die fully frozen. DEFAULT: TRUE
                "Destroy Powder Snow When Fully Frozen" = true

        ["New Totem Features"."Knockback Mobs Away"]
                #If false Totem of Undying will not knockback mobs away. DEFAULT: TRUE
                "Knockback Mobs Away" = true
                #Sets the radius where entities needs to be for the totem knockback them. DEFAULT: 3.0
                "Knockback Radius" = 3.0
                #Sets the strength of the knockback. DEFAULT: 2.5
                "Knockback Strength" = 2.5

        ["New Totem Features"."Teleport Out of Void"]
                #If false Totem of Undying will not save you from dying in the void. DEFAULT: TRUE
                "Teleport Out of Void" = true
                #If totem can't find a available position to teleport you back it will teleport you to the world's max build height plus this offset. DEFAULT:64
                #Range: 0 ~ 1024
                "Teleport Height Offset" = 64

        ["New Totem Features"."Add Cooldown"]
                #If true Totem of Undying will receive a cooldown after being used and you will not be able to use it again during this period. DEFAULT: FALSE
                "Add Cooldown" = false
                #Sets the cooldown duration in ticks. DEFAULT: 200
                Cooldown = 200

        #If false you will not be able to use Totem of Undying from charm slot (Curios mod must be installed). DEFAULT: TRUE
        "Use Totem From Charm Slot" = true
        #If false Totem of Undying will not be displayed on the chest when worn in the curios charm slot (Curios mod must be installed). DEFAULT: TRUE
        "Display Totem on Chest" = true

        #You can put here dimensions where you don't want Totem of Undying to work. Example: "minecraftverworld", "mod_id:dimension_id" DEFAULT: Nothing
        "Blacklisted Dimensions" = []
        #You can put here structures where you don't want Totem of Undying to work. Example: "minecraft:desert_pyramid", "mod_id:structure_id" DEFAULT: Nothing
        "Blacklisted Structures" = []



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